Wolf Novel 78

Wolf Novel 78

CH 78 


He was very unhappy about hearing Harmony had not really celebrated her birthday over the past three years, due to Chloe’s always overshadowing her own. Apart of him wondered if they’d fought about that. He bloody hoped so, hoped she’d yelled and screamed at him about 

it at least once

Though she was a gentle soul and apart of him doubted it, to be honest, he was going to have to ask her to satisfy his own need to know. He would also be fixing that, no more would it go uncelebrated, she would be treated like all Mates were; lavished with gifts by their Mates on 

their birthdays

He was always going to take her out, go dancing, to the theatre, see an orchestra or a movie, go away for a weekend when it fell on a Saturday or Sunday. She’d get a big party for the big numbers too. She’d be 29 this year, and 30 next year. He’d have to start planning that one right 

after this one

A massive birthday bash here in the pack on the night. But all day with her and their little one, or just her if he could sway her into leaving their pup here, with his mother, so it was just the 

two of them

He was going to beat that Blackwell boy for being such a rude, selfish jerk

He organised her Alfredo pasta with grilled chicken to be sent up, two large serves and also discussed what had been on the menu for dessert tonight and smiled. He had Justin send up two pieces of the blueberry cheesecake as well as a larger severing of the white mud cake they could share. He didn’t know what she felt like but was hoping she’d want both when she 

saw them

They would be eating what it was she wanted from now on, to cater to her cravings, and it sounded like she was kind of hankering for that pasta meal. He’d already put away the shopping he’d bought while in Denver, in the desk draw in his private office up here

A place Harmony had simply looked at stated How many office spaces do you need? There’s only one of you.” he’d just smiled at her

She was not interested in going in there either, or he didn’t think so. He’d never seen her in 

there or smelled her in there

Though she’d now put up her family photos in here, a picture of her parents and her 


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graduation photo with them, and he’d seen a few photo albums, she’d let him go through them

He changed into a pair of casual jeans and a teeshirt while she showered and smiled at her when she came out of the bedroom already in pj’s. They weren’t going to be staying on her, he’d thought to himself, as she’d sat down next to him

All ready for bed I see.he smiled, though they were winter ones, he realised. He slept completely naked and didn’t really feel the cold. Is the apartment too cold for you? I run hot most of the time, and just realised I rarely turned the heat up.” 

No, it’s comfortable. I adjusted it yesterday. You didn’t even notice.She smiled at him.” 

Where’s dinner?” 

It’s coming, it shouldn’t be long,” he told her

Oh, I thought you would cook it yourself. I have everything in the kitchen ready to make it. just 

figured it must be ready with you sitting here.” 

Hmm, you probably should lead with that next time. I’m not big on cooking,” he tugged her ear. Justin, from the kitchen, is cooking our dinner as we speak.” 

You bothered the chef at this time of night?she frowned at him

Mm, I wouldn’t say bothered exactly. I asked once, and he simply stated he could make it and 

have it sent up.” 

Have you ever cooked for yourself?she asked him

No, likely to burn or undercook anything you want. Safer to have Justin do it. I can hire

cook for us if you want to eat up here all the time. Though I do like eating downstairs with the 

boys and their wives,” he told her

No, I don’t want a cook.She shook her head. I guess dinner downstairs is okay with me, but 

not all the time. Otherwise, when do we spend time together? We already eat breakfast with 

them, are at the office all day and then if we eat dinner with them too. Are we just alone to 

have s*x and that’s it?” 

He was staring at her now. He’d not looked at it like that because wolves could communicate 

with their Mates, feel what the other was feeling and that kept them always feeling connected 

to each other, even when apart they still felt connected to each other, through their Mate bond 

or the pack connection

Of course not, is that what this feels like to you?he wondered if she saw their relationship as just all about s*x. There was a lot of it, but again that was a natural thing for him and his 


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Not really, but sometimes yes.She nodded

Hmm, I’m sorry I didn’t realise.He murmured, It’s not just about s*x, admittedly I love the s*


She smiled up at him. I know, we’re new, and you want it all the time.” 

