Wolf Novel 69

Wolf Novel 69

CH 69 


He headed off to let Huntley shift them to his wolf, and though he had no pack tether or Mate 

scent to track Harmony. It did not take long for Huntley to smell the sweetness of a cinnamon 

donut to track her by

He didn’t race off after her, was allowing her time to walk about and get to know Melody and 

Anya a bit more. He understood those two shewolves were helping him today

Wyatt had told them Huntley was itching to be presented to Harmony and so an afternoon 

walk was a good way to do it, and he was supposedly in an afternoon meeting with Wyatt and 

Ryan, giving him an excuse not to be there when she met Huntley for the first time

His wolf knew where they were headed, and he could hear them talking among themselves as 

they walked along. She appeared happy and able to chat easily with those around her

Huntley trotted on ahead of them through the woods unseen to gain a lead on them, and then 

just turned and cut across their path as though he was taking a casual stroll himself

He stopped and looked at them, well Harmony to be precise, and her heart rate picked up 

slightly at the sight of him, and he could smell the slight scent of fear rolling off her. It was to 

be expected, most humans had a fear of seeing the wolves here for the first time. It was a natural response to seeing a large predator right in front of them

Huntley didn’t take offence to it. He’d smelled more fear on other humans transitioning to their 

way of life. Her was much less than most, due to them already having talked about Huntley

It stayed with her even when Melody walked over to him and patted him, gave him the come 

command, and though annoyance would roll off Huntley normally, it didn’t today. His wolf 

simply obeyed. He stopped when she took a step back from him, when the smell of fear 

increased around her

He wasn’t out to scare her, so just sat himself down before her and did what he should; wait 

patiently for her to reach out a hand and let him smell her. She was hesitant, but Huntley was patient and purred for her even

Not only did she get to meet him, but patted him and ran a hand all the way down his back 

and along his tail. As Huntley rubbed himself along her, there was no fear in her anymore, and 

Huntley himself was happy. He licked her right up her neck and face before trotting off once 

more into the woods


CH 69 

+9 Point 

This was just the first interaction and so far it had gone well. His wolf was hardly ever out of him, only for battle or training, but he’d wanted to be out to meet her, and he’d been 


You did well,’ Garrett told him

I’m not dumb.Huntley stated right back

No, but you’re hardly ever out and about interacting with anyone.Garrett mentioned

No need.Was the reply, but now there is, to interact with Mate

Garrett smiled. Neither of them could scent her, but his wolf called her Mate. It was a good thing, we’ll interact more over the coming weeks, and increase it. I’ll have Melody and Anya take her for walks all over the pack, and you can be seen in different places, to give the appearance you wonder about.‘ 

Good,’ Huntley stated

He was shifted back at the packhouse mudroom, he changed back into the same clothes he’d been in before and headed off to his office. Harmony could hang out with the girls all afternoon, and it would be good for her. He took the time to check the newspapers and see the response to Harmony’s statement

They liked her response. It was wellworded, and she was clear about how she felt, not only about Damian but Gregory and Laurel as well. She’d still not said anything mean about of 

them, and asked clearly to be left alone


She wasn’t going to sue them and that surprised a lot of the readers, and many of them stated that they would. That what the Blackwells had done was cruel, and they didn’t deserve to have Harmony as part of their family. 

Others were just glad she’d gotten out, found out the truth before it was too late, and others stated she still had more class than the upperclass. There was still no response from the 


It appeared Gregory had completely shut everything down and Garrett knew why. There was no point in responding unless it was to admit all they had done and to formally apologise for what they’d done. Though he was not expecting that, it would mean they had done all that, and left them open to being sued, and not being able to fight it or win, because they had already admitted publicly that they had done it

He sat down to have dinner with Harmony, Melody, Anya, Wyatt and Ryan, just before 6pm, he left her to her own devices that afternoon. Ryan was concerned that he might be seen as not 


