Wolf Novel 95

Wolf Novel 95

CH 95 


Why? Is the correct question to ask Gregory, I believe I stated that to Albert at the airport, what I wanted.” He turned his eyes to the man. But I see he’s not bothered to inform you of that. The words between himself and I. I gave him the choice to strip Chloe from the family 

register and disown her. That deadline is now. 

Yet here she is standing in this room behind him like he is her shield. Chloe saw fit to call myself an asshole. I really do hate profanity. I rarely, if ever, use it. One of the things I’m known for, actually. That I take it personally when someone swears at me in public 

This,” he swept his hand to all the charges to be filed Is it, my reaction to that one insult from Chloe Silverton! But now, seeing as you couldn’t manage the girl, and neither could your son, I want both Damien and Chloe gone from this city. To see them both shipped off together

I don’t really care where to

I just want them away from Harmony, period. I also want Chloe disowned and broke, to leave with no money, to live the life of a normal person. Like Harmony always did, to not have anyone else to rely upon for money to buy her things. To have to work for every cent she earns and pinch pennies to survive

Just to show her what it is actually like to do this to someone, have a wealthy family target her for no reason other thanI can. There is no more playing nice with any of you. Chloe pushed me past my limit of control and curtesy. If I get what I want here today, then all of this goes away; for everyone in this room, both families.” 

He took the file that Wyatt held out to him and placed it on the table and opened it. Pulled the family registers for both the Blackwell’s and the Silverton’s from it Strike them from the ledgers in front of me and fill in the paperwork which Laurie will file on your behalf. Toss them both out before my very eyes.He stated and slid the ledgers across to Albert and Gregory

Grandfather, you wouldn’t.” Chloe gasped, clutching at him

“Father,Damien murmured, “It wasn’t me, I just did everything you told me to.” 

I wonder what is more important?Garrett mused aloud, Your family and company reputation or your spoiled, entitled, selfish, rude children, grandchildren. That clearly don’t care to put the family’s reputation first. I am worth more than a hundred times your two families combined. I will drag this out until both your families are broke and on the street. Each and 


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every one of you,” he stated so all in this room understood his intent

Garrett sat watching those two families, as they tried to make the decision that was now before them. They could in fact save themselves, their companies and their familiesreputations and all by simply tossing those two away

Gregory would lose his eldest and only son, who was in line to take over the family business, but he had two daughters he could hand it down to if he could make it recover from the damage already done

His eyes moved to the two girls sitting in the chairs by the wall. They were both smiling a bit over there, as they realised getting rid of Damien would see them become the new heirs to the 

family. They didn’t seem at all concerned about what was going on in this room, and he 

realised it was likely that their mother had money

She could well have property in her name, given to her from Gregory during their relationship as a way of keeping her happy due to the way this family worked. Like what Damien had said 

to his father, he had to give Chloe everything she wanted to have Harmony on his arm

Damien was just staring at his father, who had, from what he’d just heard, put him up to 

everything, and didn’t see why he should be punished and cast out of the family for it

Laurel was just sitting there quietly waiting for the outcome, and he had a feeling if Damien 

was removed from the family ledger, there was no need for her to be here anymore; in this 

marriage which was likely loveless

Chloe was begging her grandfather not to do it, going on about how she was pregnant and couldn’t raise the baby without any money. That no secretarial job she could get could ever 

make enough money to support her lifestyle, as well as buy all the things she needed for the 


Without money,Albert stated as he looked at her, support your lifestyle.” He grated out Honestly, Chloe, at a time like this, you go on about money. When you should be appealing to me as your loving grandfather, not as your benefactor of money. State you can’t raise the baby without your family, but no. It’s all about money, my money that you spend frivolously.” 

I need my family.Chloe rushed out, My words were wrong, grandfather, I meant without my family.” She was really begging him now, knelt down next to him and was looking up at him


Albert’s eyes moved from her to Garrett as he moved the girl’s hands from his arm

Garrett smiled at him, I think you’re well aware who the golddigger is,” he commented, and 


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moved his eyes to Chloe; going on about money

Chloe stood up and turned to him. “That b***h ruined my life, in more ways than one. She took 

Damien from me, and now look at what she’s done, ruined our lives completely. Gregory won’t 

even let us get married now.she yelled at him

How is that Harmony’s fault?he shot right back, I believe Damien asked Harmony out, not the other way around, that you agreed even, because from what I can tell you would get. access to the Blackwellsmoney in return. Who’s the golddigger?he grated out at her

It’s all her fault.” Chloe yelled at him. I’ll make her pay for it.” 

