Wolf Novel 51

Wolf Novel 51

CH 51 


His phone alarm went off at 5am, and he turned it off and smiled at Harmony, still naked and curled into him in her bed. She’d taken control last night, and he’d just let her, liked knowing she was interested in him, and that she knew exactly what she liked in the bedroom

She was everything he had told his mother he wanted; a woman who’d been in a relationship previously, a woman who knew what she liked and how to state it as well. She was independent and beautiful, she was also good at her job and friendly

Her being alone in life, not having any family, that wasn’t good for her. He didn’t think that would be nice for anyone, but understood at times it did happen. Though, at the same time

that meant bringing her into the pack, there would be fewer issues for him. It meant that he 

wouldn’t have to concern himself about her parents finding out what he was, what she could 

possibly turn into and freak out

Though here in the pack there was a private aged care facility, for all those human mates his wolves had. For when their parents got old and were coming to the end of their lives, so they 

could have them here, close to them. Some of those humans were bedridden and had 

dementia, could barely recall who their child was, and others were just old and in need of more 

assistance with their activities of daily living

All of those elderly never left the community anymore, and those that were sound of mind

were told about them, because they were going to be living here, could see that their son or 

daughter had not aged a day since coming here. Most of them just stared disbelievingly and 

others just accepted it. The facility was up on a hill, and they had a view of the entire pack, it 

had its own heated swimming pool and gym, there was a beautiful garden and lots of things 

to entertain them. Most were as happy as his wolves were

The ones that had dementia, and could be seen to get aggressive due to their disease process, were easily handled by his team of care workers. That, and there was a decentsized 

greenhouse attached to that building they were all in, where they could be taken to go and 

calm down. mellow outwas how his cousin Jade had once put it with a chuckle

She ran the facility. Her own Mate’s parents were there, one living merrily and happily and the 

other had dementia, unfortunately. They currently had 50 human residents up there being 

looked after around the clock

Garrett leaned over and kissed Harmony’s temple and murmured I have to go, sweetheart.” 


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was her only reply, and he got out of the bed, and pulled his clothes on. He’d shower and changed in his suite, he had training to attend this morning, in the gym in just thirty 


He trained with the boys and his warriors until 0730 and headed off for breakfast. He was 

actually starving hungry, his night had been long and delightful

You smile like that around your mother, and she’ll know something is going on.Wyatt 

nudged him playfully

A nice evening then?Ryan asked him

It was lovely.He nodded, and he smiled at his mother as she flagged him when he walked 

into the dining hall, so he and the boys would sit with her and his father; the previous unit and 

their Mate’s

Not like he and the boys wouldn’t have anyway, the Alpha’s table always seated the current and previous alpha’s unit or the current and future alpha’s unit. It was kind of wolfen protocol for most packs. Not all but many did sit together like this

Especially if it was an Alpha with his heir for the next generation who was over 16 and should be seen as the future of the pack. An heir sitting in his place at his father, the Alpha’s side, or 

his mother, the Luna or Alpha/Luna’s side. That was just protocol

That thought made him nearly smile. He would have that soon, him and his son or daughter right there next to him in just 16 years. He had an heir now, and his child’s mother was perfect. She was going to be a good mother as well, soft and gentle, but he knew there was a temper in there somewhere, just not yet been aimed at him. He was hoping it would never be

Today’s agenda?his mother asked him after he got food and sat down

First up, check the paper for Rachael’s next announcement, see how the local netizens respond to Harmony’s official statement on the subject of the Blackwell family leaving her alone.He saw his mother raise an eyebrow, at him questioningly She made an official statement herself yesterday to be released today.” 

Good, I hope she hit that S.O.B. where it hurts.His mother nodded

No, she didn’t. It showed she has more class than he does though.” He chuckled she wished him well, and I believe hoped he and Chloe were happy and would raise their child right.” 

He saw his mother snort Oh, I like that. A backhanded way of saying he wasn’t.” 

Hmm.” Garrett nodded She also asked to be left alone by them.” 


+ Paint 

CH 51 

Good, hopefully they’ll will do that,his father stated



read yesterday’s article mother?he was curious as to if she was following along or just listening to others talk about it

I did, he’s got some other girl pregnant, months ago at that.She shook her head as thought 


It’ll all be sorted out, and over come New Years mother. There’s only one more thing I want to 

do to that family.” 

I trust you, Garrett. Now I’ll spend most of the morning with Harmony trying on dresses,” he 

watched her look around the room Where is she, I wonder?” 

