Wolf Novel 71

Wolf Novel 71

CH 71 

+8 Point 

CH 71 


Garrett had sent her home early on Friday, seeing that she wasn’t feeling so well. She had 

been dizzy at one point and gotten those growing pains so bad that he’d taken her to the hospital to see Kristen. Who’d advised him she needed to be in the hospital and be monitored 

for an hour or so, and run some fluids

He’d stood staring at her worriedly as Kristen had put in a cannula and hung a small bag of 

fluids. She’ll be fine, Garrett.Kristen had told him, “I’ve dealt with this many times before.” 

But Garrett had pushed all his meetings to later on in the afternoon and evening where he 

could. And stayed with her for the two hours she’d been in that bed in the hospital ward. He’d not even taken any phone calls, and when she’d told him to go back to work, he’d stated, The 

boys can handle it. You are my priority right now.” 

He was, she realised, actually really worried about her. Garrett, I’m pregnant, not dying.She’d 

told him

Don’t say that.He’d muttered right back

Harmony had sighed and gotten off the bed, only to have him pick her up and put her right back in it. “Bed rest means staying in bed.He’d reminded her

She huffed. I feel better already, please just go upstairs and work.the pains had eased and then gone away after 10 minutes

Not while you’re in the hospital,” had been his words

Why are you so concerned? Kristen isn’t, and pregnant women get nauseous, dizzy and pass out as well as have growing pains. Its normal Kristen has explained all of that.She tried to 

resolve his concerns

He’d nodded I know all that. I just.He’d sighed heavily, and she’d narrowed her eyes on him, knew he wanted to say something else, but had opted not to say it at all in the end

His eyes had moved away from hers as well, and she’d reached out and touched him, then taken his hand. “Are you worried, I’ll miscarry?she asked him

It’s always a possibility,he murmured


She’d halfsmiled at him and tugged him to sit down on her bed, and looked right at him. Garrett, I’m not dating you solely because of the baby. If you’re concerned, I’ll leave you if that 


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happens, I won’t,” she told him gently

He looked right at her now. It’s not that Harm.He reached out and touched her face. You’re so very tiny is all. I worry about how the pregnancy is affecting you. Your pain today was the 

worst I’ve ever seen.” 

And it was only brief, like 10 minutes, Garrett.She sighed. It had been bad and for a moment there she’d also thought the worst as well

On you leaving me,” Garrett stated, I’ll not let you leave me, seduce you right back into my 


She chuckled softly now. Doubt it would take much.And she knew it wouldn’t, though she was trying to lighten the mood, and it seemed to work, as that smile he always had for her, touched his face once more. “Handsome devil that you are.” 

Is it that I’m handsome? Or is it that the s*x is amazing?he leaned over and kissed her 


Hmm, now that’s a toughie.She teased him. But…” she paused until his blue eyes met hers. He actually wanted to know the answer, she realised, “It’s your smokinghot body.She teased 

him a bit more, and ran a hand down his chest to his abs

His mouth found hers, he liked being touched, and it was, she found the easiest way to distract him from anything. Garrett stretched out on the bed next to her, and pulled her into 

him to continue to kiss her

Garrett, there will be no s*x in this hospital.she heard Kristen call out as she’d walked past 

the room

He’d snorted Busted by the doc.” And he’d just lay there and held her in his arms until she 

was released by Kristen

He had then walked her downstairs to a waiting car and sent her home to rest, told her Wyatt had not been able to get him out of every meeting, and so he had a dinner in the city to attend. He’d be late home, likely around nine, kissed her softly and reminded her Bed rest for the 


She’d nodded and gone home for the day. She was tired and had climbed into her bed after putting comfortable clothes on and fallen asleep until two in the afternoon. Then she woke up and wondered what to do with herself. Opted for some online shopping, or browsing. She looked at many things for her baby. But had not purchased anything. It was still too early to do that, she thought. Though she did put a few cute outfits in the cart. And screenshot a few 


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things she would show Garrett when he came home later

