CH 49
+3 Points
Not only did he get to eat dinner with Harmony, he also walked her into the packhouse’s kitchen pantry and handed her a basket, so she could collect things she wanted for her own fridge and pantry; he’d learn what it was she liked to eat today. Though she stared a little wide–eyed at the place, it was large with 10 dedicated aisles to be walked up and down. It was
kind of like a small grocery store. It had dedicated zones; fruit and veg, meat and dairy, and
plenty of shelf goods.
There were lots of whole foods, there was nothing pre–packaged with the exception of dairy
and cereals because everything was made from scratch, even their baked goods, such as
waffles and croissants, danish’s and cakes were all baked daily.
He smiled at the head Chef, “Evening Justin.”
“Garrett, is there anything in particular that I can get for you?” Justin asked him.
“No, Harmony just needs a few things for her kitchen. Put it on my tab.”
“Of course, Garrett.” Justin nodded and handed Garrett a bar code scanner.
Though it wasn’t for tallying up the price of the things they took. It was for stock management,
so that Justin could keep track of the stores and know when he needed to go out and buy
things himself.
“Anything you like Harmony.” He told her with a smile.
“You know, Garrett, I can pay for my own things, and I’d prefer to do that as well.“, she frowned
up at him.
“I know,” he nodded, “But today it’s on me, seeing that I neglected to bring your car here or any
food from your apartment. How about today’s on me? After today, you can buy whatever you
want.” He smiled at her. “I’ll have someone go and collect your car so you can move about to
go and buy things as you need them.”
She nodded “Alright, but just this once.” She moved off down an aisle “This place is huge.” She
He strolled along behind and watched her pick up things and put them in her basket. The
standard milk, sugar, fruits and vegetables, she collected a cut of beef and chicken, then
frowned “There’s no seafood.”
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“No, most here don’t really eat fish,” he shook his head “Do you.”
“Yes, I quite like it. I eat fish two to three times a week. I like salmon and sea bass, I also like
prawns and calamari.” She nodded as she moved on.
He watched her collect pasta and look at the vegetable stock, and go to put it back, it was just
in a container with the words vegetable stock handwritten on it, and a date there. He chuckled “It’s still good, that’s the date it was made.” He touched the date she’d looked at, “Justin and
his team make everything from scratch, even stock.” He told her.
“Alright.” She nodded “There are things I want that aren’t in here.” she huffed.
“Mm, it’s not a supermarket.” He nodded, and it wasn’t, even they shopped outside the pack for
things like toiletries and snack foods, instant meals. “What are you looking for?”
“A jar of coffee.” She answered him.
“Ah, we grind our own beans here, so there will be no instant on the shelf.” He told her, and if his wolves wanted instant coffee they could purchase it out in the human world. Even his
suite had a Jura E8 coffee machine that ground its own beans.
“You know Harm, there is a coffee machine in your suite.” He told her she should have seen it, it would sit on the kitchen bench; all their guest suites had a coffee machine.
“But I don’t know how to use it.” she shook her head.
“I do, I’ll show you. What type of beans do you like? Mild, strong, light or dark roast.”
“Um, I don’t know, but I don’t like bitter coffee, so something soft and easy to drink I suppose.”
“I gotcha ya. Crema beans will suit you.” he nodded and ducked off down the aisle to get a small bag of them before heading up to her suite. He followed her into her suite and the moment the door was closed he snagged her with his free hand, and pulled her back to him,
right into him and leaned down to kiss her softly on the mouth “I’ve wanted to do that all day
long.” He smiled at her.
She smiled at him and shook her head a little. “Is it so hard? You kissed me at the apartment.
Been all of half a day.”
“Yes,” he told her, “I don’t like it to be honest, not being able to do that when I want to.” Again
he watched her shake her head, and then she headed for her kitchen. He followed, and helped
her unpack and then set about showing her how to use the coffee machine and learned by doing that, how she took her coffee. Liked a latte with two sugars. He watched her sip it and
sigh softly to herself “You like your coffee? The pregnancy is not causing you to reject it.”
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“Hmm, no, I still enjoy not only the smell but the taste of it. Why?”
“Many can’t drink coffee when pregnant is all,” he shrugged. “Drinking it this late at night isn’t
going to keep you awake?” he asked, because if he drank coffee at this hour it would keep him
awake. That was actually why he’d switched to decaf in the afternoons. He had trouble.
sleeping at times and anything caffeinated after 2pm seemed to hinder his ability to sleep soundly or fall asleep at all.
