Wolf Novel 99

Wolf Novel 99



Their son had been born on the 6th of June. It had been a horrid day for him thinking that he was going to lose Harmony, and he and Huntley had not known what to do when Ryan had 

come out and told him what was going on. He’d not been needed in that room once s**t had 

hit the fan. He’d been given his son to hold after about 10 minutes, but his eyes had been on 

the operating room. Both he and Huntley had feared the worst

They’d made the decision in that moment, that if she did not get a wolf there would be no 

more pups, because they would not risk losing her to something as natural as childbirth. They 

would rather have just one child and their Mate, then to try and have another that could see 

her die

The full moon was here, and he was looking at her sitting in their bed; he knew it was time to 

mark her. She also knew it was as well. She’d spent the first five days after having Finn in the 

hospital. He’d wanted her to, just to make sure everything was going well with her. She was 

doing just fine and had been released on the 11th

She looked a little nervous to him about what was going to happen, and had actually asked to 

see his fangs at one point yesterday, and he’d shown her; they weren’t exactly small, and she’d 

stared at them and bitten her lower lip a little, muttered That’s going to hurt.” 

She’d seen it happen many times over the course of the past few months and been shocked by it many times. The suddenness of one just grabbing onto their Mate and sinking fangs into 

them, claiming what was theirs without hesitation the moment the moon set. Though she’d 

also seen some hesitation, and one rejections as well

She saw their wolves get all hot and heavy and want to mate right there in front of others

uncaring of who saw, as they marked each other and their bond formed, and that pain of the 

bite turned to pleasure. He was sitting with her on their bed, they were already mated to each 

other, and she wasn’t up to having s*x either. Humans were different to wolves and needed 

time to heal

Kristen had stated, four to six weeks, or when Harmony felt comfortable, in doing so, though 

regardless of that, he should take it easy if she wanted to, let her be in control of the s*x. That 

way she’d know what she could handle or not

He was actually enjoying just being able to lay in their bed and have her lean into him, sleep soundly against him. At times Finn would be in their bed with them, though not between them


+9 Points 


he would snuggle up behind her, and they’d both rest their hands on their son. He had dark blue eyes just like they both did, and he was more Garrett than Harmony. Not much of her Korean lineage shone through

Though he’d told her if she got a wolf, and they were to have more children, he wanted a daughter that looked just like her. She’d shaken her head a little and told him, regardless, she wanted at least one more baby. They’d stared hard at each other that day, and he’d muttered 

we’ll discuss it after you do or don’t get a wolf.” 

To which she’d smiled at him and murmured do you really think you’ll be able to keep your paws off me to stop that from happening? I was on birth control when Finn was conceived

Somehow, I don’t think it’s up to you. Will of your Goddess.” 

Now here he sat and Finn was all tucked into his crib in the nursery, fed and sound asleep.Are you ready?he asked her

As I’ll ever be.” She nodded, and he’d watched her move her hair aside for him, but then she 

had put a hand on his chest as he’d leaned forward and looked right at him Don’t get all 

turned on, I’m not ready to have s*x yet. It still hurts from the csection.” 

He’d smiled at her, I think, sweetheart, I’ll be able to refrain. It’ll also be you that gets all hot 

and bothered from the Marking.” 

Well, don’t take that as I want to.she’d bitten her lip a little

His mouth had touched hers in a soft kiss, and he’d just sat there and kissed her for a long 

time until she was half melted into him, and he’d smelled the beginnings of her arousal, had 

leaned forward until they were laying on their bed and his mouth left hers to trail soft kisses 

down her neck, until he’d reached her mark spot, and he’d kissed it gently at first, nipped at it 

and kissed it firmer as she’d started to become more aroused, and he heard her moan his 

name and smiled against her skin

He and Huntley growled the word Mine.At her and had bitten down on her neck firmly, his fangs burying into her, he heard her gasp in pain and felt her body stiffen and her hands grabbed onto him and pushed at him. He understood it was just a reflex to the pain of his bite

He took her hands and pinned them to the bed, bit down harder and started to bleed his venom into her. He heard her cry out that it hurt, to stop. But he would not, the pain would pass in just a minute and if he stopped midmarking it would only cause her more pain to 

have to try again. He held her down to Claim her completely, and it took only a minute before she started to relax underneath him and the pain started to flow away from her and the pleasure of his mouth on her mark spot started to take over as his fangs receded, and he slid 


