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His touch felt different somehow, it was kind of warm, and she thought maybe a tiny bit tingly. It was an odd feeling to say the least. She just knew it was different to how it had been
Even just laying there in their bed with her head on Garrett’s chest, an arm curled around him, as his fingers traced lazy patterns on her arm, it created a gentle warmth inside of her, that just made her happy on the inside. She kind of felt like she belonged right here in his arms.
He’d not gotten up and gone to the gym this morning, she knew because he was still
completely naked. He also knew she was awake, but wasn’t ready to get out of bed. They were
both it appeared more than comfortable in their bed.
“Do you want to have breakfast in bed?” he’d asked after some time.
“It’s a bit late for breakfast.” She’d smiled. He’d been true to his word, and they’d spent the
night naked, and he’d touched all of her, tasted all of her, and she had him even.
She had gotten to tease and taste him in the way he always did her and heard him groan as
she’d done so. She’d even smiled at him and the swear word that had come from him after
he’d c*m for her. She also knew he didn’t swear, so she knew he had really enjoyed it.
He’d devoured her right back until she was crying out his name, aching to have him. But he’d
been insatiable in his need to have her c*m for him, and she had many times before he’d
taken her, and he’d done that slow and firm, kept his movements almost agonisingly slow for
her, but she had loved ever damned second of it. Been hot all over and gasped and moaned
through it until she was cumming, and he’d not stopped. He had told her no to her wanting to
pick the pace up.
He had smiled down at her and slipped from her body completely to kneel back, and she’d
nearly beaten him one, only to have him reach down and grab her by the back of her knees
and bring her right to his body, had leaned over her as he’d done so and pushed inside of her
as he’d slid her up his legs, held her in place to have her in this new position to take her all
slow even more.
He smiled at her frustration and murmured, “All night sweetheart, there is no rush.” And then
he’d leaned down and kissed her. It had shift her slightly and she’d gasped as pleasure shot through her body, and he’d chuckled. “Oh you like that.” And he’d kept himself above her as
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he’d taken her, till she was cumming once more, and it hadn’t taken long that position was
more than good for her.
Finally, she’d been allowed on top of him and to pick the pace up, had this need inside of her driving her to really just ride the hell out of him, and he’d let her. Had not once stopped her from doing anything she wanted to him, had groaned at one point himself and sat them up.” Goddess Harm, give me all of you,” he’d kissed her hard and demanding, and she’d given him what he wanted, all hard and eager, his hands had gripped onto her hips and she’d rode him furiously in her need to reach that o****m that was building. Had screamed his name and heard him groan himself, as he’d flopped backwards down on the bed, her on top of him. ”
You’re amazing.” He’d sighed.
Even now, after hours of sleep, she was relaxed in his arms, felt so damned good she didn’t want to get up. She was still sated from last night. Breakfast was long over. “How about a
shower and lunch?” She offered instead.
“Sounds good.” He replied, and his hand slipped up her arm, along her neck and she smiled. He was going to kiss her, and she knew it. His hand slipped into her hair, and he tugged her
head back and rolled them over so he could kiss her. He was easy to read, she thought to
They headed downstairs to get food and many in the building smiled at the two of them and
greeted them.
As they sat and ate, she found Deidre and Scott sitting down across from them. “Now, son.” Deidre stated, “Conny informed me you told Harmony you loved her last night.” She smiled at
Garrett and then right at Harmony.
“I did, and I meant every word I said, Garrett stated simply, though she watched him lean back in his chair and stare at his mother, and she knew why. He’d warned her the minute she knew
she’d want them to get married.
A part of her thought it was amusing to watch the two of them sit and stare at each other, though she’d not known those in that dining room last night had heard him state those words; she guessed they had. That was a tad embarrassing. She’d not answered him back, and they
all knew that as well then.
“Excellent, I just wanted to hear it for myself.” Deidre smiled at him before turning to look at Harmony. “Now, I see you didn’t run away from my son,” she smiled “Can I take that as you’re
accepting of him and his feelings?”
“Mother!” there was a warning tone in Garrett’s voice this time.
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“Yes,” Harmony answered Deidre, putting a hand on Garrett. “It’s alright Garrett.” She told him, I don’t mind answering the question.”
“You say that, but remember what I warned you about: She’s a wedding planner.” He waved a
hand at his mother..
Even Deidre chuckled, “Now, now, son. Would I start planning that event without talking to Harmony first?”
“Yes.” Garrett nodded and leaned forward on the table, reached out and flicked his mother right in the middle of her forehead. “You would. I can already see it, the cogs and wheels moving in there.”
