Wolf Novel 62

Wolf Novel 62

CH 62 


He was very happy with his piece of paper, and already had his paws on her in the elevator

regardless of her trying to stop him, he was laughing and so was she at his antics. They stepped out of the elevator only to find his mother and father leaning on Harmony’s desk

I guess they know,he murmured softly as they stepped out of the elevator

How?she murmured right back

Mother, father?he addressed them as they walked over

You were both on the medical ward? His mother asked

Mm, we were.” He nodded Harmony?he asked, knowing she was still not ready to tell 

anyone, it was still early as far as she was concerned

She chewed on her lip a little as she looked at him and then just nodded, and he smiled right 

at her and hugged her into his side and looked at his parents. You’re going to be grandparents.” He announced

He watched them both smile, and he stepped aside when he saw his mother step towards 

them, knew it wasn’t for him, watched her hug Harmony and state, I’m so happy, now I saw 

you two laughing in the elevator. You’re happy, yes?” 

Yes,” Harmony nodded It was very quick but” 

Ah, nonsense.His father waved it off. Meant to be is all. Will of the Goddess.He smiled

I couldn’t be happier,” Garrett smiled. Harmony’s intelligent, kind and caring and I hope our 

little one takes after her,he stated, and slipped his hand into hers once more

When will the official announcement be?his mother asked

Oh, I don’t know about that, it’s only early.Harmony murmured So I think we should wait on 


Understandable, I’m just excited to be a grandma soon.” His mother nodded. Now you know Garrett, here, came early, like five and a half months.She’d tailored that to the time they were expecting Harmony to give birth, he realised. When, in fact, it had been four months

What?Harmony gasped. That’s too early.” 

It’s alright, all my children were early like that and just look at Garrett here, big and strong


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babies will all take after him.” 

Babies?Harmony murmured

His mother chuckled softly. Sorry, my wishful thinking is all, that’s the future grandma in me, wanting to have lots of grandchildren around me. I’ll help out with the baby too. Be an active 

grandma.She smiled

Don’t concern yourself, Harmony,his father chuckled. There is no family history of multiple births. Deidre is just excited. All her friends already have grandchildren, some of them greatgrandchildren. Our three are stubborn about waiting to have children.” 

Not anymore.His mother smiled widely If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some news for Laurie 

and Conny.She chuckled and walked off down the hall

He saw Harmony’s eyes widen a little

Don’t worry Harmony, she’ll only tell them to get them working on more grandchildren, is all

No one else will know.His father stated and strolled off after his mother

Harmony looked up at him. Sorry, we kind of don’t keep secrets within the direct family. But 

it’s more about Laurie and Conny. They both told her only when I have a baby will they have 

one. That is now all mother is thinking about. Though I think it will be Conny that is her first 

target, not Laurie.” He chuckled

He left her at her desk, and headed into his office to get some work done, but found himself 

just watching her out there going about her job. He smiled to see her sitting out there working merrily away. She was his girlfriend and still more than happy to be at work behind her desk

Their visit to Kristen had gone well, and though Kristen had told him no sonogram at this time

she’d flicked him an email while he’d come back up here, Sorry Boss, I think it’s better to wait 

a few more weeks to see just how fast that pup is growing at. At six weeks I’ll be able to 

estimate the actual development speed, whether it will be twice as fast as a human or a bit 

more than that even.” 

He’d flicked one back and stated All is good, I’m only concerned about the growing pains they 

bothered Huntley this morning.” 

Two weeks, boss, and we’ll know.Had been her response

His wolf had huffed inside his mind at the response, he still wanted to be presented to 

Harmony, and it seemed he was going to be impatient about it. She’s human Huntley, we have 

to wait and do things in the proper order, you know this. Usually it takes a month before one 

introduces a human to even the smallest of wolves in the pack


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She needs to see me.’ Huntley had stated unwavering

I understand your need. But it’s been just on a week since getting her to say yes to dating me, we can’t go and spring what we are on her this soon. We have to be careful not to freak her out

completely. If we do this the wrong way, she could leave us, terminate her child even.’ 