Then she walked about her apartment and wondered where she was going to put that crib and 

all the things for the nursery. This was only a onebedroom apartment, and she didn’t know if 

having the baby in the bedroom was a good idea

By four, she was bored by laying about in her bedroom or on the couch and got up 


dressed warmly to take a stroll and get some fresh air. It was a clear day, and she needed to 

think about things properly, without Garrett right there next to her to distract her or tell her 

what he thought or wanted, and with him in the city, and her here, she could do just that

She strolled outside and walked to the path that led off behind the apartment building. She’d 

seen other paths out there that day, that led off in the opposite direction to which she’d walked 

with Melody and Anya, and they’d told her that most paths led back to the apartment building

She strolled casually along, lost in her own thoughts about the nursery, and how she wanted it 

to look and feel. The colour palette she would want, not knowing if she was having a boy or 

girl, probably opt for neutral. Wondered if she wanted to know what they were having, or did 

she want to wait until the day her child was born to find out

Though at one point she realised she was planning that nursery inside her mind, up in the 

room Garrett had allocated to their child, and she smiled a little to herself. Guess that solved 

her problem of where everything was going to go. There was a whole room up in his 


Though that led her to think about when it was appropriate to do that; start working on the 

nursery, it was still too early, and she knew it, but she could discuss it with Garrett later. Though again, that also brought up the thought of when she would move in with him. She 

wasn’t about to live downstairs and have her baby up in his apartment

Should she discuss that with Garrettmoving in with him officially? Or should she wait until 

he asked her to do so. They barely knew each other, but they did also get along, and she spent 

most nights in his apartment. He kind of just walked them up there after dinner most nights

He’d also had her bring a few work outfits up there so it was easier to get ready for work in the 

morning. She wondered if that was his way of letting her know he was happy for her to move 

in with him

He’d smiled at her when she’d hung them up, hugged her and told her he’d liked seeing her 

things in his apartment, gotten a little on the frisky side and then pulled her into his bed. The 

man could find any reason to pull her into his bed. She shook that thought off. He didn’t need 

a reason, he enjoyed the s*x, told her he did, he was not shy at all about telling her how happy 


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he was

Her steps stilled at the sight of two wolves coming down the path she was on. She took 

several slow steps back away from them. As far as she knew, Huntley was the only wolf that lived here in the gated community

Those two wolves came to a standstill and her heart rate increased as they stood staring at 

her. They were quite big, her hand automatically covered her stomach, as fear for not only 

herself but her unborn child crept into her

They were larger than she knew wolves to be, and she didn’t exactly know what to do about the encounter. She didn’t think that turning and running away would be a good idea. They 

might see that as she was their prey and chase after her. She was not a runner, and she knew animals like dogs could outrun humans, so she didn’t doubt wolves would either

She bit her lip, standing still was probably going to be her best bet, until she knew what they were going to do. Then they just turned and ran off into the woods left of the path and disappeared out of sight. Harmony sucked in a deep breath and let it out, though it came out all shaky, and she sent up a prayer that she wasn’t seen as a threat to them

She looked about her. She’d been walking for nearly an hour as she looked at her watch, and the sun was starting to go down, it was going to be dark in 10 or 15 minutes. But she couldn’t keep going in that direction, she was going to have to go back the way she came and take an 

hour to get back

She didn’t want to continue walking in that direction, for although those wolves had run off, who knew where they were? She turned to go back the way she came and after just a few minutes, she saw movement in the distance, and stilled, wondering if there were more wolves 

out there? Had a roaming band wandered into the community

She couldn’t run off into the actual woods and hide, it was getting dark, and she’d get lost easily. Harmony?a voice called out to her, and she damned near sagged with relief as she saw Laurie. Garrett’s sister come into view as she came round the bed in the path and walked towards her. The movement she’d seen was human, that was a relief to her

Thank the lord.She murmured and hurried towards her

It’s dark, what are you doing out here all alone?Laurie asked her. Are you lost?” 

Um, noI was just taking a stroll seeing where the path went.She looked behind her. I saw a couple of wolves on the path, we shouldn’t go that way.” 

Wolves?Laurie asked


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Yes, two of them, not Huntley.” She nodded. We should go back that way and stay together,Harmony stated

Probably.Laurie nodded. Are you alright?” 

Mm, just a bit scared for a moment was all. I didn’t really know what to do,She admitted


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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