Wolf Novel 81

Wolf Novel 81

CH 81 

+15 Point

CH 81 


He watched Harmony look at the dress his mother had helped him to buy. It was displayed in 

their bedroom, on a mannequin, so she could see it in full. It was a black and white dress; all 

soft white satin with black lace over the bust and down to her waist, with that lace capped 

over her shoulders

The skirt was a highlow design; it was all white, with black lace on the inside of the back of 

the skirt, made it very pretty to look at and that lace could be seen like a very small hem 

coming from the inside of the front of the skirt. She was going to look stunning

The back of the highlow skirt of the dress went all the way to the floor at the back and only 

came to Harmony’s knees at the front. They showered and dressed, and she looked absolutely stunning in it. His mother had picked up white heels to go with it, though Harmony could have 

worn black heels, those white heels seemed to just complete the outfit perfectly, stood out 

against the black lace of the back of the skirt

He was watching her stand there looking at it, in the mirror of their walkin, as she smiled at the dress, and turned this way and that as she looked at it. Her eyes met his in the mirror. It’s 

beautiful Garrett.She told him

I’m glad you like it.he smiled, he was dressed and ready to go, wearing a threepiece suit, all black with a crisp white shirt and silver tie. He had tailored that tie to the white gold of her engagement ring. His jacket was undone, and she could see the vest under it as he leaned on 

the door frame watching her

She often saw him in a suit at the office, but not a threepiece suit like this one, and her eyes wandered over him. He almost asked her if she liked what she saw, but that would stop them from going to dinner. If he got the answer he wanted, it would likely have him pull her into their 


She’d left her hair out today, just pinned one side of it back, and she was wearing dark pink lipstick, told him it matched all the flowers she’d gotten from him, and he’d chuckled; like that

He’d helped her into the coat that was waiting for her, and even that was lovely, and had pockets for her to put her hands in when outside in the cold of the night. It was a lovely white coat, with a wide lapel and faux fur around the collar, and had a cape overlay that covered her chest, and a wide belt to keep it closed. It was thick and warm; his mother had thought of 



CH 81 

+15 Point 

He was looking at Harmony, and he thought he might just have to send his mother on a nice 

vacation for all the help she’d given him today. She’d outdone herself, he thought, she’d put

lot of effort and care into this outfit, as much as he had done in choosing the perfect dress

They walked into the restaurant, and he smiled as the lady took their coats, Goddess you’re 

beautiful.He murmured as he pressed his lips to her temple in a soft kiss. We should come 

out and eat once a week, make it a date night, and you should dress up every time.He smiled 

at her

She simply shook her head a little at him, “Honestly, once in a while, going out like this is better, it will have more meaning to it, than if we did this all the time.” 

He nodded Alright, so your and my birthday, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries.He smiled at her as they walked to their table, though that will clash with Christmas Day.He added before she picked anything else from his words

She was apparently oblivious to it, just nodded and smiled, “We could make it Christmas Eve.” 

She stated as they reached their table

Hmm, now if we’re going to play around with the dates we could move it to anything we like.” 

he stated as he held her chair out for her

This restaurant was romantically lit, and there were many other couples sitting eating and chatting among themselves. He saw her smile and reach out and touch the flowers on the table. They were in a round box that had the words Happy Birthday Harmony written on it

More flowers.She murmured

Yes, lots of flowers for your birthday.” He nodded as he placed a gentle kiss to her neck and then walked around to sit opposite her. What can I say, I want to lavish you with flowers.He shrugged a little, there might be more in the apartment when we get home.He smiled at her

She’d gotten a single flower yesterday, woken up to flowers on that breakfast trolley this morning, and there had been more when they’d gotten home that afternoon. There would be more in their bedroom when they got home tonight as well, a full vase to either side of the 


She shook her head. You don’t need to spoil me.” 

I want to.” He told her You’ll get used to it.” 

