CH 67
It was a good feeling to have Harmony officially moved into the pack, and he’d taken a slight
liberty, and had a few of her things moved up into the Alpha Suite. He had told his omegas on moving duty to box up her photos separately, to place them in his suite.
He was aiming to have her moved into the Alpha Suite by the full moon next Saturday. He
hadn’t told her that yet, but she’d spent the past three nights in there with him, and didn’t seem
to mind doing so.
He would have to wait and see what her reaction was, but they could discuss it if she was
unhappy about it. He didn’t have the omegas put anything on display. That was something he
wanted Harmony to do herself; place her things in the suite and start making herself at home
up there.
They arrived just after 3pm and he strolled her down to the gym. There were six wolves manning the gym during opening hours, and he watched her go to the desk and ask a bunch of questions about Pilates and Yoga classes.
He didn’t interrupt her, this was her thing and she’d likely be taking those classes on her own
as well. He learned from listening to her talk, that she had a fair level of skill in Pilates, and
normally attended 50–minute classes three nights a week, and one Yoga/Meditation class one
morning a week. Every Wednesday normally.
She’d chuckled and stated “A midweek de–stress” to Claudia the she–wolf at the desk.
“I hear that.” Claudia nodded.
He smiled when Harmony booked herself into the Pilates classes that suited her, though they were all evening classes after six. They were either having early dinner or late dinners on those days. And she opted for two yoga classes, seeing as, in her opinion, she was right there
and didn’t see why not.
Both ran at 7am. He sighed at that. That was when he finished training and got to crawl back into bed with her. Guess on those days they were just having breakfast and going to the office, instead of him waking her the nice way. Though he would see her each morning as he left, and she arrived, he supposed.
“Is there anything else you want to sign up for?” he asked.
“Not really. I like to have easy mornings before work and relax after it. I just kind of lay about
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on the couch and read a book or watch telly.”
“No going out nightclubbing?” he asked. It was where he’d met her, and she was ten years younger than he was. She would likely do many things that he didn’t.
He watched Harmony shake her head. “Not really my thing, that was a…” she trailed off.
He understood, a Damien thing. “We’ll have to find something we can do together, give us couple time, after the baby is born.”
“And just where will our baby be? While we do that,” she asked in return.
Garrett chuckled. “With mother of course, she’d love a few hours a day with her grandchild.
You’ll likely both have maternity leave.”
That made her frown at him, and he elaborated, “She’s going to be very involved and will also
want to help you out a lot and…” he trailed off, couldn’t state have their pup every time she
went into heat.
“And?” she prompted.
“Will want to support you like your own mother would have, if she was here to do so. She will
also probably want you to start calling her mother.”
Her frown deepened and he shrugged. She would call her that. It was natural once she was
part of their world. Couldn’t at this point, call her Luna, but would be able to once Marked and
Mated, he supposed. His mother would share that title with her until Harmony understood
how to do everything a Luna needed to do.
She’d also have to attend Luna Lessons for a year, perhaps two, for her to learn about their
ways, all the rules and regulations, understand pack laws and what is needed of her as the
“That will be up to you and her, how you address each other, though I have a sneaky suspicion
she’ll call you daughter at times.” He told her and it was true.
“Garrett, we’re not…”
“But we will be,” he told her simply. “I’m looking not just to date you, Harmony. I do understand
we are very new to each other. But long term and a life together is what I want.”
“I think it’s way too soon to be thinking that,” she sighed.
“For you, around here people get married quickly, sometimes the day after they meet,” he shrugged. “And it works, kind of reverse to the normal. They meet, get married, and then get to know each other and fall in love while married, not dating.”
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+8 Points
She was just staring at him, looked more than confused to him, but how could he explain the
mate bond to her?
“Hmm, I guess it’s a bit like an arranged marriage, where a couple meets briefly, agrees to get married, and they do, and then they grow to love each other.” He told her.
“I suppose,” she nodded. “I guess doing it that way, there are no expectations of each other,
and therefore no disappointment either, because they don’t know what to expect, just learn
about each other and can accept them for who they are.“.
