Wolf Novel 92

Wolf Novel 92

CH 92 


They’d had a lovely weekend and then Chloe just had to be at the airport when they got back

and of course she couldn’t just keep her mouth closed, ignore them as they’d passed on by 

. her. Harmony hadn’t even seen her, she’d been happily strolling along with Garrett, still relaxed 

from their trip away

Now here they were and Garrett had taken it upon himself to have words with her, and was 

now angry, it seemed. His temper right there on the surface for her to see. She’d put a hand on 

him to stop his tirade of words at Chloe’s insult. But it did nothing to stop him

Though his comment; that bet he’d just tossed out there, made her a little curious about what 

she wasn’t following in the society pages, maybe Chloe and Damien weren’t happy and there 

had been cracks seen in their relationship already. It also made Harmony wonder if Chloe would stay with Damien if he was completely bankrupt

She was from a wealthy family herself, though not as wealthy as Damien’s had been, and could well have just been out to increase her status by marrying up into a more prominent family, she supposed. She didn’t know

She did know that Chloe had waved Damien’s bank card at her in the shopping center that day, was out there spending his money for all to see. It was not something Harmony had ever done; she’d never even asked for his card. She didn’t think it was something anyone should do in her books; spend other people’s money

Then to see Chloe flip Garrett off, and she knew it was actually aimed at Garrett because Chloe hadn’t been looking at her. She’d nearly latched on to him when he’d put his foot on the brake and stopped the car altogether. Had refrained because that was a direct insult to Garrett and not her, and she knew he wouldn’t like it

She also knew there was no stopping him from getting out and confronting her. He didn’t like Chloe anymore than Damien or his parents. He also didn’t like swear words and flipping someone off was as good as telling them where to go. Just did it without words. He was all arced up and off to deal with it his way

Disrespect was something Alpha Wolves didn’t tolerate. That much she had learned in the first week of her lessons, it was part of the wolfen culture that everyone showed respect to their Alpha and Luna, the units. Those of lower rank should show respect to those above them all the time, and humans were on the list as well

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She couldn’t hear what was being said out there between Garrett and that man who she knew was Albert Silverton. She’d met him a few times over the past three years, wellmannered and relatively polite. Could be cold and dismissive at times to his own relations. But she’d thought it was just the mentality of the family dynamics. The Sliverton family still had to look up to him and show him respect. It was his money they lived on, he’d yet to relinquish his 

company’s over to his children

She shook her head as she realised that these wealthy human families, kind of had the same 

hierarchy as a wolfen pack did. There was always one that pulled the strings and controlled 

the family and its wealth. Likely they were no different really. Well, without the wolf part, of 


He had words with both of them and walked away only to stop, and she saw the anger right 

there on his face. She’d never seen that expression on his face before, or the way his fingers 

kind of all stretched out one at a time before curling back into fists and she wondered if he 

was trying to keep Huntley inside of him

He’d obviously heard something one of them had said under their breath and taken even more 

offence to it. He had more words with them before stalking back to the car and getting in with 

the bang of the car door. He was more than annoyed, though she’d watched him walk in front 

of the car drawing in deep breaths, and she knew he was trying to control his anger before 

getting in this car with her. He didn’t want her seeing it or feeling it

Sorry Harm.” He murmured as they drove away I just can’t help it sometimes.” 

Mm.she nodded Are you going to let it go? Whatever it was?she asked

It’s just how our kind is, I understand you don’t want me to do anything to that family.” He 

took a breath in I know it’s hard for you to understand, and I will try to tone it down butshe 

felt the atmosphere in the car change subtly and realised it wasn’t just Garrett that was 

offended but Huntley as well

She reached out and put a hand on his thigh, Breathe, and try to just ignore them, sometimes 

showing those that are trying to hurt you, bully you, that what they do or say, has no meaning 

to you, doesn’t affect you is the best course of action to take.She murmured

It’s not who I amand.” 

Garrett.She sighed Let’s just not think about them. We’re happy, regardless of what they do 

or say. Isn’t that what really matters? So they’re of no concern to us.” 

