Wolf Novel 93

Wolf Novel 93

CH 93 

+8 Point 

CH 93 


He put their luggage down inside the Alpha Suite and mindlinked to the boys, he could feel 

that they were all here inside the pack, told them about the runin he’d had with Chloe 

Silverton and the very words she stated to her grandfather Albert Silverton, who she’d been 

there at the airport to collect

That spoiled rich girl needed to be taught a harsh lesson, and he was going to be the one to 

do it. To use her own family to do so at that. He knew Harmony wasn’t going to want him to 

do anything, but that girl could have walked right past them and pleaded ignorance to them 

also having been at the airport. But no, she just couldn’t seem to do it

She was nothing more than a vindictive, spiteful woman. Huntley was more than ticked off

they’d had a very nice weekend and now their coming home had been ruined. He was going to 

see that Chloe was removed from society as much as he was going to Damien

Wyatt, Ryan and Dallas walked into his suite and looked at him. They could see his annoyance right there on his face, and had been unhappy about not being involved last time. So he would bring them in this time. She just couldn’t leave it alone.He grated out Got everything she wanted still goes out of her way to try and drag Harmony down.He muttered I’ll not be 

standing for it. I’m done playing nice with the humans.” 

Harmony won’t like it.Ryan warned him

I understand.Garrett nodded I want that girl and her fiancé gone from this city, so she has no reason to ever come back here. Ryan, first thing I want you to do is go out and purchase everything the Silverton’s have on the market. Their own wealth took a hit by sticking to the Blackwells, less than market value, start ringing your contacts.” 

Sure, they’ve got them at market value, but it’s not a sellersmarket right now, so I’ll offer cash for a decrease in price. If they want a quick sale, they’ll take it regardless.Ryan nodded

I am going to get that nasty couple shipped off by their own parents, to show them they aren’t worth their own lineage. That all the trouble they’ve caused actually has consequences for their own families.” He thought about that for a moment, how to do it

Wyatt, get me a meeting with both families tomorrow afternoon. I gave Albert 24 hours, make that meeting for 20 minutes after my plan landed today,” he stated

Gregory will have the Silverton’s number, so that will be easy,” Wyatt nodded


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I’m going to put a complete stop to it once and for all. I’ve left them alone for weeks now, had let it go. But if that spoiled little rich girl wants to play with the big boys, I’m going to play.He nodded

Where do you want the meeting?Wyatt asked

Not in the office.” He stated thoughtfully, One of their two estates will do, and I want both Chloe and Damien right there in the roomDallas get the tech department to hunt down the footage of Harmony and I coming through the airport, and anything outside if there is some, she flipped me off on the way to the carpark. If you can get that as well, I’d appreciate it.” 

What exactly are you looking for?Dallas asked

I want to see what actually went on in the airport, before she opened her mouth. Was it just in passing, or did she realise we were there and come and have a go at Harmony? Was it a flippant remark of deliberate?he stated

You want copies of it to show her family and Gregory, in other words,” Dallas mused

Yes, I warned that man already.” 

He watched Wyatt and Dallas leave the suite and Ryan sighed I know you’re angry, Garrett, but this could make Harmony mad at you.” 

I’m not going to harm them, Ryan. I will do this their way, with the lawyers. I’m going to legally 

attack them. Where’s Laurie?he asked

I don’t know,” Ryan shrugged

He pulled on her tether and found she wasn’t in the pack, likely still in the office. He pulled his 

phone out and called her Laurie, I have need of a lawyer.He stated before she could even say 

hello I want a contract drawn up and any charges that can be laid out on the Blackwell’s and 

the Silverton’s for all that they have done to Harmony. Regardless of how small it is. Add 

slander from Chloe to myself.” He grated out I want it all separated out, a charge for each individual attack. Not lumped in together.” 

What happened?she asked with a sigh

Come home, right to my office, and we’ll discuss it all. You might want to bring the other lawyers in on it to make it go much faster. I want it done by tomorrow.He stated

Alright.” She clicked the line closed

A proper attack,” Ryan stated

Yes, and one that will force those two familieshands, and see them ship their ingracious 


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children off to some other part of the world. Away from me and Harmony for good. Is Damien out of the hospital yet?he asked

Yes, I believe he was released last week,” Ryan nodded

Good, he’ll have no excuse not to be there.” 

