Wolf Novel 88

Wolf Novel 88

CH 88 


She was looking at the people living here in the gated community, in a whole new light. It 

wasn’t even a gated community, but a wolfen pack. Everyone living here wasn’t human but wolfen, and just like Garrett, they all looked human to her. They all worked in the city like so 

many humans did, their children went to school and attained university degrees. They went on 

vacation like humans did and drove cars and used mobile phones

Enjoyed doing all the things humans do, swimming, gaming, watching movies and just hanging out with each other. She saw very little difference between the wolfen species and humans. She knew there were obviously going to be many, but she just wasn’t seeing it right 


But she could see why the humans knew absolutely nothing about them, they played at being human very well. Though she did note they were all trim, taught and terrific in physique, and most were very pleasing to the eye when looking at them. Even the pregnant women here in the pack were all just belly not an ounce of fat on them anywhere

Kristen was a shewolf and had gone off to the human world to obtain her medical degree, Laurie had attended law school and Garrett had several degrees to his name, as did his CEO’s 

or, as he called them, his Alpha Unit

She’d asked about other packs and Garrett had nodded and told her she’d even met some of them, at the New Year’s Eve Gala. That had surprised her completely, but he’d then told her they’d all been happy for him and her. They understood at the time she’d been human and unaware of their world, so had kept everything to human terms. As he called it

He was planning their weekend away. It couldn’t be this weekend. Everywhere he’d looked at was completely booked out, on such short notice, and he’d had to push it to the next one. She didn’t mind. It kind of gave her time to get her head around everything she’d been told

She’d just smiled at him and told him it didn’t need to be the most exclusive or expensive hotel accommodation, that she would be more than happy with just a nice cozy place that allowed them to see the ocean or be within walking distance was all. Told him she’d never really stayed in the big fancy hotels, that she didn’t need that kind of thing

He’d smiled at her and nodded, walked away murmuring to himself Cozy, by the ocean. As he’d returned to his office. She’d just shaken her head a little and asked Do you want me to book something?Figured it might actually be an easier task for her. She wasn’t overly fussed 


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about the accommodation type, as long as it was clean and had decent coffee nearby or right there she’d be happy with that

Nohad been his answer, he’d looked at her from his desk. It’s a belated birthday present


Harmony had nodded and left him to it, she’d learned what he was only yesterday, and he’d not 

, changed a single bit. What she saw was what she got with Garrett. Wyatt, Ryan and Dallas 

were just like him, and she knew now they were not just their to help him protect the pack and 

protect him as well. But to help manage all the pack businesses and help to make the pack 

prosperous, so their wolves could have all the luxuries they wanted inside that pack

She’d wondered about the protection of the pack and himself, but he’d looked at her and then 

down at her belly and shaken his head. How about I explain that after the pup is born, I don’t 

want you stressed anymore than you need to be.He’d then gone on to tell her that 

something’s she would come to understand naturally after the Marking process was completed, and she got her wolf

She didn’t really know about that, but he’d told her it was to do with his wolfen venom being bled into her when he marked her, and that 90% of humans did get a wolf, not to stress about 

it, she would or wouldn’t get a beast, that was up to the will of their Goddess. She’d asked him 

about them being mated to each other, he’d stated they were already

Garrett had smiled right at her and told her that happened during s*x, that on the full moon just passed she had mated herself to him unwittingly, and he’d allowed it, both he and Huntley 

had mated her back. Let her be in control of it so they wouldn’t get too rough about it. Mating could be quite aggressive with their Kind, but it was not seen to be harming the other only pleasure was taken from it

She ate lunch with him and his unit, or they joined her and the women she was sitting with

She’d learned that all bar one of her friends here in the office were human. That was nice to 

know. He’d joined her after his meeting finished, smiled at her I know you want your own space.He’d chuckled I’m here with a request from mother.” 

Which would be?she asked right back

She wants to take you dress shopping this afternoon.He smiled

We’ve been engaged all of two days Garrett.” She’d frowned at him

I know, butIt’s probably a good idea, and she’s got you and the girls booked into some bridal 

store that only sees people by appointment. It’s at three. She’ll meet you in the lobby.” 