Only on big occasions then.She stated right back

He’d just nodded, there was soft classical music playing in the restaurant, and they looked at 


CH 81 

+15 Points 

the menu and ordered, sat and just talked about the things she wanted to do, places she would maybe like to go on that vacation he was going to start planning

He’d smiled right at her I’ll get us a nice secluded private beach.He had smirked happily at 

her We can have some real fun in the sand and surf.” 

Stop that,” she’d smiled at him. Don’t even think about it.” 

  • Too late.He chuckled you know I always find ways to think about it.” 

Yes, I know.” She laughed softly and reached out to pick up her glass of water, and he smiled right at her

I’m a horny beast.He winked at her, and she reached out with her left hand to whack him 

with it, and he caught it easily, and held on to it. Smiled at her, knew that one phrase here in this setting, would see her try and hit him playfully, and only her left hand was free

Marry me.He stated as he looked right at her, his other hand slipping into his pocket, he produced that ring he’d purchased and held it for her to see briefly, before slipping it right on to her ring finger

She was just staring at him a little wideeyed, seemed he’d been able to keep that one from 

her completely. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly, drawing her attention from 

him to the ring on her finger

It was a lovely white gold Tiffany T, narrow paved diamond ring, that symbolised love’s endless potential. He’d thought she’d like the simplicity of it, while he still got to present her with some bling. Understated and beautiful was how he thought of it, and he’d picked up a matching plain white gold one for himself to match hers for their wedding day

All those diamonds sparkled as she lifted her hand from his and looked at it, saw the 

diamonds go all the way around the band as she turned her hand over. Garrett watched her 

bite her lip a little, as she put her glass of water down and reached out to touch it, smiled

little, he thought it suited her small petite hands as well

Her eyes finally moved to him, and she nodded Yes.” She answered as simply as he had 


He stood up and walked around the table to her, knelt down and touched her lovely face, as she looked at him with a soft smile on her face, I love you, Harmony.He told her and leaned forwards to kiss her in a soft lingering kiss. She smiled at him when he leaned back

I love you too, Garrett.She told him, and then she leaned forward and hugged him tightly,You’re the devil, you know. I didn’t see that coming.” 


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+15 Point 

He chuckled softly Your mine forever now, you can never ever leave me now.he growled a little softly at her

Like I would leave you.she murmured softly, pulled back, and as he stood up, she eyed him over Not when i have a body like yours to play with every night.She winked at him playfully

He laughed Goddess, Harm, you’re perfect for me, do you know that.” He loved it, how she 

could just tease him openly in a serious moment. It was what he always did to her. Turning seriousness into a bit of fun and playfulness, that cheekiness he’d seen the day of the Christmas party was right there for him to see

She was a lot like him in many ways, she just needed to be really comfortable in her 

surroundings to play with him like that

She ate cake with him, and they slow danced to the music on the restaurant’s dance floor, and 

he got to watch her look at her ring many times, and just smile, It’s perfect Garrett,” she told 

him as she looked at it once more while her hand was resting on his chest as they danced

I spent a lot of time trying to decide on what you would like, something soft and gentle

thought was best.He tilted her face up to his, smiled down at her Just like you are.His mouth met hers for a lingering kiss

Though don’t ever tell me how much it cost.She shook her head, I don’t want to know, but,” 

she smiled up at him, I would have accepted something from an arcade ball machine.” 

He laughed Now that was never going to happen. But we can go to an arcade and have some 

fun if you like.” 

Not today,” she shook her head I have a feeling your mother is probably waiting for the 

outcome of this dinner.” 

He chuckled Mm, she won’t be the only one. Everyone is, my family and the boys, their wives, sorry, but they all knew.” 

She just shook her head, Kind of expected as much, you’re very close to them all.” 

If your parents were alive, Harm, I’d have told them, and they too would be waiting back at the apartment complex for the outcome.” 

She shook her head. “They didn’t live here.” 

I’d have flown them in secretly.He murmured softly


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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