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He walked right into the Blackwell’s estate home, along with his unit and Laurie. He was here to make a proper statement. Laurel was waiting for them after they’d been let in, and greeted them with a curt nod “Mr Owens.” Though she looked uncomfortable with him in her home,
her tone was respectful.
“Mrs Blackwell. Please lead the way.” he motioned for her to walk. There was no need for polite chit–chat, straight to business was his goal here this afternoon. It was a nice house, he noted, he’d never been inside it before, and he did note a few of the walls were bare, though he could see picture hooks. Likely had paintings that would normally hang there but had been
sold off to help pay their debts.
They were led down a hallway to what he thought was their formal dining room. Gregory and Damien were seated at the table and a space was left for Laurel. His two sisters were seated on chairs behind them along the wall, to show they were there but not involved in the matter.
Charles and Cynthia Sliverton, Chloe’s parents, were seated at the table, directly after Albert was and Chloe stood behind her grandfather and her sister sat on a chair by the wall, the
same as Damien’s two sisters did.
His eyes landed right on Chloe Silverton and her eyes dropped away to the floor, her standing directly behind her grandfather and not her parents. He understood that: Albert was going to be dealing with Garrett, not her parents, Charles and Cynthia.
Damien, he also noted, was down the table next to his father not seated next to Chloe where he should be, seeing as this meeting was about the two of them and she was his intended
Laurel motioned for them to take a seat, and he sat, as did Laurie, right next to him and his unit stood directly behind them. He was hoping this wouldn’t take too long.
Laurel, he noted, looked more than unhappy as she took her seat next to her husband.
“I guess Gregory, I can see why you never approved of a marriage between your son and Miss Sliverton.” Garrett stated what he thought on the matter.
His eyes moved to Chloe, and he got nothing from her. She had been fully reprimanded and warned already, he could only imagine, by her grandfather about keeping her mouth closed for this meeting. Garrett could only presume the past 24hours for both of these families had not
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been fun. Everyone looked unhappy to be in this room, bar those three sisters sitting casually against the wall.
“She doesn’t know how to hold her tongue, when she should, and is warned to shut up even.” He saw Chloe’s eyes move to his, he was trying to evoke a response from her to prove his
“What is the actual point of this meeting, Garrett?” Gregory stated. “I’d thought you and I had a
verbal agreement, about you leaving us alone if we left Harmony alone?”
“Hmm, we did.” Garrett nodded, turning his attention to Gregory. “That was until yesterday,
when your side broke our agreement.”
“What?” Gregory grated out and looked right at Damien “I bloody warned you.” he snapped at
his own son.
“I didn’t do anything.” Damien snapped right back.
Seems they were in the dark about yesterday. That was interesting to him. “He did not breach
it, though I heard he’s trying to get an appointment with my healthy and well–being clinic, for free surgery to minimise the scarring from that wolf attack a week and a half ago.”
He saw Gregory nod “Yes, though he’d not been able to even get an appointment.”
“He isn’t likely to, and free.” Garrett shook his head “There are guidelines for that, one being the person isn’t able to afford the surgery,” he looked about the house, “I don’t think he fits the bill, you still seem to have plenty of money to go around, so I suggest you look elsewhere for plastic surgery for your son.” He stated.
“As for who broke the deal,” Garrett went on. “That would be Chloe. I warned you, Gregory,
about what I would do. I warned Albert Silverton yesterday as well. I’m now here to follow through on my threat.”
He watched Gregory turn his eyes upon Chloe. “What the hell did you do, girl?” he grated out at
“There’s no need for her to try and lie her way out of it. I brought the footage from the airport
with me for you all to see she breached the agreement freely and willingly.” He smiled.
“Clarify for me Gregory, that Chloe was informed of the deal we struck, yes?” Garrett asked.
“Yes.” Gregory nodded “Everyone in the family was, including the Sliverton’s, to make sure it
wasn’t breached.”
“Good.” Garrett nodded, and he motioned for Wyatt to play the footage.
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It showed Chloe had walked right by them and turned to look at him and Harmony, who’d been
walking along, hadn’t even seen her, were happy and smiling, strolling along hand in hand
chatting, completely unaware that Chloe had been right there.
That she’d stalked back to them to state those nasty words. It hadn’t been a flippant
off–handed comment in passing, but had been a clear–cut decision on her part, to come and insult Harmony with him right there next to her.
