Wolf Novel 56

Wolf Novel 56

CH 56 


He sat in his, Everyone was due to go back to work today. It was the 2nd, but there were many 

reporters outside the front of not only the pack gates but the front of the office as well. So

he’d opted for them to all go in later in the day, arrive at just after 10am this morning in the hope the press would think they weren’t coming and leave

Which gave him time to sit and check the stock market and his own company shares. They 

had gone up three and a half points. He was happy with that. The Blackwells, who’d lost ten 

points over the Christmas break, had taken another hit this morning, dropping another six 


The presenter was reporting that several Blackwell Industries long term investors had pulled out of the company over the past week and sold off their shares, to try and get out before losing any more money. They had foreseen more losses coming to Blackwell Industries and 

didn’t think the downward trend was over at all

As a result of this, many of the smaller companies that used the Blackwell Law firm had also pulled their contracts due to all the lies and deception of Damien Blackwell. Were reported to 

have stated how could a law firm be fair and just if its future CEO was so very untrustworthy 

and disrespectful of the laws himself

He chuckled softly as Wyatt, Ryan, Dallas and Laurie all came into his suite It’s confirmed, Garrett.” Wyatt told him Six of our known allies in business with Blackwell Industries, have all issued termination of contracts to the Blackwell Law Firm. I got emails this morning from all 

of them. I’m guessing they all talked last night and came up with a plan of their own. After meeting Harmony and finding out what she is to you, this pack

All of them stated that Blackwell Law Firm were now seen as untrustworthy, and condoned 

the illegal slandering by Damien Blackwell, the supposed future leader of the Law Firm; of a former employee that was detrimental to not only the employee’s mental health, but could well have seen her left homeless. That this breached their own code of conduct, and their 

firm’s own privacy and confidentiality as well. Seeing that Damien saw fit to intercept Harmony’s references.” 

That’s gotta sting.” Garrett chuckled

I have offered our legal department at a discounted cost of 50% of what the Blackwells were charging them, until they find another law firm that suits their needs.Laurie smiled at him


CH 56 

+ Paint 

also offered them to stay with us and offered a 25% permanent discount until the next 

generation takes over. I will put it in writing today, and give them a clause to let them get other 

legal advice without penalty, for contracts with our own companies, so there is no bias when they deal with us.Laurie stated with a happy note in her voice

Now that’s a deal.He nodded How many took it up?he asked curiously

All of them for the interim.She nodded It’s a good deal, 50% off legal fees, who doesn’t want 

that.She smiled

The 25%?he asked

An incentive, we don’t have a massive legal department, but if I can bring them all in, Garrett

We could see our way to opening our own law firm, buying or creating a building and calling it 

Owens Legal. What do you think about another business expansion? Branching out a little into my world. I’d be willing to bet a fair few of Blackwell’s clientele will come over to us right 


He looked at his sister and wondered if this was something she really wanted. She was 

talking a little excitedly. He thought about the prospect of Laurie running her own law firm, and not just working for the pack. Though she would still have to do that. Just from another 

building, he supposed

Draw up a business plan and see about what clients you’d be able to bring in. Mind you, I don’t want criminal law. I also don’t wish to hire any lawyers leaving Blackwell Industries or those that are laid off.” He nodded Put it on my desk, and I’ll look at it with full view of 


1 only need a week to get that to you.she smiled right at him and was gone from his suite

He chuckled I think Laurie is getting her own Law Firm.” 

Certainly, does sound like it.Dallas nodded She did seem happy talking about it, and only a week to get you that business plan. I dare say she’s already got one; just needs finetuning.” 

He could only agree The Blackwells are tanking in the stock market, down another six points. this morning. And it’s not predicted to stop.” 

I heard,” Wyatt commented On good authority that their bank is going to call for the repayment of their business overdrafts, this afternoon. They have full concerns that the Blackwells won’t be able to pay it back within a matter of weeks.” 

I would too, if I was them.Ryan stated Their stocks aren’t about to magically recover overnight. And the investors still with them hearing about their clients all leaving that law firm


CH 56 

* Print 

it’s likely they’ll all think about selling off their shares, if they haven’t done on the quiet already. They are now losing money every minute they stay invested.” 