They are if they won’t leave you alone Harm.” He sighed right back and his hand found hers, linked his fingers with his. That girl could have just walked on by, ignored us. I didn’t even see 


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her. Did you know she was there?” 

No.Harmony admitted

Which just shows you, she is so very petty and still wants to hurt you, Harmony, still trying to drag you down. Why? When she has gotten everything she wants, because she’s a mean nasty piece of garbage, and she needs to be put in her place,he muttered

  • Just remember, Garrett, she is pregnant, and you don’t want to be responsible for her having a miscarriage.” She told him It’s best if we just ignore them, stay away from them.She told 


And we have Harmony. For weeks now I’ve left them alone, yet she isn’t willing to leave you alone. Took it upon herself to actively insult me just now, cussed me out.” He muttered it’s not us, I’ve done nothing since the New Year’s posts

It’s been three and a half weeks since then. Nearly a bloody month has passed and she’s still not let go. It is not me attacking them anymore, it’s them. I let it go when you told me to.He stated, and they drove on in silence, but she didn’t let go of his hand, but did feel that the atmosphere inside the car changed, and his anger couldn’t be felt so much

You’ll continue to let it go, yes?she asked as they pulled up out the front of the packhouse

She didn’t want any more involvement with them. She could actually ignore the nasty comments from Chloe, her life had changed, and she’d moved on for the better. Didn’t care about what they said, she knew it wasn’t true. She also wouldn’t be like those horrid people, it 

wasn’t who she was

Harmony walked into the packhouse, even though Garrett hadn’t answered her, he was still annoyed, and she knew it, she’d done all she could do to calm him and his beast, and she wondered if it was more about the direct insult to himself now, than to her. It was completely 

possible. That she knew she had no control over

Deidre was walking this way, and she smiled at her. The woman was carrying a wedding planner in her hands. She nearly chuckled, and thought talking about their wedding would be a good distraction for Garrett and Huntley. They both liked talking about it, thinking about it; having her committed to them for life

Mother,” Garrett muttered, We just go back.” 

It’s fine,” Harmony smiled at him, We do need to talk about it, and you need the distraction.She told him honestly

I do not.He muttered I didn’t start it.” 


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She sighed at him and watched him walk away as he stated he’d take the luggage upstairs

Trouble between you two?Deidre asked with a frown

No,” she shook her head We’re just fine. Garrett and Chloe had a run in at the airport. Not so 

nice words went between them.” She looked at Deidre. He could use the distraction, so wedding planning is probably a good idea. He likes thinking about it makes all” 

  • Deidre chuckled at her trailed off words and then looked at her son as he got into the elevator

and it closed on his unhappy looking face, Hmm, it’s his nature to defend you, wolves don’t 

take kindly to anyone insulting their Mates, male or female alike. Alpha wolves hearing an 

insult to his Luna, fights break out, sometimes deadly ones. It’s lucky they are human, so he’s 

containing himself

Likely wants to rip that girl’s head off and knows he can’t. It is the wolfen way, some will duel 

it out to the death of another. That wolfen side of us is very aggressive in nature, it’s likely not 

just Garrett that is angry, but Huntley as well.” 

I understand that, learned a lot about respect and how they handle disrespect last week, but

don’t like the titfortat.” Harmony admitted. I also understand he didn’t start it and I didn’t 

chastise him, just told him to leave me out of it, and to maybe try and let it go.She sat down 

in a chair when Deidre waved her to it

He likely understands your reasons for not wanting to get involved at this time, but come the day you get your wolf Harmony and that woman insults you as she walks by, you’ll see just how hard it is to ignore the insult. Your beast will not want to let it go, and you’ll have to fight her off, to keep her inside of you

At times you won’t be able to at all. I’m guessing that is what he’s doing now, trying to contain Huntley. That is why he still looks annoyed and stalked away from you. He needs to calm down and not be angry around you himself.” 

I know, he is much calmer as well. I’m just going to let him be.” Harmony nodded

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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