“Exactly.” He smiled. “How would you feel about that?” he asked, hoping she would be okay
with it.
“It’s not my thing.” She shook her head.
He’d wanted her to state it was a nice idea, so he could sway her into that, a quick wedding, no
such luck, and he held in the sigh that wanted to escape him. He knew he had to take it
slower than normal, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t marry her tomorrow if she said yes.
“I’ve got a nice dinner planned for us next Saturday, a proper sit down and get to know you with my CEOs and their wives, just the eight of us,” he told her.
“Alright.” She nodded.
He saw Wyatt and Ryan strolling through the packhouse towards them with their Mates, Melody and Anya. “Garrett, may we have a quick meeting please, something has cropped up,” Wyatt asked him.
“Yes,” he nodded. “Harmony, you recall Melody and Anya?” he turned and asked her. She’d only
met them a few times.
“Of course I do, Wyatt and Ryan’s wives,” she nodded.
“We’re headed out for a walk while the boys have their meeting. Would you like to join us?” Melody asked. “Conny would join us, but she’s out of action for a few days.”
“Why?” Garrett frowned. He’d not heard anything and wolves didn’t get sick.
“We can discuss that in our meeting,” Wyatt smiled at him. “Dallas is looking after her, so he’ll
be off work for a few days as well.”
“Oh, alright.” He nodded. Understood now, they’d tried to relay it in human terms, and he’d not picked up on it was all. She was in heat.
He watched Harmony walk away with Melody and Anya. They would be part of her Luna’s unit and he and the boys moved off to his office. “Conny’s in heat?” he asked.
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“Yes,” Wyatt nodded.
“Happened just this morning, while you were out of the pack,” Ryan stated.
“That will make my mother happy,” he smiled.
“It did when I relayed the news to her,” Ryan chuckled. “She asked right away about Melody
and Anya, then mind–linked to Laurie, from the annoyance I got from your sister two minutes
later about us having babies, to go and shut her up.”
Garrett shook his head, “A Luna looking for all of our heirs to be born at the same time,
including the next generation of War Generals, I suppose.”
“That she is.” Wyatt smiled at him as he leaned on Garrett’s desk. “My job is done. Melody is
with pup, her wolf Lya told her this morning. I picked it up yesterday, but left it alone so she
could have the joy of finding out by herself and then telling me. She smells sweet like a violet
crumble to me,” he chuckled.
Garrett smiled at him. “Well, congratulations. Did you tell mother?”
“No.” Wyatt shook his head. “Melody wants to tell her in person, will do it later today.”
Garrett looked at Ryan questioningly, “Anya?”
“Not that I’m aware of, though she’s no longer on birth control, so it’s just a matter of time, and
she’s eager to be so,” he shrugged, with a smile.
“Alright, so this meeting?” he asked.
“Just to inform you about Conny being in heat, standard wolfen protocol for you to know who
is in heat.” Ryan stated simply.
“Melody will be due in about four months, before Harmony. So, I guess we’re going to tell her
Melody is about three and a half months along, to account for her belly growing in four weeks,
Wyatt commented.
Garrett nodded, “Conny is alpha–blooded, could get pregnant with this heat and have her pup
before all of us. Though Harmony will know by then what we all are, so don’t concern yourself
with it. Only a month till she finds out the truth of everything.”
“Garrett,” Ryan drew his attention. “I think it’s time she met your pet wolf.”
Garrett heard Huntley snort all annoyed inside his mind, ‘see what you did.’
Both Wyatt and Ryan laughed as they felt the annoyance roll off his beast, ‘Come on Huntley, let it go, and I know you want to meet her.‘ he told his wolf.
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Though when Wyatt suddenly produced a bright blue leash from his back pocket, Huntley snarled at both of them, and they bolted out of his office after Wyatt tossed it at him. They were both laughing and Ryan yelled “Be a good boy now.”
‘If they throw a Frisbee at me, I will bite both of them.‘ Huntley snarled, and Garrett burst out laughing, because he could actually see one of them doing that to get a kick out of it. They also likely knew he would laugh himself, even as they ran from their Alpha’s wolf.