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They arrived at Harmony’s apartment in the city, after a tip off had been given to the press that Harmony herself had been seen at the domestic airport, looking to be heading out of the state. Thankfully, the press was all gone when they got to her apartment, bar Rachael. She
was there to take a few pictures of them in secret.
Wyatt mind–linked to him. He’d spotted her and to smile for the camera. He’d not only smiled but had dropped his hand to the small of Harmony’s back as they’d walked. The significance wasn’t him and her in the picture, it was him and her surrounded by his men.
This was not only going to out them to the humans, but to all those that knew him in the world. That Harmony was his human Mate, is what he would tell them, it’s what he also wanted them to know. Who would now also see why he had attacked Damien and the
Blackwell’s publicly.
He knew a few of his allied packs had connections with Blackwell industries, but would pull that the moment this was out for them all to see. Those horrid people would never see it coming. He had three packs attached to him that were local and small and didn’t have their own law company, so they were in fact using the Blackwells law firm for all their human world business dealings.
They were going to be hit hard come New Year’s Day.
Sending the rest of the press away gave them the chance to enter her apartment without anyone noticing, and hopefully none should come back, seeing that they thought she was
leaving on a plane.
Harmony could spend a full week in relative peace and quiet because the company was now closed until the 2nd of January. She’d only have to deal with him bugging her.” He smiled at that thought as they all went about packing up things she wanted to take with her.
They were not canceling the lease at this point in time. That would have everyone see she had moved, and he wanted the press here and not out at his pack gates. She was a bit on the quiet side, though he thought that was to be expected, under the circumstances that had gone on
He watched as she boxed up the gifts under the Christmas tree, and wondered who they were for, though the wrapping paper looked a bit old and worn to him, so he asked her out of
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curiosity who they were for.
“My mum and dad.” She’d stated simply “These were the last things I ever bought them. I purchased them right before moving out here… I couldn’t see to throwing them away, so I put them out every year.” She’d looked at them and her hand touched one lovingly.
He walked over to her and hugged her. “I bet they would have loved them,” He told her softly.
“Mm, I like to think so.” she nodded “Shoo.” She told him, and he smiled at her, let her go, seem to mind him touching her around Wyatt, Ryan and Dallas. Though she also knew they knew. Though she smiled at him as she said it, “You’re not helping if you’re distracted.” She
He’d chuckled and let her go, “Hmm, got me on that, I can’t do that when back home without
mother finding out.”
“It’s a difficult day today Garrett, and…” she’d sighed but did not finished her sentence, just picked up that box and walked off with it.
His eyes had followed her, he’d caught something in her tone, and didn’t quite understand it. He looked at Ryan, he was her Gamma and she was now his job to feel out and comfort.
‘Leave her, she’s actually alright, just annoyed is all.‘ Ryan mind–linked to him.
‘Anything else?‘ he asked right away.
‘No, I don’t even get pain anymore, like I did those first few days. I think with all that has happened, all she now knows and understands about Damien and his family. She has actually been able to really let him go, has moved on like she said she has. She is stronger than she looks. Don’t take her silence as pain and still being upset about her break up. It’s not that at
‘Alright.‘ He nodded.
‘She also liked it when you hugged her, thought it was nice that you tried to comfort her.‘ Ryan
smiled at him.
So, yes, her Gamma was doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing, keeping track of
his future Luna’s feelings.
It took two hours for all of them to pack the things she wanted to take with her, and he saw her go into the bathroom and take clothes with her. She wanted to put something of her own on. He sent the boys on ahead of them to pack those boxes in the back of his truck.
She came out wearing a lovely deep maron coloured dress, with a high rolled collar and long
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sleeves, it was a heavy winter knit dress, and she sat on the end of her bed and pulled on long socks and a pair of black boots that met the bottom of the dress.
“You look beautiful,” he told her, and she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ve had this for a few years, it’s warm in winter.” She told him simply.
“It looks warm.” He smiled. It showed off her figure nicely. “Are you ready to go?” he asked.
“Mm,” she nodded as she stood up and looked around, “I guess I am.”
