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He took a phone call from one Gregory Blackwell in his office the next day. Wyatt was sitting across from him, and he smiled and waved his mobile at Garrett. “Here we go, it’s Gregory
Blackwell,” that article had come out, it was just after lunch, and he smiled when he saw
Gregory’s name appear. Garett leaned back in his chair and let it ring for a full 30 seconds
before answering it.
He knew why Gregory was calling him, that man’s business had gone down in flames today,
with the new press release. Showing the world just who he and his son really were, cruel,
vindictive men that coerced others to get what they wanted. Both were now seen to be
completely untrustworthy and unfaithful.
His stocks had plummeted all the way down to nothing, he was trying to make deals to pay
back the banks and other investors for the new business venture he’d been trying to set up; in
the construction world. Garrett had already received emails this morning from two of the
investors, asking him to take over their projects.
Something he’d yet to respond to. The longer he waited, the more desperate those investors
would become and the better deal he could make for himself. He’d get those projects with a
solid contract, and he’d be able to raise the price of the bid as well.
They could take it or leave it. He didn’t really care. He’d not bid for them in the first place, small deals compared to what he was used to doing. But he knew how much the bids that had won the contracts were; that was his domain to keep track of.
“Garrett, you need to stop this attack on my son. It’s ruining our lives as well as my business.”
“I’m aware of that. I check the stocks every day at open and before closing.” He stated.
“What you’re doing is wrong, don’t you have a conscience?” Gregory grated out.
“I actually do. It’s why I decided to do this to your son, who has no conscience at all, from what I can tell. It’s called teaching him a lesson…though I don’t think you have one either now. Your entire family, your wife included in that, are despicable people.
“You targeted and groomed Harmony for the position of your horrible son’s wife and why? Because she is lovely by nature, sweet and caring…had no one to fall back on to help her
you did this.
“You all thought she would be easy prey for your sick twisted way of life. Only Gregory, you
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didn’t count on someone actually stepping forward and caring about her well–being.”
“I’m certain she could have fought her own battle. You didn’t need to step in,” Gregory snapped.
“Oh, could she now? After you sent her completely broke, and turned her homeless, how would she have done that… I’m guessing, Gregory, that you don’t like how it feels.
“To have a wealthy man target you in the very same manner; trying to destroy your reputation, ruin all your business opportunities to get a job and make a living for yourself. Pay your bills
and have a home to live in.” Garrett commented casually, as though it didn’t matter to him
what he was doing to that family.
“That is not what…”
Garrett cut him off. “I don’t believe you. Nothing you say will make me believe that. I can read
between the lines very well, I’ve seen it all, read it all, gotten to see your son and you and your
wife in person be so filthy and disgusting. Now the world around you gets to see that.
“Your wife clearly stated this is how it works to be part of the elite of this city. I wonder,
Gregory, how your other wealthy associates feel about you now, because I can only imagine
that many of them are now being looked at, just like you and your family are.
“Did they cut off contact with you, call and yell at you, pull their business dealings from you? Call in any debts you owe them? I wonder if you can pay back all your loans, mortgages, credit
card bills.”
“Enough Garrett.”
“No, I’m only done playing with your son, I’ve not even gotten started on you yet, Gregory.” He verbalised the threat to the man “but tell you what, if you all leave Harmony alone and that
includes Chloe Silverton as well.
“I’ll leave it at this, but if you, your wife, despicable son, or his ungracious gold–digging mistress, oh fiancée now I believe; brought in a nice piece of trash to your family I see. If any of you so much as say one word about Harmony, I’ll target yourself and your wife. I still have more ammunition to use against you.”
“Garrett please,” the man sighed, “be reasonable about this, you’ve done enough damage, don’t you think? We’ll end up on the street if you keep this up.”
“Oh, I know, just like you wanted that for Harmony,” Garret stated flatly, “you do realise I understand this, don’t you? What your actual purpose was? I wonder what I would find in
Laurel’s background if I started digging. Your two daughters even, who I don’t think are Laurels
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at all.”
“Garrett, don’t do that.” Gregory grated out “Leave my girls alone.”
“Mm, I might. Let me inform you of something, Gregory. Just to make it plainly clear where
you and I stand from now on… I love Harmony Preston. I intend to marry her.
“If you or your vile son, his cruel, vicious fiancée, say just one word to upset her, I will out those
girls of yours as being the daughters of your mistress, who is seen I believe as their nanny. So, I suggest, Gregory, you keep a tight leash on both your son and his fiancée.”
There was silence for a long moment. “Fine, we need to come to some sort of agreement, a
truce so to speak.”
“Hmm, I know you want that. But no deal with you is going to be upheld as far as I’m
concerned. It’s also not what I want. Do you know what I want, Gregory? Let me inform you. It’s
to pay you and your family back, everything you did to Harmony… When I see that has all been
done, I’ll stop. How’s that for a deal, pretty straight forward, yes?”
