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He knew that something was wrong with Harmony and didn’t even need Ryan to tell him, she
was much quieter than normal, and not only at her desk, but on the trip home he could feel it
. in the atmosphere in the car.
He also suspected that it had something to do with their trip to see Kristen today, because
she’d been fine before that, happy and excited even. But then she’d just become quiet. He’d let
it go because they were at the office.
Kristen had mind–linked him a little after the appointment and told him the pup was good and
healthy, its growth rate was as expected; accelerated. The pup looked and measured to be
nine weeks. It was growing less than the normal double speed they’d been expecting.
That she’d calculated it at about one and half weeks per week, so that meant the pup wasn’t
due for six to six and half months instead of the four and half to five months they’d been
expecting. That Harmony would be ready to deliver her baby at about 27 human weeks of pregnancy, and the pup was roughly due between the 1st of June and the 13th of June.
He’d smiled happy with the news,, that it was going to take a bit longer than they’d expected,
because that would mean it was better for Harmony, she’d have fewer bouts of growing pains,
or less painful ones to come. So, he was actually glad that their pup was growing a bit slower.
She already had growing pains due to how very slim she was.
He could see Harmony didn’t want to talk about it, where anyone could see or hear them, and
he’d not needed Ryan to shoot down the mind–link ‘Something’s very wrong with Harmony,
what’d you do?‘
‘Shut the hell up I know something is wrong with her.‘ He’d shot right back as he’d followed her into the elevator, he’d not appreciated his own Gamma, thinking it was his fault, he’d not done anything wrong. ‘I’ll find out in the apartment.‘ Her grated at the man and severed the link
The minute the apartment door was closed he snagged her, there would be no festering of anger or fear, whatever it was he was going to find out. The minute she looked at him, it just
burst out of her.
She thought the baby was Damien’s, because of the growth rate. She brought up on her phone
a picture of a nine–week–old fetus, and put it right next to their sonogram. She’d been doing the
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math all afternoon, it seemed, and come to the conclusion the baby growing inside of her was
not his.
She’d been dealing, he realised, with thinking all afternoon it wasn’t his and was upset about it, likely trying to figure out a way to tell him about it as well. He knew it was his, there was no doubt about that. But convincing her of this now might be hard. She was very upset, he’d felt it in the car, seen the tears now welling in her eyes and could hear it in her voice.
She likely thought it was going to break them up and destroy how happy they were. The only good thing he was getting from this, was that he knew now how long it would take her to come to him with a problem, and how she dealt with it. She just laid it out for him right away.
That was good to know, she was more then upset though about her thoughts and, telling him she was sorry, he could only hug her to him, tilt her face up to his and hold in a sigh and tell her “It’s our baby.” was gentle about it, “I promise you that.”
“It can’t be.” She shook her head ‘no‘
Garrett picked her up bridal style and walked them to the lounge, sat down and kept her right on his lap, hugged her to him and refused to let her go, when she tried to get up, just held her there to him until she settled in his arms, and leaned on his chest though she apologised
He just held her, while he mind–linked to Ryan ‘She thinks the baby is Damien’s compared her sonogram with others and saw it was at nine weeks growth not six. I’ve got her, I’m going to tell her the truth, she’s really upset. I need to tell her.‘ he told his Gamma, her Gamma, he’d clearly not liked feeling her like that.
‘You want me there boss?‘ Ryan asked with a heavy sigh.
‘No. I’ve got this, it’ll be fine. If not, I’ll let you know.’ He cut the link.
He had to wait until she was completely settled and calm, because he knew right this minute the only way to resolve this was to tell her the truth. She was all leaned into him, still quiet but
settled and calm.
“Harm, there is something I need to talk to you about, it’s very important, and I wanted to wait until next week after our weekend away, but I think now is the time.”
“About.” She murmured.
“Who I really am, who everyone living here in the gated community is… Do you remember I told you I wanted you to meet the real people that lived here?” he asked calmly.
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“Do you
recall the next day you started to see more wolves in the community?”
“Mm, on our walks and today I saw some on the way in.” she nodded against his chest.
“Good. Would you watch something for me, a short video clip?” He asked. It was the best way to gauge if she would be open to what he was about to tell her.
“If you like.”
