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She was laying on the bed in the hospital and Kristen was attending to her first sonográm. She smiled at Garrett as Kristin turned the volume up so they could clearly hear the strong, steady heartbeat of their unborn child in the room. He smiled right down at her as well.
“A good strong heartbeat.” Kristen stated, she was sitting there clicking away on the keyboard attached to the screen as she moved the imaging wand over Harmony’s belly. She had told
them she was just doing baby measurements, was all, to see the growth and make sure
everything was in order.
“Your baby is growing well, is a little bigger than expected, getting some good nourishment.”
She’d then smiled “That just gives us a clearer picture to look at. Don’t concern yourself with
- it. The baby is good and healthy from all I can see.”
She’d finally turned the screen round for them to see as she’d moved the wand some more,
and they got to see their child, its furiously beating little heart. Harmony smiled, but then
really looked at the sonogram. She didn’t think it looked like a six–week–old fetus. “Our
machines are top of the line, giving more clarity and definition is all,” Kristen had told her.
“It looks further along than six weeks.” Harmony murmured.
“The baby is fine, good and healthy, and yes, a little bigger than expected, but it sometimes
happens.” Kristen dismissed it, and printed out a picture for each of them to have.
She had doubts right this minute that it was in fact Garrett’s baby, and sat at her desk after
that appointment and didn’t know what to do about her thoughts, Garrett was happy right this
very minute. He had hugged her in the elevator and told her “It’s a boy, that’s why he’s bigger,
and he’s going to be big and strong just like me.”
She’d stared at him and he’d grinned at her “it’s going to be a ten pounder.” And he’d chuckled
right at her.
She’d muttered “better bloody not be, it’ll rip me in half.” And he’d laughed, good and proper.
But she couldn’t get the feeling of it not being Garrett’s out of her mind. She sat at her desk
and looked it up on the internet when Garrett was away from his office in a meeting on the 9th
Compared her sonogram to others that were six weeks along, it was much more developed than a six–week fetus, so she compared it to a seven, eight, nine–week fetus sonogram. And
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her baby looked more like it was nine weeks not six weeks.
That would make the baby Damien’s, not Garrett’s. She bit her lip and wondered how Garrett would feel about that? What should she even do about it? She already loved the child growing inside of her, and wanted it. But at the same time, she didn’t want to have Damien’s baby.
She really did want it to be Garrett’s but doubted now that it was at all. Could she marry Garrett knowing she was having someone else’s baby? He might not want that at all. She sighed to herself and got up, walked away from her desk. It was afternoon tea time, and she
needed a moment to think about all of this.
Garrett was so very happy about them having a baby, and now she had to tell him it likely wasn’t his. She didn’t know what he would think or say, Harmony took herself to the 7th floor and outside onto the large open area balcony that ran from one side of the building to the other. She needed fresh air and room to walk as she held a cup of coffee in her hands.
Then she stood and leaned on the railing and looked down at the people moving about in their daily lives, and wondered how often this happened and how other women dealt with it. She knew she loved Garrett and he, her, but this could be one of those things that ruin things
completely. He hated that family.
A child to a man that Garrett thought was despicable and cruel. Would Garrett even be able to accept her baby if it wasn’t his? She didn’t know. Did she even want to tell Damien about the baby after all that family had put her through the past few weeks?
It had all finally settled down, and she was being left alone. That was what she wanted, this
could open her back up to them. See Chloe come at her once more, seeing that she was now
pregnant with Damien’s child, and engaged to the man as well.
Harmony just knew that Chloe would be out to make her life a living hell. Chloe’s child would
be wanted by Damien, but would her own? She doubted it.
She wondered if both Garrett and Damien would want her to get rid of the child she was
carrying. If neither of them would want it, Damien had never loved her and always made sure
she was on birth control. It was clear he didn’t want a child with her. She didn’t think Garrett
would be willing to raise a child with Blackwell lineage, even if it was hers.
She stood there, unknowing what to do, what if this ruined her and Garrett? She moved her
eyes to the engagement ring on her finger, and if it did, would she be better off not telling
Damien, and just moving away to have her baby quietly on her own?
That family was terrible, and she didn’t want her child to grow up like that. She sighed to herself because even as she thought that, she knew the answer ‘no she wouldn’t tell him‘. It
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was her baby, and he had another on the way with Chloe. He didn’t need to know at all,
because she didn’t want him or his family to be a part of her child’s life.