You’re delusional Chloe.Albert stated, “I can see why it has come to this. “I disown you, Chloe Silverton, as my grandchild. I will ship you off to Europe and there you will stay, find yourself a job and work for the rest of your life. To learn there are consequences for your actions, you are an ungrateful girl, that even now can’t keep her mouth shut when it is needed

Garrett watched as Albert struck her from the family register and started to fill out the forms to legalise it. He saw Chloe turn and stare horrified at her grandfather Bbut I’m your 

favourite.” She stammered disbelievingly

Not anymore.” Albert stated, Mr Owens, I apologise on behalf of this ungrateful woman,” he then sighed heavily She is, however, pregnant, as you can well see. If you would allow me to give her a small sum of money to start her new life I would appreciate that greatlya sum of just twenty thousand should do it.” 

Agreed, I will want my people there to see she is gone.” 

That can be arranged.” Albert nodded

Grandfather!Chloe exclaimed. That won’t even get me house and car, or new clothes to 

wear. How am I supposed to live on that? My handbag and luggage are worth more than that 


I’m not your relation anymore, girl. Again, what you state is ridiculous, a perfectly good waste of money, who the hell spends that much on a handbag and suitcases?” 

Her eyes turned to Garrett as she realised she was losing everything in her world, even the love of her grandfather. He smiled right at her. Look, now you can marry Damien, once you 

both leave the country and are tossed out, Gregory won’t decline the marriage. Won’t care at 

all who the man marries once he’s been disowned as well.” 

He could see her anger notching up now, she was really fuming. I wonder if I’ll win that bet


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Chloe. Do you really love Damien or was it all just about getting your grubby hands on his family’s money? Are you still willing to marry him and go live a regular Joe life in Europe

Raise that baby of his with him or will you show your true colours and walk away from him, because he had nothing to give you.” 

You’re despicable Garrett Owens.She spat out at him

Hmm, I don’t see it that way. I’m actually giving your family and Damien’s a way to save 

themselves from utter ruination. Which will also give you the opportunity to marry Damien as 

you stated you wanted to. The two of you can go and live your lives, freely and openly. Raise 

your child together and never have anyone come between the two of you again. I think that is 

quite considerate of me, considering all you’ve done to hurt my fiancée.” 

She was standing there glaring at him, her fists were balled at her sides, he was calling her 

out and she knew it

I’ll even go one step further, to so how generous I am. I’ll organise for you to be married 

before you leave tomorrow. Get you and Damien legally married, I do know a judge who does 

that.He smiled right at her

Got to hell.” She grated out

His eyes moved to Damien, who was also watching Chloe now as she stalked away from the 

table, looked to be going to leave the room. So only his money then is it?Garrett snorted

His words halted her steps, and he could see everyone in the room was now looking at her. ” 

Are you just a golddigger?he stated, fully amused, Certainly look like one right this minute.” 

he was pushing her, and he knew it

It was all about money for her, he was now 100% certain of that, as was everyone in this room

because if it wasn’t, she wouldn’t be stalking out of the room away from the man she 

professed to love and wanted to marry. It was clear she was only in it for the money. 

She had a decision to make; be seen as the golddigger they now all knew her to be. Or marry 

Damien and be tied to him even though he was broke and couldn’t provide her with the life she 

wanted to have. Have to live married to a man she knew she didn’t love

His eyes were on Damien, that boy looked mad, but not mad at Garrett, mad at the woman he 

loved, who he was now just learning, didn’t truly love him. Unlike Harmony, who had loved him. He’d screwed his life up completely

My terms will be the same, Garrett.Gregory finally stated, though his eyes were also on Chloe, he was going to punish that girl himself, it seemed, for bringing ruination to his family


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He saw Gregory strike Damien from the family register, Though I’d like to give Damien a house in France that I own. It’s small but can give them a place to live and raise their child. I also can’t in good conscience make the two of them homeless when there is a baby on the way.” 

Garrett nodded he didn’t really care about what they got, just that they were disowned and gone from the city with no reason to ever come back. He watched as Chloe turned and walked 

over to Damien and stood next to him. Seems that house in France was the clincher for her

once again showing her true colours

He smiled at Chloe, “Excellent. Let’s get you two married, Laurie?” 

I’ve got them booked in for nine thirty tomorrow morning with Judge Hamilton, and to show 

we’re no horrible people, I’ll organise their flights myself, for tomorrow as well. Even make sure 

they have a full escort to their new home, in France. I’ll need the details of that house, Mr 


It’s in Perpignan,” he stated I’ll have to sign the deeds over to him.” 

I can verify that, I’ll also need their passports to sort out flights.” 

I have those.Gregory nodded

I’ll want a fully signed contract to state none of these charges will be laid,Albert 


Laurie, you brought those?” 

I did. Though you will not be signing them until those two over there are married and on the plane. I suggest we all go to the airport from the courthouse tomorrow.” 

I’m fine with that, Gregory, Albert?he asked

They both nodded, and he smiled at Chloe, she’d lost everything, and he’d gotten exactly what he wanted. I hope you’ll be happy Chloe. You’re getting to marry the man you love after all.” 


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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