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Rachael sat for a long time after watching both of the video footage, and he knew that she was thinking about everything she’d just learned. If she had all she wanted, the woman would have got up and left already, with the USBS.
“This will expose Mr Gregory Blackwell as a man that has had a mistress the entire time he has been married, from what I just heard. That is massive news, a very large blow to his company as well, which is based on family values, which his own son has marred already.”
“More than marred it, brought a full disgrace to it.” Garrett stated, “But from everything you’ve now seen and heard, wouldn’t you say that this is bigger than Damien targeting Harmony to
hurt her.”
Racheal was looking at him and thinking about his words, “What are you getting at exactly?” she asked directly.
“I’d have to say that the Blackwells clearly targeted Harmony on purpose, and not just now, but
always right from the very beginning; tried to groom her for the position of Damien’s wife right
from the get–go.”
“Hmm, I suppose one could see it that way, seeing what Laurel was just heard saying.”
Racheal nodded. “Harmony your family?” she asked, turning to look at Harmony.
“My family died a year before Damien and I started dating.”
“Who asked who out?” Rachael asked.
“Damien pursued me.” Harmony sighed “I was actually reluctant to date him, due to his social
status and who he was inside that company, said no several times. He kept asking, was quite
persistent, and I eventually said yes.”
Garrett watched Rachael sigh and look at him. “Yes, reading between the lines now, it speaks
volumes. I believe years of coercion were used, with Damien playing the charming boyfriend,
in order to get Harmony to fall in love with him. They vetted Harmony, and she came up clean
and also had no family to object to him and her. Or to run back to when she realised what was going on, no one to help her so to speak. If she ever found out, that was.”
“I can see that,” Rachael nodded, “and I do know for a fact, unknown girlfriends and boyfriends, for that matter, all get vetted by the families of the wealthy. They don’t want anything cropping up later on when the press goes digging into the past of their future son or
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daughter–in–law.” Rachael nodded.
“I think this is also likely what happened to Laurel, so some digging on her part would likely
see she has no family either. Likely the Blackwell elders, bullied and belittled her, reduced her
to nothing to get her to stay with Gregory, just like they were doing to Harmony.”
“Hang on there, Garrett.” Rachael held up her hand to halt his words.
“Yes, Rachael, it is I believe what you’re thinking now, they were all in on it from the very beginning. Harmony was to be the perfect wife on Damien’s arm, but she left him, and they needed her to go crawling back to him, or maybe Gregory and Laurel and beg them to help her,
because she was about to become homeless.” He stated his own theory on the matter.
He could see Rachael was now really thinking about it, her brain was ticking, and he let her.
She was actively thinking about all the shows those people had put on for the public, and with
what she’d now just learned about Damien and his cheating ways, what Laurel had actually
stated she wanted from Harmony..
“Harmony.” It was Wyatt. “Tell Rachael what you told us about Damien’s sisters and their
“What do you mean?” Harmony asked right back herself.
“Just what you mentioned about them is all,” Wyatt stated.
“That they don’t get along?” she questioned with a frown. She didn’t really look to be
understanding why he was bringing it up.
“Yes.” Wyatt nodded, then he turned to Rachael, “While I was waiting for you to get here, I did.
some digging of my own on that family. And those sisters don’t look anything like Laurel at
all. Don’t even look like Damien for that matter. I found a few pictures of them all together.” He
motioned to the screen and up went the pictures, a family photograph of Gregory, Laurel,
Damien, Amelia and Catalina. Laurel and Gregory both had dark brown hair and brown eyes like Damien did, but Amelia and Catalina had strawberry blond hair and green eyes. Neither of
them looked anything like Laurel, and even in the portrait Laurel stood behind her son with a
hand on his shoulder. While Gregory stood behind the girls, a hand on both of them. Kind of
looked separated with his new knowledge of perhaps those girls belonged to the mistress,
and not the wife.
“Maybe those girls aren’t Laurels at all,” Garrett stated.
“I’m not using that, I’d want solid proof, like DNA evidence, something like that could tear that family apart if it’s the truth.” Rachael stated “I like the facts and the truth.”
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“Now you say that you want DNA evidence,” Wyatt commented. I also managed to get an old
picture of the girls with their nanny, a woman named Lidia who has been their nanny since.
birth, from the article I found and read.” He clicked to the next photo, and there were the two
girls sitting in a café with their nanny, they were in their teens and smiling and happy with.