There was silence from his wolf now for a long period of time and Garrett was able to return to 

work, but then he was asked When?by his wolf about an hour later. Still persistent on the 


I don’t honestly know, when she loves us. She’s happy right now, but we’re still new to her, and 

she’s been through a lot. We have to give her time to become herself and move on completely

Then we can let her see a few smaller wolves and work up to you. We don’t want to scare her


No, but I want her to see me.’ Huntley nearly snarled at him and Garrett got up and closed his 

office door, before that anger in his beast rolled out of him and Harmony got to see it

Garrett sighed heavily Alright, but give me a day or two to think of a way of explaining your 

sheer size to her.’ it wasn’t like his wolf to be so very angry and aggressive in getting what he 

wanted. He hardly ever wanted anything at all, in fact

He’d spent most of his life sleeping inside his mind, quiet and restrained, maybe Garrett didn’t 

actually know his beast all that well. Hoped it wasn’t going to be too much of an issue

I won’t hurt her.’ his wolf shot at him and stalked off to the back of his mind to lay down Open 

the damned door, I can’t smell her with it closed.’ 

Garrett sighed and got up, opened the door, Harmony looked right at him, and he smiled at her

before returning to his desk and to his actual job of running the pack’s companies. Though as 

he worked he was made to breathe in deeply several times and understood it was Huntley 

making him do it

His beast appeared to be sleeping and settled inside his mind but was indeed keeping track of 

her by smelling she was out there

She cooked dinner for him and her up in his suite, his one condition to her cooking at all. It 

seemed reasonable to him, he knew he was pushing a little, trying to get her used to the idea 

of being in his suite, because it would be their suite soon

And they were sitting watching a movie after dinner when the how to introduce her to Huntley

who was in control of his hand right that minute, running it through Harmony’s hair as she lay with her head on a pillow on his lap


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He smiled to himself, his wolf wanted to touch her now, it seemed, was more than attaching himself to the human. He asked his wolf the question that aligned to the thought he’d had.” 

Huntley, how would you feel about being introduced as my pet wolf?‘ 

I’m no pet.’ Huntley stated right back

‘I know that, you wanted to meet her. I’m giving you optionsWhat about a giant breed of 

guard dog?‘ 

I’m not a dog.’ Huntley growled just a little at him

Calm yourself, if she feels that, you’ll scare her.Garrett reminded him I’m trying my best to 

find a way for you to meet her early. Don’t shoot down the ideas, she’s human, so it has to be 

done the right way, especially if you’re going to insist on it happening early.‘ 

His beast huffed inside his mind I’ll consider it.‘ 

I could have her walk with mother, and you could be seen strolling with the unit, at a distance 

if you like, but I’m certain both mother and father, the elders even, will say no to that at this 


It’s too soon, especially with her being pregnant. Your options, Huntley, are going to be 

limitedI think the pet or guard dog thing is going to be the best option.‘ 

I’m not a bloody dog. His wolf muttered I ain’t having no leash put on me.‘ 

Garrett snorted out loud at the image that popped into his mind, and Harmony turned her 

head to look up at him What’s so funny?she asked

Nothing, just thinking is all.” 


Hmm, more of a private joke between me and another.He smiled down at her Do you like. dogs?he asked and felt Huntley stalk off away to the back of his mind

Yes, my parents had two schnauzers growing up, Lawless and Freedom. Both very naughty and hard to control but fun as well.she nodded You ever have a dog?she asked in return

Mm, I have one now.he smiled, down at her, and felt annoyance roll of his beast

Oh, I didn’t know that, not seen him anywhere.” She sat up and looked about the room

He can’t be inside, is a giant breed.” 

But it’s freezing outside.She frowned right at him


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He’s fine, got a nice thick coat, and he likes it outside.” 

Well,” she poked him, what is he? His name?” 

His name is Huntley,and Garrett chuckled as more annoyance rolled from his beast, aimed at him, but it was actually less than before because Harmony was now curious about him. ” 

Now I did say he was a giant breed.” 

Yes.” She nodded I like big dogs.” 

Well, he’s not what you call a traditional dog that anyone would have. He’s well, not actually a dog, perseis a wolf, actually.He bit the bullet and outed the truth

You can’t have a pet wolf.She frowned right at him

I can have whatever I want, inside my gated community.” 

Come on Garrett, wolves are wild creatures. You shouldn’t try and tame them.” 

I didn’t, he came to me of his own accord.He countered her

You mean you found him somewhere?

No, he found me and, well, we’ve been best buddies ever since, for a long while now. Why he likes it outside instead inside. He’s not an inside creatureWould you like to meet him?he asked simply

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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