“No,” she answered him, “I can drink coffee and be asleep an hour later.”
“Interesting, it keeps me awake,” Garrett smiled as he leaned on the counter and just watched
you planning on staying the night?” she asked, looking at his comfortable pose.
“I am…are you alright with that? I know we’re new, and it’s a bit complicated at the moment,
but mother and father will stay in their suite until morning, oh on that note. Dad knows, by the
way, picked it himself.”
“Knows about what exactly?” she asked.
“Us.” He told her and walked over to slide his arm around her. “Come sit with me, I want to
show you the fall–out from today’s revelations.”
“Alright.” She walked next to him and didn’t seem to mind that his arm was around her waist
the entire time. They sank down on the couch, and he pulled out his phone to show her.
Damien had lost it over being outed for his cruel words about Harmony and had been criticized harshly by everyone. So he had told everyone that Harmony had cheated on him first, that he’d seen her in the Triple Moon Club with none other than Garrett Owens himself. Her
new employer.
That all the sudden, and bad press he was getting, was because Garrett had, had s*x with Harmony. That she was the one in the wrong and now she and Garrett were trying to paint him as the bad guy, to cover up their own indiscretion. That he didn’t deserve all the bad press he was getting, that it should be aimed at Harmony herself.
She sighed as she read it, but Damien was still copping backlash even from his comments, still being cruel and vindictive towards Harmony, that he was now the jealous ex–boyfriend, because Harmony had moved on to a new life, even if she and Garrett were dating they’d not announced it. So weren’t in fact trying to rub it in Damien’s face, that he was the one to bring it
up and only to put bad light on their names.
That he was throwing out lies because where was the proof of his words. Everything said
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about him so far was all caught on film or recorded, but his words weren’t backed up by anything. That he was only saying this because he wanted to hurt Harmony even more than
he’d already done.
“How’d your family take that?” Harmony asked him.
“They all rolled their eyes, I don’t date, so…” he shrugged “None of them believe it.”
“Going to shock them. When they find out it’s real,” she sighed.
“A little, but Rachael is already on it.” he smiled at her and tapped a new thread by Rachael Greenbay herself. It was the screenshot of Chloe’s text message to herself. Which had the sonogram and that I’m 10 weeks along. It was blowing up all over the place.
“Damien now, can’t retaliate against it, if that child is his, or he’ll have to never lay claim to it as his own, and Chloe, I imagine from all I’ve seen of her, will pitch a hell of a fit. I also think it
is his.
“He’ll likely have to marry her so it’s not born out of wedlock. But I doubt she’ll get that big flashy wedding she wants, not after letting that out of the bag, and all the bad press it’s now causing as well. Which it is, they’re all back to stating he’s a cheating S.O.B.”
She could see the threads that were attached to Rachael’s post and he was once again called a liar over his acusations that she cheated first. “Do you really think they actually sent her
overseas? Like Laurel told me she had done.”
“Hmm, I’m guessing so. Because Chloe sending you that, if she’s out of the country was like a bomb of her own, she’d know it was going to be used by me, if you showed it to me. She likely was betting on that, to get herself brought back and be with Damien again.”
“Well, I wish them luck,” Harmony murmured.
“New Years will be fun, seeing if she’s on his arm or not?”
“You’re enjoying humiliating him aren’t you?” she asked and sounded a little curious to his ear.
“Mm, I won’t deny that. It’s not something I got to do, pay my ex back, so I guess I’m a little harsher than I needed to be. But Harm after all he’s done, that boy deserves his comeuppance. Rachael is going to release your statements about that picture and his family tomorrow, to show there’s no hatred from you towards him. Even though he’s a scumbag.”
“I just want them to leave me alone, is all,” she sighed.
“They have bigger problems right this minute, their stocks tanked this morning. Due to his behaviour and some of those comments and threads were from the others that took your
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references from him as well. Stating that he slandered you to them as well.
“Then his reaction and Rachael’s uploading of ‘Chloe Sliverton pregnant with Damien Blackwell’s child 10 weeks along, proved him to be a liar that you cheated first. It’s almost all done and dusted now. Tomorrow’s release of your statement and us going to New Years and
announcing becoming a couple.
“He won’t be game to come at you after that. Right now, he is coming at you because he doesn’t know we are together. I’m much more powerful than he is, and if he does try anything at all after New Years, it will only see him in a bad light once more, show just how petty and jealous he is, not to mention if he keeps fighting it.
“How will that look now Chloe is pregnant, like he doesn’t want her, or care about that child they’re having together. He can’t win against me.”
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