Wolf Novel 57

Wolf Novel 57

CH 57 

48 Point 

CH 57 


She was dressed and ready to head to the office and had thought Garrett had strolled into her apartment to collect her, but apparently not, she was now just staring at him, because he’d informed her that he’d made the decision they wouldn’t be going in until after lunch now

Why?she’d asked without much thought. It was a business day, and she was certain there 

was work to be done

Because there are many reporters, not only at the office but at the community gates as well,” 

had been his response

To which she’d raised an eyebrow at him And that’s a problem because?she’d returned, not really understanding his comment. He was actually expecting there to be press outside and at the office, to snap pictures of them together now it had been announced they were a couple

Hmm, you’ve not seen the society page this morning.” 

No, not interested in that, you know this.” She’d stated, and he did. Though she knew he was 

tracking it right now, technically he was orchestrating things to be seen out there, to his liking

It appears Damien Blackwell got engaged, gave Chloe Sliverton the very same ring he was 

supposed to give you. There’s a photo of Chloe wearing it.’ 

Honestly, Garrett, I don’t really care, she can have whatever she wants from that man. I also 

don’t see that it was ever mine. I was never given it. So,” she shrugged, Let her wear it.” 

He sat down and pulled her down onto the couch next to him and looked right at her, and she 

sighed, just knew he was already doing something about it. “Why do you take offence on my 

behalf when I don’t really care? I don’t understand that at all, Garrett.” 

It’s my job to protect you, that is why,” he stated simply, and I will be doing that forever and 

always, Harm. I will not allow you to be seen in a bad light when you’ve done nothing wrong.” 

As long as we know that, isn’t that all that matters?she countered

I understand you don’t like my methods, Harm, but this is actually how it works in the world of the wealthy. If I don’t squash it now, those two are always going to be coming at you, trying to one up you at every turn. It won’t just stop and go away. They did not get what they wanted where you are concerned. You also now know what they wanted, and that is something they need to make sure no one will ever believe if you state it.” 


+8 Point 

CH 57 

I’m not going to say anything.She shook her head

You may never want to, but your knowledge is now a threat to them always. So I’m going to 

end it. This should be the last time I have to do anything where they are concerned. But first

need you to read the article and the threads so you can see why I’m going to do this.He 

handed her the tablet he’d walked in with

I’ve asked Rachael to come to the estate for this one.” 

She stared at him, and he tapped the tablet, Chloe is claiming that the ring was not only 

always for her, but that she was given it on Christmas morning, which also means she wasn’t 

out of the country, like Laurel told you.” 

Harmony shook her head a little. They just keep on lying, it seems.She muttered as she read 

the article, and Chloe’s comments about that ring always being for her. She didn’t believe it 

because she and Damien had talked about getting engaged, Gregory himself had told her that 

he’d approved the ring his son had bought for her as well

She also got to see the photo of them together at that event, and shook her head at the dress

Why does that not surprise me at all?she muttered

What?Garrett asked

That is the same dress I was to wear for New Year’s Eve with him. Chloe was there when

bought it. We went dress shopping together. I didn’t bring it here and didn’t really like it, too 

tight for my liking, but that was what he always wanted me to wear; figurehugging dresses

Now she’s wearing the exact same one and on the day I was to wear it, and with that ring as well.she sighed as she understood exactly what this was, this was not Damien’s doing, she 

didn’t think

This was a Chloe thing, trying to upset her and get back at her and, for what? She wasn’t the one in the wrong, they were, so why be so mean and nasty about it? Chloe never wore black

didn’t actually like black and to wear the exact same dress. She was now curious as to when 

the girl had bought it

Had she always intended to wear the same dress on that night? As a way of trying to show 

her up, though she couldn’t really say oops sorry I didn’t know they were the same, not when 

she’d been there for the purchasing of it

Garrett’s hand landed on hers. “Did she buy the same dress or break into your apartment and 

steal it?” 

I don’t know, though I doubt she would do that.Harmony shook her head, And when would 


+9 Paint

CH 57 

she have? It was still there on Boxing Day.” 