“The rest can be moved after the new year.” He told her, leaned down and kissed her softly, had wanted to earlier but the boys were right there. “Just the necessity’s today, but we’ll come back for everything that is yours.” he smiled down at her and hugged her a little.
“I know. It’s just that I’ve been here for just over four years now. I guess this is where I consider
home is.”
“Four and a bit years?” he questioned. “Damien never asked you to move in with him, in the three years you were together?” That was a curiosity.
“No,” Harmony shook her head “Now I guess I know why. Likely Chloe stayed over at his place
when I wasn’t there.” She shrugged and picked up her handbag.
Garrett helped her into her coat, and they were headed for the elevator when Wyatt mind–linked to him ‘Boss, we got company down here. That’s not Rachael.‘
He sighed internally, ‘Text me that, so I have reason to know this in front of Harmony‘
He got that text as the elevator doors opened and they stepped in. “The press are downstairs
once more.” He told her and showed her Wyatt’s message.
“So much for, in and out and undetected.” She stated.
Garrett snorted at her words “Nice movie quote.”
“Seemed fitting.” She smiled at him “So much for Rachael’s exclusive.”
“She’ll still get it. This can be explained as I’m simply protecting my employee. Let me handle
it when we get hounded.”
That was exactly as he spun it as well, as Wyatt and the boys kept the press from getting to
Harmony. He told them that after all the things had gone on, Harmony no longer felt
comfortable staying in her apartment and so, for a period of time, she would be residing
within his gated community, as did 90% of his employees.
Informed them she’d been due to move into it next month anyway, and his mother, Deidre
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Owens, had simply seen fit to push her move forward due to the current circumstances around Harmony and Damien Blackwell.
That they could if they wanted to contact his mother regarding more information on the
matter, and had more questions for her. She’d only be too happy to answer them as long as
they were polite.
It wasn’t a lie either, his mother had in fact organised a room for her to move into, and she
would tell them all that. Even tell them when she’d organised it if they asked. So it wasn’t seen
as him moving her for his own personal reasons.
No, it would now be seen as the matriarch of the Owens family protecting a female employee
from the press, nothing out of the ordinary for his mother; considering her background with
the press at 24, it was something she was good at now, dealing with unwarranted press. She
responded herself much the same way his father had for her back in the day.
By the time they drove the 40 minutes across the city and then a further 30 minutes to the packhouse from the gate, to arrive home. The press had done just that and his mother was
waiting for them just inside the front doors.
“Are you alright, Harmony?” his mother asked her right away.
“Yes, I didn’t need to say anything, and they.” She waved her hand at him and his unit “Were
just like bouncers.” She smiled at him and the boys.
“That they are.” His mother chuckled “Got the muscles for it too. Now I noticed you didn’t
really eat much breakfast. Let’s go and have lunch, you and I.”
“I am a bit on the hungry side.” Harmony nodded.
“You go and eat, the boys and I will put your stuff up in your new suite, for you to unpack.” He
waved her off and she went with his mother. It was good for them to bond.
He also wasn’t seen by his mother as being overly attentive and his scent on her was from the car ride, though he had pulled her right into him and held her hand the entire way home. Had even gotten out of the car and offered his hand to her, she’d taken it as well.
Harmony didn’t seem to mind hiding their relationship from his mother, though he guessed that was because the boys all knew, and he was going to be telling her in just on a week. She also knew his mother wanted to marry him off, got Harmony to allocate time in his schedule for him to date even, and that she had once been a wedding planner as well.
He and the boys strolled into the dining hall to hear his mother talking about getting her a dress for New Year’s Eve. She was all over it, it seemed. He wanted to take Harmony shopping
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for that himself, but it might actually be better if it was his mother. That way she wouldn’t see
them together until that very night.
He sat down at the table with his lunch and his mother smiled at him. “I’ve responded to the Donavan’s, accepted your and the boys‘ invitations, yours with a plus one. The boys‘ wives were already on the invites.”
“Thank you.” he nodded “I’ll be wearing a blue suit, if you wish to tailor a dress to it.”
“Of course.” She smiled at him.
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