Garrett headed downstairs as he looked at the time. It was only just after 4pm and he watched Ryan pull his phone out and make a call. The business day wasn’t over yet, he could start the purchasing of Silverton land

He found Harmony sitting with his mother in the foyer. His mother’s wedding planner was open and right there as well. Planning are we?he asked as he sat down

Yes.” Harmony nodded You should stay here and help.” 

I will.” he told her Until Laurie comes home, then there’s a legal meeting I need to attend with 


I thought, son, a small simple party that would look to the humans like an engagement party, but a wedding here prior to that, and then the Luna Ceremony later in the year as the actual 

wedding, gives a reason for that big lavish wedding that’s not seen as a second one.” 

Harmony?he asked, knowing that she had a dress already

I don’t mind, but I didn’t buy a dress for an engagement party.She shook her head

HmmI could have Maribella alter the one you have if you’re open to that, shorten it, to say

tealength or kneehigh dress, to make it more of an engagement dress?his mother asked 

after a moment’s thought

He looked at Harmony, and she was also, he noted, thinking about it. The boys and I, or 

mother and the girls along with Laurie could take you up to Montana, for the choosing of

Luna dress, Piper Harper is one of us, and a well known wedding dress or Luna dress designer

He stated I’m certain mother could call Piper and find a time to fit you in.” 

Piper Harper, As in Goddess Gowns?Harmony asked him

Yes, you could all make a weekend of it, likely stay inside the Black Haven Pack for safety as well.” he nodded We’re allied, both in construction and help each other a fair bit.” 

Oh, she could start looking at designs on the Goddess Gowns website.” His mother smiled

I think a Goddess Gowns dress would be perfect, it also doesn’t have to be white just to let 

you know, any colour you like.” 


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Harmony was looking at him, and he knew she wanted to say something but was debating it

Just say it sweetheart.” He told her

She nodded I was thinking that I wanted to wear the dress you bought for me already. I really 

like it, it’s beautiful and elegantwe got engaged while I was wearing itI liked wearing it and 

would like to do so again.She smiled at him Do I really have to buy a new dress?” 

No.he smiled at her. You looked stunning in that dress. It would also, I believe, be perfect for a Luna’s dress. If that’s what you want Harm, then that is what we’ll go with.” 

She smiled right at him, and he knew she did actually want to wear it, wasn’t just thinking about saving money. What will you be wearing?she asked right back

My pack suit, which is tradition for formal occasions, all the boys will also wear pack suits and your women will likely dress in the pack colours as well. Navy blue and black are our pack 


Hmm, will 

my dress go with that?she asked

Yes, the jacket is mostly black, has a navy blue lapel, with navy blue pants and vest. I’ll also wear a white dress shirt and black tie, so it will all match. Though it wouldn’t matter if it didn’t, as long as you wear something you love, not something you don’t.he told her

She was quiet for a long minute thinking about something: I was thinking that perhaps we don’t need a human wedding, if we’re going to have a Luna Ceremony. Why do both?” 

He watched her hold up a hand to his mother to halt her words What if we do the engagement party properly, no wedding prior to it. I can wear that dress we just bought, no point in letting it go to waste, and have it shortened like you mentioned Deidre, to just below 

the knee. You’ll still get to plan the party.” 

You don’t want a wedding?his mother frowned

I don’t think I need one if the Luna Ceremony is going to be just like one, we could do vows on that day. And a sixmonth engagement is a good idea, nothing rushed. Also, it would be better for Garrett’s image as well, I think.” Harmony nodded thoughtfully

A baby before marriage though?Deidre sighed a little

Yes,” Harmony nodded But that is actually acceptable out there in the human world. In this day and age, some couples have two or three children before getting married. Some don’t even get married, just live together and have a family without getting married even.She shrugged

He smiled, she was very forward, thinking. “I’m okay with that.He nodded Mother why don’t 


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you contact Luna Danielle and see if you could book the rooftop ballroom for the engagement party.” 

He saw his mother smiling widely now. That is a beautiful place for a human world 

engagement party. I’ll go make a call and see if we can be squeezed in sometime soon.

know it’s pretty much booked out all the upcoming weekends. Would you mind a midweek 


No.both he and Harmony stated together, and he smiled at her as his mother laughed


Good, I’ll go and sort that out then.” And she was up and gone

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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