The footage then skipped to outside the airport. It was a long angle, the camera down a bit
from where they’d stood, but it showed Chloe flipping him off and then him stalking over there
to have words with her. There was no audio, but everything was clear that Chloe had started it
all. They saw him walk off, stop at her muttered words and turn back to her and Albert. To
make that threat he’d done.
“As you can see, Miss Silverton doesn’t care to abide by the verbal agreement you struck, and
she was informed of. I have stuck to it, no more threats or attacks from me towards you and your son, your family since that conversation.” He stated. He’d upheld his side of the
“I don’t know what to say, Garrett,” Gregory muttered. “I even went so far as to inform Albert, he was away at the time and has finally come back to help me deal with his unruly granddaughter. That I struggled to contain. As you can well see, she apparently only listens to
He just nodded “Laurie.” He motioned for his sister to stand up and do her part. “This is my lawyer, and she is here to inform you of all the crimes you have all committed, and will be formally taken to the police station to have charges laid against you. Those involved, including Chloe Silverton herself, for the continual harassment of my fiancée; what laws were breached, and I believe Laurie, you listed out the possible community service, monetary fines, to actual jail time for said crimes, seeing as they were numerous accounts, showing that you all intended to harm Harmony, insult and disparage, ruin her name and reputation within her
business world. Is that correct, Laurie?”
“Yes, I did all of that, Garrett.” Laurie nodded, and then she walked around the room and handed out papers to Gregory and Laurel, Damien and Chloe individually. Then she walked back to Gregory and placed on the table before him another set of papers.
“Mr Blackwell, as the head of your company and a lawyer yourself, these will be the charges I’ll be filing against your son and yourself for the breaches of your own company’s policies, which I have checked and written in, for you to see I’ve done my job to the letter. This is for the
time that your son saw fit to ruin Harmony Prestons reputation.
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“You also breached those yourself by not stopping him from doing this after it was reported to you, I have a written stated from one of your own lawyers; who I’ve made a deal with to keep him out of this to get that statement. About his informing you of Damien’s actions. You may read it for yourself, though I believe all calls within your office are recorded as well. I also have
a recording of that conversation to match the statement.
“You did nothing to stop your son’s vicious and unwarranted attack on Harmony Preston, did
not remove him from his position, suspend him or report him to the Bar Association for
breaches of conduct. This will show you yourself breached legal conduct. All of these
complaints I will filing first thing in the morning.
“I’ll also be claiming emotional damages for Harmony and now Garrett’s wellbeing. Seeing as
this has gone on past the point of his engagement with Harmony. From both families within
this room. And I’ll be filing complaints separately for each occasion of harassment; from each
of you.
“I’ll also be contacting the Bar Association to have them fully investigate, yourself, Gregory
and your son Damien, plus your law firm, seeing as I don’t see how everything can be above
board, with people such as yourself and your son in charge of things.
“I will be requesting that your licences to practice law be revoked, because I believe the two of you are not fit to be lawyers that are supposed to protect civilians from such matters that you
yourselves did. Nothing will be left out, I assure you.”
She sat herself back down. “I intend to bankrupt the Blackwells completely,” Laurie continued
“As for the Silverton’s.” she turned and looked at them, “My sights at this time are solely
focused upon Miss Chloe Silverton, and what she has done to Harmony Preston over the past
months, which was seen as uncalled–for and cruel, she is still I see trying to tarnish her name
and continues bully to Harass Miss Preston.
“She also insulted Garrett Owens yesterday to his face, spoke with foul language and directed
it at him, so I will be using that against her as well. Then there is the fact that she is
considered the mistress, in Damien and Harmony’s three–year relationship. Which was open knowledge to all here in Sante Fe.
“From this I have started an investigation as to just how long that affair between Damien and Chloe has been going on. If it was in place before he approached Harmony? Then what you all
did to harmony will be considered a full crime of coercion against her which involves everyone
in this room, both the Blackwells and the Silverton’s, parents and grandparents, I believe,
seeing as your two families have known each other for generations from what I can gather.
That will come into play and be filed against you all once I have the information I need.”
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There was complete silence in the room now and everyone was staring at her and Garrett. Even that last one Laurie had tossed in, wasn’t something he’d thought about doing.
They understood no one in this room was going to come out of it unscathed and without penalties that would cause the ruination of their good standing within the circles they ran in.
“Why show your hand like this?” Gregory finally asked after going through those listed charges. “Why not just file them and have us served?”