CH 73
She’d slept soundly all night long and woken up to Garrett laying on his side, propped up on one elbow, just watching her sleep, it appeared. She smiled at him, they’d talked in that bed last night until she’d fallen asleep, and it seemed he was letting her wake up of her own.
accord as well.
Though she could see he’d been up for a while. He not only looked wide awake, he’d showered and shaved, and his hair was still slightly damp, he was also dressed and laying above the
“Morning, been to the gym already, I see.” she smiled at him.
He nodded “I have.”
“Don’t you get annoyed, having to get up so early every day?” she yawned and stretched out in
the bed. Their bed she now realised.
“I’m used to it, have been doing it since I was 16. I’m also one of the morning trainers, so I kind of have to get up.” he smiled at her and reached out to brush her hair aside as it fell over her
“Is there anything you don’t do?” Harmony asked as she sat up.
“There are lots of things I don’t do.” He nodded, sitting up himself, “Let’s go and have breakfast
and move you into our apartment this morning.”
She smiled at him. “Now, I don’t recall actually agreeing to do that.” She was going to, had
decided that yes, she would, but had yet to give him an answer.
“Yes you did.” He smirked. “Right on the edge of sleep, you hugged me and murmured you
“Oh, that doesn’t count.” She chuckled. “You cheated, asked me when I was half asleep and all
my whits about me were gone, I see.”
“Yep, I told you I could get you to say yes, and I know how to get what I want.” He chuckled himself “I’m devious at times.” He got up. “Come on, I got all the boxes ready.”
“Hmm, and if I said I don’t want to.” She teased him, it was fun to play this game with him.
Nothing it seemed was going to wipe that smile off his face this morning.
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“I could get in that bed all naked, pull your pj’s off and give you everything but the actual act of s*x, withhold it until you say yes. Do you want to play the game of who can hold out the longest?” he smirked right at her and leaned both hands down on the bed. “I bet sweetheart you’ll fold before I do.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “It will be fun for me, to play that game with you, I assure you.”
Harmony burst out laughing and “Alright,” she got up out of the bed, and he was right there,
his arms around her smiling down at her.
“Say it clearly for me Harm.” He grinned at her.
“I’ll move in with you.” she smiled up at him and stretched up on tip toe to kiss him chastely.
“Excellent.” He told her. “Now there is only one more question. Do you want to pack up and
move yourself or can I have my movers do that for you? I’ve got them on standby.”
“Of course you do, what is it you want?” she asked right back, as she stepped away from him
and headed for the bathroom. “And don’t say sex.” She called over her shoulder.
“Pity,” he snorted. “We’ll let the movers do it. You and I’ll go and have breakfast, go for a walk
this morning, I’ll show you a few of the walking trails and then lunch and …” he smiled at her
from the bathroom doorway. “Afternoon nookie, before our nice dinner tonight.”
Harmony laughed now and shook her head. Of course, he worked s*x into their day. “I agree
with like 90% of that.” She smiled at him and saw him pout. He knew already what she was
going to deny him, and she closed the door to shut him out to shower by herself.
He was sitting on the bed with his tablet in his hand when she came out, and she smiled at
him. “You’re clingy, you know that right.”
“Yes,” he nodded without looking up. “You’ll have to get used to that.”
She walked into the walk–in and found clothes to put on, only to find him leaning in the doorway watching her a moment later, a lazy smile on his face. “Perv.” She chuckled.
“Hmm, I am checking you out.” His eyes moved down over her body on purpose, she knew, as
she did up the clasp on her bra, she wasn’t shy about her body around him. The man was always touching her, telling her he loved it, he liked her body and she knew it. He’d voiced it many times. His only comment at times that saw him frown was she was too thin and needed
fattening up a bit.
She reached out for her jeans, and he stopped her from putting them on, a hand to her arm, ”
Harm.” His voice was soft and gentle, and then he knelt down before her, a hand on her belly “I
can see our pup.” He stated.
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She could feel his fingers move over her abdomen and when she looked at her stomach, there
was a slight distention to it. That was what he was touching. She watched him press his lips.
to it and kiss it, and she chuckled. “Garrett, it’s too soon for that, I’m probably bloated is all.”
“No, you’re not. That’s our baby.” He laughed up at her, then his face was turned to press his cheek to her belly. “Don’t you listen to your mamma, she’s blind.”
Harmony snorted, “I’m four weeks Garrett.” She reminded him and shook her head.
“I beg to differ. We conceived this little bundle of joy on the 6th of December. Today is the 11th of January, that’s five weeks and one day.” He stood up. “Your build is so slight that I can already see our little pup growing. I just know it. I bet he or she will be big and strong like I am.
She smiled and shooed him away. “Maybe Garrett, it’s all the extra food I’m eating, and I just
got a bit fat.” She chuckled.
“Ah, don’t listen to her little pup,” he stated and winked at her. “You just keep on growing in
there, prove me right and your mamma wrong.”
She’d gotten dressed after that, and they’d gone downstairs to have breakfast, and then they’d taken that stroll together out in the community through the woods. The paths were all off the
ground out here as well.
She asked him about that, and Garret smiled at her and told her there was a lot of foot traffic through the woods in the warmer months. That most in the community enjoyed being outdoors, so he’d invested in faised footpaths so as not to disturb the forest floor.
That a lot of these paths she was seeing were also used for running and jogging tracks. There was a solid group of devoted runners that ran every day when it wasn’t snowing. So, this protected the forest from them.
She didn’t see Huntley anywhere while they were walking about, and made mention of it to Garret. He just shrugged. “Huntley does as he pleases. He might not have been so happy about those wolves you ran into yesterday. He could be off hunting them.”
“Maybe that’s why you’ve seen he’s been different lately.” She stated thoughtfully. “Maybe one
of them is female.”
“Could well be,” Garrett nodded. “Now, if you’re going to be walking about on your own, exploring when I’m busy, or need to go off and tend to something in the community, which is my job here, to make sure things run smoothly and everyone’s happy.”
“So you’re the boss out there and in here?” she questioned. Did it really surprise her? No, not
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really, the land was all owned by Garrett’s family. “Oh, hey, I just realised this is like a massive
estate. Your family owns all the land, right?”
“Yes, and all the buildings on it. So yes, a very large family estate.” He nodded. “That is why I must go and tend to things at times. Now back to you wandering about. Feel free to do so at will, but I’ll get you a map of the pathways, so you don’t get lost out here. The place is pretty big. All of the paths, as you can see, intersect and cross over other paths, so it’s easy to get lost out here until you know where they all go.”
She had noticed that as they walked, he wasn’t wandering aimlessly, had walked casually but turned corners at certain intersections. He had a destination in mind, she realised.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“To the make–out spot.” He smiled down at her. “I’m going to sit us down and make–out with
till you want me. Get all hot and bothered.”
“No, you’re not.” She shook her head. “Not out here in the freezing cold snow.”
“Hmm, I think I am.” He grinned at her. “There’s a nice seat and a view, but… I’m going to kiss you for as long as I like out there.”
“Access denied,” she stated, and let go of his hand, to run away from him with a laugh.
He burst out laughing and chased after her, caught up to her easily and then just kissed her as they stood there in the middle of the path. She smiled up at him. “You’re too much fun sometimes. I knew you’d enjoy chasing me.”
“It’s good for both of us. You want me to give you a ten count and let me chase you again.”
“No.” she chuckled and looked about to see if anyone was around. There was no one she could see. “Just kiss me again.” She smiled up at him and slid her hands up his chest to curl her hands around his neck and pull his mouth down to hers.