Likely in her suite, she’s used to being on her own and I helped her to stock up her fridge and pantry yesterday from the kitchen stores, when she realised there was no food up there for her 

to cook. She’s not at all used to eating like we do.”

I guess that’s because she’s not like us.His mother nodded. But it’s not healthy for her to spend all day alone, so I’ll talk to her today about having meals with us, breakfast or lunch.” 

Alright.” He nodded simply, he’d like that himself, get to spend time with her and at his 

mother’s doing not his own. Things were working out nicely

He ate and headed for his office to check Rachael’s article. It was a well written piece about 

how Harmony had simply tried to stay out of everything, she’d not started any of the reporting 

herself. Was not doing anything at all to harm Damien’s reputation

That what in fact she wanted was a simple, clean and amicable breakup from Damien Blackwell, but that was not what she was getting because Damien, it appeared, couldn’t and 

wouldn’t let it go

Harmony’s response was there in print, word for word, and there was a link to her voice recording, which showed her words were not spiteful, but her words got across to all those reading or listening that she felt disrespected by both Damien and Chloe, and that neither of them had the good manners or common curtesy to no go behind her back

There were many comments on how Harmony had more class than the actual upperclass, that she knew how to conduct oneself in the proper manner and not get involved in a public battle to ruin anyone’s life. Regardless of how they tried to trample on her

They couldn’t fault Harmony now that the full truth of Damien’s lies and cheating ways were out for all to see. That she’d not said a single bad word against him, nothing nasty about 

Chloe even. Had kept her composure the entire time and managed to find a job and move on


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they were happy for her, he realised

One had stated I don’t know how Damien could do that, Harmony appears to be calm, poised 

and sensible, doesn’t appear to have a mean bone in her body. She just accepted all of his 

cruel intentions, took a breath and let it go, moved on and away from him.” 

Another had stated Chloe was nothing like Harmony, tried to rip her a new one in

department store, and then sent that mean message about having Damien’s baby, and how long their affair had been going on. Clearly, Chloe wants to inflict more emotional pain on 


Another stated There is a very clear difference between the two women. I think Damien 

Blackwell has screwed up his life, has now got himself tied to a vindictive, spiteful, jealous 


Another stated Well, we now know Damien Blackwell is no better than Chloe Silverton and

you know what they say, birds of a feather, flock together.” 

Garrett smiled as he read the threads and hit the like button as he read them himself. They would have four days of peace and quiet before New Year’s Eve, but he didn’t think the Blackwells would get that. Though he did now note there was a complete lack of response 

from the Blackwells at this time. Likely that boy was in a world of trouble and so was his new 


He was curious as to if Chloe Silverton would be on Damien Blackwells arm at the Blackwell 

Gala or if Damien had been or was now getting sent away by his own parents to force him out of the spotlight

Garrett had seen it many times over the years, unhappy wealthy parents or grandparents depending on the patriarchal order of their families. Who held the power and made the big decisions? They would send their child or grandchild overseas to get rid of them for a time, when they embarrassed them or brought disrepute to their family name or company business

He’d seen that it could be for many years, or they were simply never allowed to return at all. Part of the family but considered disowned, or the black sheep, he supposed, until they cleaned up their act or who sent them away, passed away or thought they’d redeemed 

themselves enough to come home

Today was a good day, and he saw Harmony and his mother stroll out of the packhouse to go dress shopping. She was wearing that grey coat he had purchased her, and it made him smile to know she would wear something he’d given her

He flicked off an email to Rachael after reading the one she had sent him asking him about 


CH 51 

is Point 

the details of his and Harmony’s relationship. She was prepping for the next phase. He told 

her he’d asked Harmony out officially on Christmas Eve, and she’d said yes. That she’d spent 

Christmas Day here at his estate with him and his family. That his mother had taken her dress shopping for the New Year’s Eve gala they were to attend at the Winslette. He was simply filing in the details of his relationship with Harmony so that Rachael could write her article on; the how, when and where it came about, what his family’s reaction to it was

Which, he stated My mother is over the moon, liked Harmony from the day she first met her 

at Owen’s Construction Orientation for her job, before I asked her out. She thought Harmony was not only good at her job, but polite and professional. She’s hoping it will lead to something more in the future.” 

He chuckled as he hit the send button. His mother was definitely going to want that, and she did like Harmony, which was an added bonus. And there was nothing more that his mother wanted than for him to be happily mated off. He was pretty much announcing with that one statement that his mother could start planning his and Harmony’s wedding and Luna Ceremony, she would get both being human. It was going to be the best New Year’s gift he could give to his mother. That wedding planner inside her was going to go crazy with joy


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Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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