It was what Garrett wanted, to bring that company and the rotten family behind it to their knees, to make them see how it feels, to be targeted and become broke, homeless even. The 

Sliverton family?he asked

They are heavily invested in Blackwell Industries, their fortune is also plummeting right now. Though I heard on the downlow, they have put a few of their homes on the market for quick 

sales just last week, and they sold off their yacht

Chloe was never sent overseas, apparently she was just at her grandfather’s estate

something also mentioned in that first article by Chloe herself. She had a lovely break away 

with her Granddad prior to Christmas, so it’s entirely possible she was at the Blackwell Estate 

on Christmas Day

The Silverton’s, however, are consolidating everything to cash. Though half the places they 

own are mortgaged, so they don’t have as much as they want, I’m guessing.Ryan informed 

him, that was his domain, the purchasing and selling of realestate, and he knew everyone 

that was anyone in that industry

I’d be guessing their selling off of shares is next on the list, but Chloe being pregnant with 

Damien’s child, they will have to hold out on selling those particular shares to keep the 

connection and show loyalty to the Blackwells.Garrett nodded

I found something interesting in the paper this morning, Garrett.Wyatt commented, a slight 

smile on his face, and then held out his phone for Garrett to take

It was a picture of Chloe and Damien taken at the Blackwell New Year’s Eve Party. The two of 

them were standing together, he was wearing a black suit, and she was wearing

figurehugging black dress, and had her left hand rested on her abdomen

Is that the engagement ring Damien bought for Harmony?Garrett sighed and shook his 

head. It was a large diamond ring just like the one he’d seen previously, though there was no 

caption about them being engaged, just one of the two of them among the guests of that 


It is, I had Rachael confirm it, she’s all over it, already made her own comment thread

attached her pictures to it to show it is indeed the same ring.” Wyatt nodded

Likely they can’t afford a new one, with their stocks tanking the way they are.Ryan 

snickered, fully amused


CH 56 

* Painty 

Oh, it gets better.Wyatt smiled. Chloe is in an outrage, has declared that the ring was always for her and never for Harmony, that she was given it on Christmas morning, which was 

always the plan. Is fully ticked off over the comments being directed at her, the mistress gets

handmedowns, because she’s not worth anything to the Blackwell family. Is now seen as

gold digger.” 

That’s gotta sting.He chuckled himself But, Christmas Day she says!you know we could prove that it was for Harmony, with voice recordings from my office from Christmas Eve.” 

Hmm, might have to edit them a bit.Wyatt nodded thoughtfully

I’ll do it,” Dallas stated, and send it to Rachael, yes?” 

Yes please.Garrett nodded I want Chloe to hear that conversation where the Blackwell’s are all trying to convey concern for Harmony and Damien states, he and Chloe are nothing at all

That he still loves Harmony. Let that recording run right up until the point where Harmony 

yells at Damien, about how he stated Chloe was better in bed than she was

That’s all clear and doesn’t need to be edited, then jump it to the part where Damien states 

it’s not like she hasn’t seen them having s*x before, if I recall correctly, he stated himself it 

was like half a dozen times. Get that all to Rachael. Also, make sure to get that part about her 

being his woman

That she was to stay on his arm, and marry him. Stating she was innocent and loyal to him, perfect wife material. And anything out in the hall between Harmony and Laurel, that shows them trying to convince her to take him back and marry Damien, no matter how much of a scumbag he really is.Garrett nodded thoughtfully. He’d not been there for that, but heard 

about it


That entire conversation and footage will be able to be completely unedited, it’s perfect, no interruptions between Harmony and Laurel. It will completely ruin that family,Ryan stated. Mr Blackwell himself, it’ll show he’s got a mistress and Laurel knows about it and has to deal with it. It will have the time and date right there, late afternoon Christmas Eve.” 

Do it. Let’s put Chloe in her place and destroy the horrid family at the same time. Let’s see if Chloe will keep that tie to the Blackwell’s after this, and stay engaged to Damien, or is she is 

just a gold digger

They all deceived and hurt Harmony. Now it’s time to bring them all down. They present themselves as a familyorientated business, this will destroy their image completely.” 

On it.” Dallas stated


** Point 

CH 56 

Wyatt took his phone back and called Rachael. Come to the Owens estate, we got more on 

the Blackwells, unedited footage of Laurel Blackwell trying to sway Harmony into marrying Damien on Christmas Eve, and the actual footage between that family and Harmony as well. Them trying to convince her they cared and Damien loved her.” 

Now why would you not give that to me before?she huffed

Garrett and his planning out of things he wants to happen is all,” Wyatt responded

Right, I’ll see you in an hour or so then.She stated and clicked the line closed

She sounds a bit annoyed,” Wyatt sighed

It’s fine, I’ll explain it to her. That I wanted to wait and see what the Blackwell’s did if Damien got engaged to Chloe and stupidly used the same ring he was to give to Harmony.” 


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Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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