I’ll have someone go over and check to see if your apartment is intact. I’ve not been keeping 

an eye on it, didn’t think to because you were here, safe.” 

She frowned at that word, safe? Shook it off, the man was a bit controlling, but she could see 

his heart was in the right place. I’m sorry Harm, I didn’t know about the dress thing, I’ll bring 

that up with Rachael,” 

I don’t think that’s necessary, though I do think wearing the same dress; when she was with 

me when I bought it, this is her way of saying I look better in the dress than you do.” 

It’s a personal attack, Harmony, from her to you, I’d say.Garrett nodded But honestly.He 

touched her face gently. “You looked 10 times more elegant in the dress you wore, it was the 

perfect dress for you as well. I think, lovely and something you liked, picked yourself for you.

always want you to wear things you want. Don’t ever feel you have to dress for me.” 

He leaned over and kissed her softly Your style I like, even the suits you wear to the office are 

lovely,” he smiled at her, and she felt his hand slide down her neck slowly

Oh no,she removed his hand Don’t you even think about it,” she murmured, understood now 

him sliding his hand down her neck like that, meant he was going to seduce her

Garrett chuckled Hmm, I’m already thinking about it. But you are right, I will rein in my desire to strip you naked and kiss every inch of you. But only because Rachael is coming, she’ll be 

here within the hour

Now… on that note. I’m going to give her all the footage from the office on Christmas Eve, our meeting with the Blackwells in my office, to out that family once and for all. It was all three of them trying to convey concern and get you back on Damien’s arm

I want Damien and his words of Chloe meaning nothing to him, on Christmas Eve outed to the world, as proof that ring was actually meant for you. Because all that time they were trying 

to get you to take him back, marry him

That is what Laurel tried to convince you of out in the corridor as well. I got it all, because everything in my office building is always recorded, footage and audio for security reasons.” 

She sighed at this, knew how bad it had gotten in that office, This is the last time, Garrett, there will be no more. If you insist on continuing with this little battle…” 

This is the final nail in their coffin, so to speak. I will stop after today if that is what you want. But I do want you to be there for the meeting with Rachael, so you can see what is going to be 

put out there. I understand I can be a bitOverbearing in getting my own way.” 


CH 57 

+8 Poin 

Yes,” she stated simply, it was a battle he’d started without her permission, and one he wanted to win. A part of her understood it was because he wanted to protect her from that horrid family, he’d told her that, and she could see he was doing that in his own way

She simply wished that it wasn’t at all necessary. I’ll be there, at least this time I’ll be able to see what’s going out before it goes out, I guess.” 

Hmm, I’m sorry about the first few articles. I should have included you and told you what I wanted to do, but that being said, I likely still would have done it. That family is rotten Harm

and they tried to coerce you into being the wife of their cheating son, knowing he was like 


It’s highly likely they already knew about Chloe’s pregnancy as well by then, she’d have been 

eight weeks ago. I’m damned certain Damien knew, there was no way Chloe wouldn’t tell him

not when she is desperate to be on his arm.” 

She could well have told him on his birthday, it would be a nice surprise gift for the one you 

love.She muttered and wondered if that was exactly when Chloe had told him

I got my surprise on Christmas Eve, the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten. Knew that baby was mine, and couldn’t bloody stop smiling, Wyatt teased me about it most of the night, that you were in the hospital. Told me I grinned like the Cheshire Cat.” 

She chuckled softly, liked knowing that he had been happy about their baby right away. It had been a shock for her to find out she was pregnant herself, but not once did she even think 

anything other than keeping it

You know, Garrett, we’re nearly a month along now, maybe we should get our own sonogram.” She smiled down at her tummy. I know it’s early but.” She smiled a little

I’d like that.She heard the smile in his voice and saw his hand slide right over hers. Do you 

want a boy or girl?he murmured

I don’t know.She shook her head. As long as it’s healthy.” 

It’s? Let’s not call our baby that, use my word, pup, until we know hey.” 

She shook her head. As long as ourpup is healthy,she chuckled softly at the word, I don’t care if we have a boy or a girl.” 

Garrett hugged her. Our pup will be good and strong, don’t you worry about that.” 


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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