Lidia, who had the same colour hair as both girls, and there was a clear resemblance to the
“Harmony how old are those two?” Wyatt asked her.
“Um 27 and 23, why?” Harmony asked.
“Because just the week before Christmas those three were seen out shopping together.” He
clicked to another photo “In New York,” and there it was the three of them laughing and seen
carrying Christmas–style shopping bags.
“Why does a 23 and 27–year–old need a nanny still? And look at the clothes that the nanny is wearing, the jewellery,” Wyatt commented.
“No nanny I’ve ever seen dresses like that.” Dallas commented.
“That they do not, her style is that of a wealthy woman, a mother with her daughters, wouldn’t
you say?” Garrett nodded.
He heard Rachael huff “I see what you’re all looking at, but I’d have to look into it before I release something like that, and to be honest I’m not sure I would want to, that will break up the family completely. I’m not about to do that to those girls on purpose and, without proper
proof, I just won’t.”
“Just out of curiosity though, Harmony, do you know where the nanny lives?” Wyatt asked her.
“On the same floor as the girls, has a room right across the hall from them.” Harmony nodded as she stared at the photo, “Laurel and the nanny don’t talk, not that I saw, and the girls hardly spend time with Laurel, only when Gregory calls for family meals or there’s a need for them all to be seen in public. They do call Laurel mother when I’m there though.”
“Did you spend any time with them?” Rachael asked. “Anything bad between you and the girls.
“No, they were always polite, didn’t really seem to care about my and Damien’s relationship.” Harmony shook her head.
“They weren’t jealous at all?” Rachael asked now.
“Not that I saw. Why would they be?”
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“Hmm, difficult to answer, but the best way would be, illegitimate children don’t get the same rights as the legitimate. So Damien would pretty much get everything, and they’d likely have designs on that.”
“I didn’t see anything like that, and Damien talks quite fondly of his sisters most of the time. I
think they get along well.”
“Likely, because he’s only three and five years older than they are; would have bonded as
children, or he doesn’t actually know their only half sisters if he doesn’t know that’s what they
are.” Ryan commented.
“He’d have to know, with what they tried to do to Harmony,” Garrett commented “Learned early
on in life, I imagine. That he could live that way too, have a pretty perfect wife and a mistress
he loves, have children with both of them to be raised by their own mothers but seen as his
and his wife’s. The mistress kept hidden by working in the house all the time.”
“Have his cake and eat it too.” Harmony muttered “It’s sick.”
“It is.” Garrett nodded.
“Look, leave it with me, but if those girls have never harmed anyone, I want to leave them out
of it. But I’ll check into it, I’m curious myself.” she turned and looked at Harmony “You might want to prepare a statement, despite this all being about the Blackwells, it does show them
targeting you, and the rest of the press are going to want to get your opinion on it.
“No comment is not going to work to keep them away, Garrett, I’d get Clayton or Wyatt to sit
down with Harmony and sort out a simple statement of how she feels, make it clear and
“Harmony you won’t have to stand up in front of the cameras yourself unless you want to,
Clayton or Garrett, Deidre even, can read it out for you. I’d personally go with Deidre, she’s been targeted by the media before, knows how to handle them and when to dismiss them.”
He watched Harmony nod her head. “I can do that.”
THere was a knock on the door, and Dallas was up to answer it, a man stood there with a
dress bag, and Garrett smiled as he watched Dallas unzip it and there was the dress they’d
been talking about. He watched Rachael get up and take a picture of the dress it’s size even
and the receipt.
She then turned to look right at him, “Garrett, thank you for the exclusive, I’ll send over the
article before it goes to print so you can make sure Harmony’s statement matches, and
addresses everything, make sure it reads as personal, I think, I feel, I am, I don’t want etcetera.”
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She packed up her things and was shown out of the room, would be escorted all the way to
her car. His eyes moved to Harmony. “Are you alright?” he asked her.
“I am.” She nodded “I honestly don’t think it’ll be that hard to word a statement, I am disgusted
by all of them, and I’ll tell the press that. But only if they come and ask. If none do, I won’t
volunteer to make a statement at all. I just want them to leave me alone. Get out of my life
completely is all.”
He nodded, that was pretty much the perfect statement right there. “That, what you just stated
now is perfect, I think. Short and to the point.” He reached out and took her hand. “I also want
them out of your life, I’m hoping this will do that permanently.”