“I could sue you, you realise that.”
“No, you can try to. My pockets are very deep. You know the head of my legal department is
Laurence Owens, my sister right? She and I can keep you in court for years. I did tell you and
Damien, for that matter, that all my phone calls are recorded, as is this one.
“That everything in my office was also recorded. You nor he or your wife objected to that. So,
it’ll be seen in a court that you were not only informed but consented. Everything I have will be
admissible.” He leaned forward on his desk.
you think Gregory, you can afford a bunch of lawyers right now, likely have to fight it
yourself, on your own, I don’t think any lawyer will take you as a client right now. Or, well, not a
reputable one.
“But you go right on and file that lawsuit, I’ll have Harmony file one of her own, for slander and defamation, mental abuse and emotional trauma for the past three years. For all that has just happened in the past month.
you think you can fight that, win that with all the evidence I have against Damien? And his
trying to stop her from being employed? Do you think you will be able to afford the lawyers for
all of that? As well as the payout, oh and the bill for her lawyers as well, when she wins?
“Your stupid son also breached your own law firms‘ privacy and confidentiality policies with his recklessness, that will be brought up in a separate lawsuit, to attack him and you for not doing anything about it. I did inform one of your own lawyers of what he was doing, and he
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stated he would sort that out, got that on record as well. I guess he didn’t do a very good job.
“Your clients at your law firm are leaving in droves. I know this Gregory because they’re all coming here to see Laurence. For advice, she is now the lawyer for six of your former clients, and looking to open a law firm of her own.
“Guess who is going to let her. I just need to find the right building till I can build her one. Thanks for the business you sent our way, it allows us at Owens Corporation to get into the legal world.
“I guess you’ll be dealing with her if you’ve not accepted those six companies‘ rights to cancel
their contracts with you. Have a nice day Gregory, I know I will.” he clicked the line closed and
chuckled “Yes, come at me, and see what happens.”
Wyatt smiled right at him, “I see you’re very happy over there,”
“Yes, put that man right in his place. But mostly it’s that I got Harmony to agree to meet
Huntley. He and I are both in a good mood.”
“That’s a bit soon, don’t you think?” Wyatt frowned at him,
“I do, but Huntley is insisting,” Garrett told him.
“So how did you manage it, bring it up?” Wyatt asked.
“That you will find funny, laugh. Huntley was very unimpressed as well, but if he wants to rush
things.” Garrett chuckled himself “He has to deal with it. I told Harmony I had a pet wolf, a
giant breed wolf, and his name is Huntley.”
Wyatt snorted, fully amused “OMG, really? Can we play fetch with him, take him for a walk
with Harmony?” he burst out laughing.
A low growl was emitted from Huntley as he felt annoyance roll off his beast. But Garrett
ignored it, chuckled to himself “He’s of the opinion ‘no‘, but how else was I supposed to explain
it to her, a week in.”
“How are you going to introduce her? Is now the question; it’s not like you can actually be
there to do that yourself?”
“I’ve thought about it, she’ll have to take a walk with mother or some others in the pack,
someone that she knows, and I obviously won’t be with her. Let Huntley stroll into view for her
to see him.” Garrett nodded, it was the only possible way.
“Hmm, I could help with that.”
“I’d prefer to wait for the full moon as per protocol, but Huntley is insisting, he actually
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watches her sleep, rubs her belly when she gets growing pains during the night, and Goddess
forbid, I close the office door if there is no need of it. He can’t smell her with it closed.” Garrett
shook his head a little.
“Wow, so possessive already then?” Wyatt chuckled softly.
“Mm, he is,” Garrett nodded “Is of the opinion she’s his Luna, and no one is allowed to stop him from looking at her, not even me. He’s never been like this before, a bit weird.”
“Normally just sleeps right!” Wyatt stated.
“Yes, until he smelled his pup. Though I believe it’s mine, he’s of the opinion we are one and
the same, so it’s his pup.”
Wyatt chuckled “Conversing more, I see, and your wolf is right. He is you, as much as you are
“You say that, but it was just me having s*x with Harmony the night our pup was conceived.
He rolled over away from it, uninterested, so that pup is all me.”
“Yes Garrett,” Wyatt shook his head.
“Oh, hey, I got her to call it a pup, told her it was a cute nickname, because her calling our pup
an ‘it, didn’t sit well with me.” he smiled, had gotten that quite easily.
“So, you’re already using Wolfen terminology with her?”
“Yes, I’ve also explained the Moon Goddess, so some of the prep work is done.”
“She seems quite comfortable with you as well, Garrett.”
He could only smile at that, “We get along well and can make each other smile and laugh, it’s
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