CH 69 

+3 Point

only monopolising her time, but smothering her a little. He had felt from Harmony, that she wanted to make friends on her own here within the community, and advised him to give her a little space to go and do that

Reminded him that all of her previous friends had been Damien’s friends, so she needed to make friends on her own, away from Garrett. Friends that lived here within the community, who she could just hang out with; create her own social group, so to speak

He could do that, and he also wanted her to have her own social circle, along with his and his 

unit’s Mates. That would be good for her. Especially when it came time to tell her about what 

he was, what everyone here was, she’d see they weren’t savage beasts, like the movies 

portrayed them to be

And he needed that. She was happy sitting with all of them for dinner. She appeared to be 

comfortable just chatting to the girls, him and the boys. A few of the pack members she knew 

from the office also walked by and smiled and said hello to her as they walked past

He watched her get up and go sit and talk to a few of them after dinner. That was fine with 

him. He just sat at his table and watched her, socialise with other members of his pack

Harmony was going to fit in well here, and the pack was going to love her. She smiled and 

laughed, joked with her newfound friends, and he’d not had to do a single thing to have them 

interact with her, or be friendly towards her. They knew her from the office, before they knew he 

and her were dating

I don’t foresee any trouble, Garrett,” Wyatt told him

Neither do I.Ryan smiled, “she not only fits in well, she likes it here.” 

That is good, she signed up for some gym classes today too, Pilates and Yoga, actively 

starting to engage with everyone.He nodded himself

Oh Garrett, there’s a new yoga for mummy’s class,Melody stated. She and I could do that 


That’s a little way off, but yes,” he nodded, if she wants to, of course.” 

No, no, no, it’s for expecting moms to be. For those of us that like yoga and don’t want to have to stop just because we’re pregnant, Nina is looking at the schedule to find a place for it to fit in. It starts in two weeks. Maybe Conny and Anya here will have news by then, and we can all take it together.” 

I’m working on it.” Anya smiled. Got Ryan working overtime.She chuckled softly


CH 69 

+8 Points 

I wouldn’t call that working,” Ryan chuckled, It’s more fun for me than anything else.Then he winked at his Mate What say we turn in early now?” 

The whole table chuckled, and Anya stood up and nodded. Let’s go babe.” 

He watched the two of them and smiled himself, it was good to see they were still happy after all this time, and finally up there trying to make a baby. That was a good thing. Hopefully all 

their pups will be born at the same time, just like he and the boys had been

He and Harmony sat together later that night in her apartment and she told him about the 

interaction with Huntley. That she’d seen him while out walking with Melody and Anya, he’d 

smiled at her comment of I didn’t think he was going to be so big.” 

I did tell you he was massive.” 

Mm, I guess a part of me didn’t believe you. I couldn’t picture it in my mind, so it still came as 

a bit of a shock.She smiled. “He’s big and impressive.” 

Yes he is.he nodded. You weren’t scared of him?he asked

I was a little, but I think it was more the fear of him being so big, not that he was a wolf.” She 

told him, He licked me.” she chuckled

Oh did he now? Where did he lick you?Garrett teased her a little and pinned her down on the 

couch. “Maybe I’ll just have to reclaim that place for myself.” 

She was laughing at him now and squirming to get out from underneath him. I wonder if my 

girlfriend is ticklish.” He smiled at her and watched her eyes go wide as she stared up at him

Oh, you are.” He laughed and put his hands on her to tickle her all over the place until she 

was really laughing and trying to get away from him. He let her get up and pounced up 

himself, had his hands at the ready to tickle her more and she knew it

She had her own hands out in a stop gesture, and she was shaking her head at him no more.” 

She told him

He lunged at her, and she was gone, ran away from him right into the bedroom, just where he wanted her to go. He snagged her and pulled her down onto the bed, right on top of him and smiled up at her, I think you wanted me in here, got an itch sweetheart?he purred up at her and pulled her mouth down to his and kissed her, as his hands moved over her body

Sighed softly into her mouth when she started moving against him, and then murmured I do 



Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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