Wolf Novel 66

Wolf Novel 66

CH 66 


They spent Saturday packing up her apartment, though it wasn’t just her and Garrett, he’d organised a team of packers and movers. There were four other people in her city apartment

and he’d told her he’d organised cleaners to come and clean the place on Monday morning as 


Harmony had stared at him a lot today. He was very used to getting everything he wanted

directing those around him to his liking, and not once did any of the packers and movers say 

no to him at all; they all just stated Yes boss

That had made her question him about who they were, and he’d smiled at her: Employees of 

Owens Corporation, I have my own packers and moving company.” 

Why?she’d asked right back

Because only approved people are allowed inside the community, so anyone moving into or 

out of the community is done by my own company workers,” he’d told her simply

Is there anything else I should know about you that I don’t know?she’d asked him, and she 

saw the two women in this room packing her things stop and look from her to Garrett and 

then back to her, and she took that as a yes

He nodded. There are probably a lot of things. We’ve only known each other for a few weeks,” 

he’d stated, and she’d seen him wave the women back to work, and they’d done so. We’ll get 

to everything in due time.” He smiled at her. There will be no secrets, Harmony. We’re just 

taking time in getting to know each other properly. Though you know me now, I haven’t 

changed my personality to seduce you. What you see is what you get.” 

She just nodded, he had been the same person always, including that, I have to be in charge 

of everything, part of him. You know Garrett, you don’t have to be here for this,she’d told him

He’d stopped taping the box in front of him and looked at her, a frown on his face, and she 

heard several of the packers chuckle at her comment, or that look that was now on his face

Why would I not be?he stated, and those words matched his expression exactly, and she 

couldn’t but help to chuckle herself

I’m just saying…you might have had other plans before we started dating.She shrugged

I did not.He shook his head and went back to taping that box. Just a workout with the boys 


+8 Point 

CH 66 

this morning, and I got up and did that while you were sleeping.” 

Harmony frowned at that. He’d woken her at seven the nice way, and they’d not gotten out of 

bed until just after nine, had a late breakfast. When did you go to the gym?” 

Sam,he smiled at her. Every morning at 5am, you sweetheart, I leave asleep in our bed and 

wake you up when I get back.” 

Oh.She’d not known that

Garrett chuckled softly. “You sleep soundly.” 


Mm, I always have done.” She nodded and rubbed her belly as she felt it cramp. His attention 

was drawn instantly by the movement, and she watched him put the packing tape down. You 

don’t have to,she told him

He laughed. Oh yes I do, doctors orders.” he walked over to her and put a hand on her abdomen to massage it gently for her. I’m going to laminate that order and wave it at you,he 


You’re crazy insane sometimes.She murmured

Yes I am,” he admitted. A crazy beast of worry where you’re concerned, I’ll settle down at 

some point, likely after our pup is born.” 

The chatter in the apartment stopped nearly instantly, and she found many eyes on them, and 

Garrett stated, That’s the nickname for our baby. Isn’t it cute?The news of them being 

pregnant had apparently gotten out within the community. It wasn’t a secret anymore

As they’d been leaving the apartment building in the community, they’d had many wellwishes about their baby. Garrett wasn’t at all concerned about anyone knowing they were having

baby, and no one in the community seemed to think it was too soon. They just smiled and congratulated him and her

Harmony shooed him away and back to taping when the cramping passed, and he went after hugging her. He was quite an affectionate fellow. He didn’t even seem to care who saw him being sweet and charming, tormenting her in a funloving way

There wasn’t much left in her apartment and Garrett stood looking at her bed, then he stated 

That is not coming.” 

She’d raised an eyebrow at him. It’s not that old,” she’d told him

It’s got nothing to do with that, you andhe’d trailed off

Oh.” She murmured, understood him. Fair enough, though it could be cleaned and donated.” 



CH 66 

+8 Point

Goodwill it is,he nodded. Now let’s go and have a nice lunch.His hand was in hers as he 

walked them to the front door. I’ll send you all food.He told the movers

There’s a really nice pizza place just two blocks away,Harmony told him

Is that what you want?he asked

I wouldn’t mind it,” she nodded. A nice deep dish pizza with a cheesestuffed crust.” 

Then sweetheart, that is what you shall have.He smiled at her, as he opened the door. I’ll send pizza for all of you,” he stated

Harmony walked with him the two blocks, refused to let him drive them there. It wasn’t that far, and though it was cold outside, the sky was clear, and the sun was shining brightly. Harmony pointed the place out as soon as she saw it come into view

I love the name,she smiled, Deep Dish Delish, “It’s run by a family. Their last name is Delish

and that’s just what these deep dish pizzas are.” 

You know them?he asked

I’ve lived in that apartment for over four years. What do you think? I don’t cook every day, come and eat here or get takeaway once a week, sometimes twice,she stated

It was just after one, and the usual lunch crowd was here. They were always busy, because their business name said it all. They had a 15minute wait to get a table, but she didn’t mind. Garrett had ordered a delivery for his movers. She was surprised that he had ordered a whole pizza for each one of them. He’d just shrugged it off. They work hard, and can take the 

leftovers home with them.” 

She ordered for the two of them at his Get what you want Harm, I’ll eat everything on that menu.” He’d had time to peruse it while they waited for a table. They got a cheese and spring onion garlic bread while they waited for their pizza, and she ate half of it before the pizza arrived, and then pouted a little at Garrett when he went to take the last piece. He laughed and held it out to her, asked the server to get them another one, and she smiled at him as she bit 

into it

There were no leftovers between the two of them, they ate everything that had been ordered. Harmony leaned back in her chair and sighed contentedly; she was very full right this minute, and Garrett smiled at her. Happy and stuffed I see.” 

She nodded. I might just need a nap now,” she chuckled. I ate more than I normally would.” 

You need to anyway. I also like that you have a good appetite,he stated as they headed off 


+8 Points 


CH 66 

back to the apartment

I eat more than you think, though since I’ve been living in the gated community I have slacked off a bit on my Pilates classes. I would normally do that 3 nights a week.” 

There are various gym classes in the apartment’s gym. I’ll take you there when we get home

I know they have mum and dad classes with toddlers as well. We could do that together when our little one is up and running about. There are also cardio and fitness classes, strength and flexibility classes, and lots of classes I don’t take. I’m certain there will be Yoga or Pilates.” 

That would be nice.She smiled. The place I go to is only 10 minutes from here, but it would 

be 50 minutes from the apartment.” 

There is also boxing and martial arts, which you know about. But also running and weight 

training, we’ve pretty much got everything covered, things you might want to do after our pup 

is born.” 

She shook her head. “I’m not much of a fighter, it doesn’t really interest me,” she told him, and 

looked about. The movers are gone.” 

All finished, I’d say. Come on, let’s go home and check out the gym for what you do like.” he 

smiled at her. We could find a class to do together.” 

She nodded it was possible, she thought, and she had a feeling he would join something she liked, just to spend time with her. He never seemed to need time away from her

Harmony stood and looked up at her apartment building, a place she had lived in ever since 

moving here. It had been her home for the past four and a bit years. I think I’ll miss this place

she sighed a little. She had a lot of memories in that apartment, most of them good. Though 

now she also knew most of them were a lie as well

I had good neighbours, and the neighbourhood is nice as well,” she looked around the street, I never once had any trouble while living here.” 

You won’t in the gated community either,Garrett told her. He didn’t rush her to get in his car, just stood and leaned on his car and gave her as long as she needed to stand there and say goodbye to her home

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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