She walked back to her desk and sat down. She was, however, going to have to tell Garrett,
she couldn’t lie to him about it. That was the only thing she did know had to happen. It could
ruin them, but he had a right to know it wasn’t his. She couldn’t keep it from him, it simply
wasn’t right.
He came back from his meeting, and she smiled at him briefly and busied herself with work. She wasn’t going to tell him here at the office. What if he got really mad and yelled about it? He did have a temper, he’d been the one to tell her that.
So at home in the apartment, in private, where no one could see him losing it at her, or here anything about calling off the engagement, he was from a very wealthy family, and this could be one of those things that just wouldn’t be tolerated, even if he did love her.
Going home with him now was not something she was looking forward to. Normally she was happy to do that, but was now nervous and anxious about how he would react. How was she going to tell him, to get the words out? She worked and tried to figure out the best way to tell
Looked at him as he walked from his office discussing business with Dallas. She realised maybe just the cold hard facts would be the best way. He was a businessman, so just laying it out straight for him would be best. She just had to rip the Band–Aid off, quick and clean, she
told herself.
She looked at the picture in her hand and a part of her just wanted to cry, kick and scream at the unfairness of her life. But she also knew she had to hold it together until she got home and told Garrett, then she could cry after she found out what his reaction to it was.
It was a long quiet drive, that 30 minutes to the apartment, and it felt like it was taking forever. Her eyes were turned out the window, looking at the forest as it rolled on by, because she couldn’t bring herself to look at him right this minute.
She saw several wolves in the woods. “More wolves.” She murmured softly.
“Yes.” He answered her “Harm what’s wrong?” he asked “You’re never this quiet.”
“Just thinking is all.” she stated, and she was. About him losing it and telling her it was over, he’d never want that child growing inside of her, and she wasn’t willing to give it up, and she knew it. That was what was going to destroy them, and she knew it.
“About?” he prompted when she didn’t go on.
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About my baby, she thought absently, she couldn’t even think of it as their baby anymore, and
she felt pain touch her chest, he was going to be hurt by this and she knew it. He loved this
baby as much as she did, because he thought it was his. Was always rubbing her belly and
talking to it.
She got out of the car the moment it stopped and walked away from it. “Harm?” she heard
him call out and could hear the worry in his voice, but she didn’t stop walking, she wasn’t
going to discuss it in public, and was dreading the conversation.
“I need to use the bathroom.” She stated and hurried along, his hand was on her arm before
she even made it inside the apartment building.
“Harmony, what’s wrong?” he asked as he turned her around to face him.
“Nothing.” She stated and pulled her arm free of him, turned away from him and the frown on
his face, and headed for the elevator. She knew he was following her, she could not only hear
his footsteps but feel his presence as well. She got in the elevator, and he was right there.
The moment the doors closed he stated “Just tell me, I can’t fix it if we don’t talk about it.”
Fix it, she thought, no one could fix it, it didn’t need fixing, because it was already too late. She
knew she wasn’t giving up her baby, not even for Garrett. So there would be no fixing it, just the
fallout to come from it was all. “Nothing needs fixing.” She answered him.
“You’re upset about something.” He muttered, sounding unhappy now.
“Yes,” she answered honestly.
“Why?” he asked right back.
Why? She thought, because my life is about to fall apart, “I don’t want to discuss it here for all
to hear.” She told him and she didn’t.
“Right. In the apartment then, he muttered.
At least he understood her need to do this privately. She pushed into the apartment and the
minute the door was closed, his hand locked around her arm and pulled her around to face
him, and the moment she looked at him it just burst out of her.
“The baby is not yours. It’s Damien’s, that sonogram is of a nine–week–old fetus, not a
six–week–old fetus.” She pulled her phone out and held up the screenshot of a nine–week–old
fetus and then their, no, her, sonogram to him as proof, to his completely shocked expression
.at her outburst.
“I’m sorry.” She half whispered as the tears finally welled up.
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His eyes moved right to hers at her apology “Sweetheart.” He reached out and touched her face gently “It’s my child.” He told her softly.
“It can’t be. I didn’t know you nine weeks ago, I was still with…”
“Stop.” He sighed heavily and then pulled her right into his chest and enfolded her in his arms as her tears spilled over “It is our baby.” He murmured softly “I promise you that.”
- “It can’t be.” She shook her head.
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