Harmony chuckled as his mother rubbed her forehead and frowned at him, and she realised where Garrett got his need to control things from. “You two are as bad as each other, I see now, Garrett, where your nature comes from.”
“I’m more like dad.” He frowned at her.
Harmony looked at Scott while Garrett and Deidre were staring each other down, and she smiled and shook her head, as did Scott. Garrett didn’t realise it, she didn’t think, but he was just like his mother. Pushy and insistent in getting what he wanted from her, just like his
mother was with him at times.
Scott knew this as well, he also found it amusing, like herself. “How about no planning? It was only a declaration, not a proposal,” Harmony stated, and both Garrett and his mother turned and looked at her, the exact same expression on their two faces. A raised eyebrow of what are you talking about. She chuckled softly and pointed from one to the other. “Noo, you’re not the
same at all.” she laughed at the two of them.
Garrett frowned right at her amusement and his mother snorted in amusement before stating in all seriousness, “So, you’ll go out and take the girl shopping, buy her a nice ring then. When will you be doing that?”
She watched Garrett huff a little. “When Harmony and I are ready to,” He told her, “It’s not going to be today, mother, if that’s your agenda.” He waved his hand at her to shoo her away, trying to dismiss her Harmony thought as she leaned back to watch the two of them. They, she knew, were about to go head–to–head. It would be interesting, she thought, to see who
would win. Mother or son?”
“You’re living together now, love each other and are having a baby. Marriage is the next logical step,” Deidre stated, staring at Garrett. “Or do you want to wait until she has to wear a full
maternity wedding dress?”
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Garrett leaned forward and rested his arms on the table and stared at his mother, and she bit into her sandwich and smiled as she watched Deidre mimic that pose exactly.
“This,” Garrett stated, “Is why I keep things from you.”
“This,” Deidre stated right back, “Is my right to plan. I’m your mother and also now Harmony’s mother figure as well. Without her having a mother here to help her and guide her, I will take
on that roll, take her dress shopping. It’s also my right as the Luna to do so.
She frowned at the word Luna, did not understand that and Scott cleared his throat. “Perhaps
Harmony, you and I should leave the two of them to sit and stare at each other. This could go
on for hours, their fighting right now over who is actually in charge.”
“I’m in charge, mother, not you.” Garrett stated flatly.
“Yes, son, at the moment 90% you..The remaining 10% belongs to me.” Deidre stated right
“Perhaps,” Harmony interrupted both of them. “It’s not up to either of you. Maybe that, what you are debating is actually up to me.” She understood this was about a wedding between herself and Garrett. Though he was technically on her side, she was certain that he was going to want marriage and had stated he wanted more than just dating. She could however see that he wanted more time before that happened, and so did she for that matter.
She found both of them looking at her once more. “Honestly, it’s too soon to even be thinking about that.” Harmony stated. “Also, why are you talking about planning a wedding when Garrett hasn’t even proposed?”
Garrett opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it. Deidre frowned at her. “He has claimed you, so it’s just natural progression, Harmony.”
“Enough, Deidre.” Scott stated and stood up. “You seem to have forgotten who Harmony is.”
“I have not.” She stated but stood up herself. “She is the woman my son loves, the woman that will be giving me a grandchild soon, and the woman that he will bring into the family.”
“Woman is correct,” Scott stated, “Don’t forget that and Harmony as a woman, has the right to make decisions about such matters on her own without you, pushing your own agenda.”
Deidre huffed, and it sounded as though she was annoyed to be put in her place by her husband. She looked at Harmony. “I am a wedding planner and when the time comes, I hope Harmony, you’ll let me sit with you and plan every last detail of your wedding, and ceremony,
and tailor it to your needs.”
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Harmony nodded at her and Scott steered her away from the table. She heard Garrett sigh heavily. “I knew she was going to be like this.” He looked at her. “Sorry Harmony, she’ll only get more insistent I think.”
“Mm, like I said before, she just wants to see you happy. Likely wants you to have what she and your father have.” She wasn’t offended by their arguing about it, had put her two cents worth in to try and stop the conversation. Though it did appear Scott had resolved it for now.
“I know,” Garrett nodded “you’d think she could give it a little time. I know you’re not ready for that, but you do realise that is my end game, right? For us to get married!”
“I do.” She nodded and chuckled as he blinked at her words. She’d used them on purpose, it was likely she’d say yes and marry him if he asked. His mother had actually pointed out
something she’d not thought about until right at that moment. She did not want to wear a
maternity wedding dress.