He smiled, she was actually relaxed, he realised, it was one of the reasons he’d pulled her onto his lap, to have their mate bond connection calm her down and relax her. It was working, that was good. He pulled out his phone and clicked through it to find the clip he was looking for.
It was a part of a movie in the human world, which actually was a good depiction of a human shifting to a wolf, not a werewolf as they depicted them, but an actual wolf. One he was hoping she would recognise. It was a well–known movie. Even showed them in a good light,
fierce but protective.
He held it up for her and clicked the play button. It showed a human man, leaping into the air and shifting midair, hitting the ground fully transformed into a large wolf.
“I’ve seen that movie.” She nodded. “I like the actor. Team Jacob.” She nodded.
He chuckled softly, that was nice to hear coming from her, preferred wolves to vampires. “So
what do you think of it?”
“The movie or the special effects?” she asked in return.
“Hmm. About a man not being a man, but a wolf.” He stated softly.
She finally looked up at him. “Garrett, this is not the time to be making jokes.”
“I know.” He nodded “How many wolves have you seen lately around the community?” he
asked her now.
“A few.” She nodded, then frowned at him.
He touched her face. “I love you, Harm, Huntley loves you.” he told her as well. Her frown
deepened and he went on “He did scent out his Mate,” Garrett stated “Has a pup on the way
as well. Just like we do.”
“You’re not making any sense to me, Garrett.”
“I understand you don’t get my meaning.” he looked at her “I’m going to show you Huntley, so just stay calm, he would never hurt you, and neither would I.” he reassured her.
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“I’ve met him, Garrett.” She sighed a little, still looked confused to him.
“Mm, you have in wolfen form, he’s got another side… A human side, is…” he took in a slow breath “What you would call a werewolf.”
“What?” she stared at him now. “They don’t…”
He let Huntley push forward, cutting off her words, to look right at her, knew his dark blue eyes would turn a brilliant green. He and Huntley watched her as she stilled completely in his lap, his arms were still around her and her blue eyes widened at the colour change.
He held her still when she tried to pull away from him a moment later, and he could smell the beginning of fear, but it would pass, she just needed a minute to absorb and think back on all of those moments between them. How much he loved her, all he’d done to protect her and
make her happy. Worry about her.
Huntley receded after about 20 seconds, and it was Garrett looking at her once more. “We love you Harm, we would never hurt you and this baby is yours and mine.” He told her gently “We, our pups grow at a much quicker rate than human baby’s do, that is why the sonogram is at nine weeks and not six.” He told her calmly.
“It’s not Damien’s baby, it is my child, our child. And I love our baby as much as you do.” Garrett stated softly “Just take a moment to think about everything, you and me.” he stated” Have you ever been afraid of me, even once?” he asked her now.
She was still just staring at him and could see that with his words she was now thinking about them, him and her, and he would let her for as long as she needed to.
“Can you let me go?” she asked after several minutes of silence.
“As long as that doesn’t mean, you want to end our relationship, and it only means you want to get up off my lap.” He told her honestly.
He knew this could go one of two ways; she would either accept it and be open to him and who he was, or she would not and run away from him, scared and afraid. They were, however, mated to each other, they loved each other, and he didn’t want to lose her. Didn’t know how Huntley would react if she tried to run away.
“I…I need a minute,” she murmured.
He nodded, sighed a little, most did actually need a minute, there were a rare few that just smiled, chuckled and accepted it. “Alright,” he stated and let her get up.
She walked away from him, and he watched her from the lounge, didn’t get up, just sat there,
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didn’t want to overwhelm her anymore than was necessary. She looked very confused and that
was to be expected.
“We’re nothing at all like all the horror movies portray us, that you’ve probably seen. I’m just
like you, only I can, at times, shift and become a wolf. Huntley who you’ve met, licked you and purred for you.” he told her gently as she paced back and forth looking at him.
“But…” she finally spoke “His name is not yours.”
“I know, Huntley has a mind of his own, and can think separately, independently of me, but he is also me at the same time.” He explained to her, “that is the difference between a werewolf
and Wolfed Kind. I am wolfen, not werewolf” though he still didn’t get up and go over to her,
she was trying to process the information he was relaying to her.
He could smell the slight scent of fear, but it wasn’t so high that it concerned him, that he thought she might just bolt from the suite. It was a good sign that she was going to come
around to the idea, and be okay with him.