+9 Points 


his tongue over the two puncture marks to seal them

He allowed his mouth to remain on her neck in long slow kisses until that filigree that was adorning her neck fully formed and only then did he lift his mouth from hers and look down at her. Smiled at her, she was all turned on and her arousal was strong around them. It was a pity they couldn’t have s*x. He could see from the look in her eyes she wanted to, more than 

wanted to

You’ll never be able to escape me now.he smiled down at her and ran his fingers over her 

filigree and a moan of pleasure rolled out of her, and she yanked his mouth down to hers to 

kiss the hell out of him. He was the one to stop her; knew they couldn’t, and she was all desire 

from being Marked by him and Huntley. It was a completely normal part of the process. He pulled away from her, and she pouted up at him, and he chuckled and shook his head, Just 

wait till the next full moon.” He smiled at her You’ll get your wolf and Huntley is going to mate 

the hell out of her, and then, sweetheart, I’m going to have you. s*x is very different for a shewolf, everything is enhanced and with a mate bond tenfold.” 

Is that what you feel now?she asked

Mm it is.” he nodded I always enjoyed the s*x, but it is much more fun since I scented you out, even you know there is a difference to it. Getting your wolf will see you feel all those mate bond sparks that I feel. And you’ll really see the stars then. Mother and father will take Finn for the night and you and I, Huntley and your wolf, will be all about mating each other.” 

I’ll get to Mark you.she smiled at him

Yes,” he touched his neck. Right here.” 

He’d watched her over the course of the next few weeks leading up to the full moon that would see her gain her wolf or not. She was, he thought, going to get one. At times, she just kind of zoned out for no reason, and then shook her head, stated she had a headache or felt fuzzy inside her mind, when he asked her if she was alright

They were all telltale signs that her beast was trying to communicate with her, he wasn’t interfering in the process, some could connect with their wolf prior to their first shift and some couldn’t; that just depended on the individual. Though the day before the full moon had come, she’d fully glazed over at the dinner table and everyone had seen it

His mother had looked right at him knowingly; she’d been able to talk to her wolf prior to her first shift and had done so but not told his father what they’d talked about

He stood out there with her the next night. The full moon was about to be upon them, and she was standing behind a privacy screen. He’d let her see several first shifts so that she knew 


+8 Point 

Epilogue 2 

what she was in for and just how long it could take, hear the cries of pain and fully understand 

the process. She was nervous he knew that

She was standing out here waring one of his shirts that he didn’t mind being destroyed, and his unit, her unit, were all sitting around just waiting for the moment she would shift for the 

first time. He was leaned up against a tree just watching her as she stood there, three times

already she’d glazed over, and he figured her beast was talking her through it

The moon set and that first c***k of her bones saw her head whip round and a gasp of pain 

come from her, Let it happen, don’t fight it.he told her gently as he stepped towards her

She was trying to accept it, breathing through the pain of her body transforming for the first 

time. He’d already explained it would get easier with each shift and after six or seven of them 

she wouldn’t feel it anymore; be used to it

He saw her eyes change colour and felt Huntley push forward at the sight of her soft 

ambercoloured eyes that were now looking at them. His wolfen counterpart started at him 

right before the final shift, and then there she was standing before him. A beautiful white wolf 

with a little silvering on her face above her eyes

A low hungry growl erupted from his beast and he was shifted to stand before her, his wolfen Mate. She was perfect and Huntley walked over to her and touched his head to hers as a mark 

of love and respect. He couldn’t yet speak with her. Their Marking wasn’t complete

He was purring for her a moment later as he slid his head along her body and walked around her, to come back to stand next to her, she looked right up at him and purred softly herself, she 

understood who he was to her. Then she pounced right on him and knocked him down, stood staring down at him and Garrett chuckled inside his beasts mine, Let her Mark you. It’s what 

she wants to connect with us.” 

It should be Harmony.” Huntley told him, but turned his face from hers, and she latched right on to him, her wolf’s fangs burying into him to mark him in wolfen form

Cress.He heard her gravelly voice inside his mind as she announced herself to them, before just running off into the woods

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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