That’s not actually going to go away. You might find after we’re married I’ll want it even more

You might even want it even more.He chuckled softly. So, how about breakfast every day 

here with just us, we can make it together, and you can try and teach me how to cook, will be 

fun for you, I imagine

Lunch, well that’s in the office sohe shrugged. On the weekends, one lunch with the boys 

and one lunch just us. Dinner we can alternate every 2nd day with the boys and their wives 

and just us on the other nights. Does that work?he asked

She nodded. “I’d like that, it will also give us time to talk about things we want to share,” 

He smiled. Just tell me if something is bothering you, I’ll try and fix it.he told her, then he 

pulled her right into him. I think things in the kitchen with you will be fun,” 

Get out of it.” she laughed and whacked him. You have a onetracked mind all the time.” 

Only when we’re alone, I can focus on work when at work. I also attend the gym every day and 

focus on training.” 

Mm and what happens when you get home from the gym?she snorted

Hmm, I eat something delicious to me.he chuckled. That will likely never stop. You’ll want me to all the time soon enough and wonder what’s wrong with me, if I don’t. Come and find me, to ask me whyI’ll pin you down and eat you wherever we are.He grinned at her and then got up as the doorbell chimed inside the suite. Dinner is here.” 

She was shaking her head at him as she stated, I’ve been warned I think.” 

Yep.He smiled

They ate casually in the living room, and she snuggled into him so they could watch a movie together. She was asleep before it was half over, and he scooped her up and put her in their bed, tucked her in and looked at her, tired it seemed. He smiled as she rolled over and curled 

into his pillow

It was only a quarter to ten, and he wasn’t tired. He strolled out of the suite, pulled a jacket on and took himself downstairs, got in his car and left his pack. He had a beating to give 


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someone. Garrett drove himself out to the Blackwell estate and parked down the road a piece

from the gates, and took a casual stroll into the woods and stripped his clothes off to let 

Huntley shift to his wolf, seems his beast was itching to do this

Huntley padded on into the estate and several guard dogs came racing this way, and he 

snarled at them all alpha aggression, and they skidded to a stop and backed away from him. He lunged at them and they raced away back to where they’d come from: a kennel he 


His beast prowled about around the house just outside the lighted windows and in view of those in there, there was a yelling matching going on between Damien and Chloe in one of the rooms about why she wasn’t getting to celebrate her birthday, that he needed to go and talk to his father about it. They needed to keep up the appearance of still doing well despite everything for him turning to s**t, she shouldn’t have to suffer

That it had already been planned, and she wanted it to continue the money had already been allocated, and his dad shouldn’t have pulled the pin on her birthday party not when she was now his fiancée and part of the actual family properly, she already had to settle for a small wedding, but wasn’t going to be denied her birthday party when it was already organised

The woman was practically screaming at him about it. He heard Damien yell at her that it was all her fault. If she’d not convinced him to have s*x in the club, she would be getting her party 

like always

He’d heard the slap to the man’s face and snorted fully amused inside Huntley’s mind. No they weren’t happy it seemed And you’d be f*****g marrying her, instead of me,was screamed at 


That was always the plan.” He’d yelled back and there had been a slamming of a door

Huntley tracked the sound of that boy stomping through the house and his own father had dragged him outside and away from the house when Damien had yelled at him that the party needed to be held. Gregory hadn’t liked being yelled at, it seemed

She’s expecting it, didn’t get the big engagement and won’t be getting the big wedding, not even the dress she wants. Nothing, has had it all ripped away from her by you,” Damien stated 


There is not a hope in hell of her getting anything, not with all you, and she did, which has now turned to ruin our family’s good name. All you had to do was keep your affair with the girl a secret. It’s not that hard a thing to do.” 

But she’s expecting it, and it’s paid for.” 


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I cancelled it to get our money back. Do you know how many loans got called in this week? I could blood have to sell everything because you couldn’t keep it in your pants.” 

She was pregnant and all hot and horny, needed me. How could I say no, I love her. This is hard on her, always has been. I have to give her the things she wants when she wants them because of the sacrifices she was making for me. Letting me have Harmony as a wife when it 

should be her.” 

A low growl came from Huntley at those words and before any of them could register what was going on he’d shot out of the darkness and latched onto Damien’s leg in a firm bit and 

dragged him away into the darkness to rake claws down the boy’s body and bat him around 

like a cat would a mouse until he was a crying sobbing ball of pain

The wounds weren’t deep, he would live, but he had to take a beating for all he’d done to 

Harmony. Huntley stalked away, leaving him there in the bloodstained snow as floodlights lit 

up the property and there was yelling and screaming as the search started for him

Chloe could spend her birthday at his bedside in the hospital instead of celebrating her 


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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