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CH 28 

Harmony sighed a little, she wasn’t getting a choice, in other words. Their world did things 

very differently, things were done very quickly. She’d been told, like the day that a wolfen pair 

met and were gifted to each other they were marked and mated. He and her were different 

because she was human and so this was taking it slow for their kind

But dress shopping? She didn’t even know what kind of dress she wanted to wear

Garrett had walked her back to her desk after lunch and stated Please bear with it, it’s not 

just the wedding dress she’ll be looking for either. She’ll want you to start looking at dress styles for your Luna Ceremony as well. She will certainly want to discuss it.” 


There will be one, it’s tradition, you can’t actually say no to that. It’s about me thanking the Moon Goddess for gifting you to me. I will be doing that, so you’ll be looking at two different dresses, one for the small intimate wedding you want and one for a very large and grand 

event, later in the year.” 

Fine.” She’d finally muttered But I don’t see why I can’t wear the same dress for both 


He’d chuckled softly If you can convince mother of that, you may do so.” he’d dropped a soft kiss to her mouth and murmured I wish you luck, sweetheart.” Then he’d returned to his 


She met Deidre, Melody, Anya and Conny all downstairs in the foyer, and they’d all smiled at her, kind of looked very excited to her. She’d smiled back at them, though not in the same super excited manner. And they’d all headed out in a fourwheel drive, not unlike Garrett’s

The store she was taken to was large and spacious and the two ladies there that greeted them were friendly and offered them all champagne, and spoke to her about what it was she would like to try on, though they had a rack of dresses already waiting for her to look at

She said no to the mermaid and trumpetstyle gowns, and told them she did not want a super tightly fitted dress. One had looked right at her and smiled you have a lovely figure, they 

would suit you.” 

She nodded, It’s just not me, is all. I don’t really like that.And they’d nodded and shown her other dresses. She liked the Aline, empire and highlow styles when they brought a catalogue of dress styles for her to see what she liked

Though that last thought made her think about the dress that Garrett had picked out and 

bought for her, and she wondered if she could wear that as her Luna’s dress. She really did like 

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it and it was beautiful. He also liked her in it. It would be suitable for summer as well. She 

would have to bring it up with him at some point before then, before his mother went crazy

she and the girls had pulled dresses off the racks for her to try on, and she was doing just 

what they wanted

There was a lot of bling on those dresses, and she’d sighed a little and looked at the women in the dressing room with her, who’d chuckled softly Bling is not your thing.” One had stated

No, not really. Could you maybe find something simple but beautiful, with a little bit of flare 


One of the women had nodded I got you.she’d smiled and disappeared out of the room to 

come back with three dresses all in a soft satin with no embellishment to the bodice but had 

a soft layered look to them, How about we try these on.” she’d smiled

She was standing in the dressing room in a soft white Aline dress, and she was looking at herself in the mirror, turned this way and that, she thought it was lovely. I think we have

winner.One of the girls chuckled

It was a lovely dress, had a beautifully pinned ruffle off the center of her waist line, and then it flowed down and away from her body in an asymmetrical manner. She knew it would hide her baby bump very well, so that was a bonus

She also liked the pleated fanlike embellishment that went up and over one side of the sweetheart neckline. She really did like it, she realised as she stood looking at herself. She stepped out of the dressing room and walked down the short runway to where Deidre and the 

others were waiting to see it

She had forgotten for a moment there that they could actually hear what she was saying, they were all standing instead of sitting, and were quiet, but had smiles on their faces. Only then did she realise they knew she’d found the dress she wanted. Deidre was clutching at Conny’s hand, trying from what Harmony could tell to hold in the excitement

This one.she told them, and found Deidre not only smiling but hugging her

You look beautiful,she’d told her and leaned back, there were tears in her eyes and she’d touched Harmony’s face. Your parents would love this dress. I’ll be happy for them as well as myself. You’re my daughter too now, Harmony.” 

Harmony had smiled at her and nodded Thank you.she’d murmured and had to blink tears away herself. They’d snapped a few pictures of her and the two girls here in the store had gone off to fine vales, shoes and jewellery


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She’d watched Deidre just stand and smile, she’d called Scott at one point and told him how 

beautiful she looked. Had sent him a picture to look at, and she’d actually felt like Deidre was 

her mum, calling her dad all excitedly. It was a very nice feeling to have a family, and one that 

loved her for no other reason than she loved their son


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CH 89 

+15 Point


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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