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He watched as Wyatt went and got the laptop from his desk and came back to log in and
open the article, then hit the comments and opened a new threat for those out there to read
and comment on. Allowed his name and his company picture to be shown to them all, as he
responded to the comments about Garret himself, on behalf of Owens Construction.
‘We, here at Owens Construction, already knew this was going on. We saw past the horrid
reference; that Damien Blackwell gave to myself when I called for it. I, in fact, knew that
Damien and Harmony were once a couple, prior to her applying for the job as Garrett Owens‘
That they had broken up, so I dug deeper and found a way for Garrett himself to speak with
Spencer Williams; to get her actual true reference. Garrett also informed Miss Preston of what
Damien was saying about her, on her first day of work here within the company. He thought
she had a right to know what her former boyfriend was saying about her, behind her back.
‘So, yes, Harmony Preston already knew and understood it was all a lie when Mr and Mrs.
Blackwell made that personal plea to her, to forgive their son. Harmony is not about to go
back to Damien Blackwell.
‘I personally handed that recording of myself speaking with Damien Blackwell, and the one of
Garrett Owens speaking with Mr. Williams, over to Rachael Greenbay.
‘What Damien Blackwell did, in my personal opinion, was not only unethical and
unprofessional for a Vice President of Blackwell Industries to do to any employee. I personally
felt; it was disgusting and heartless.
‘He aimed his anger over being caught cheating, and getting dumped by his girlfriend for his cheating ways. At the woman he’d already hurt. In my eyes, he was out to inflict more pain upon her, along with the intent of ruining her reputation completely. And he claims he loved her? Did he really? Would anyone do that to a woman they loved? No, I think not.
‘Harmony Preston has indeed been accepted and fully welcomed here within Owens Construction. She has moved on with her life, and in Rachael Greenbay’s own words, ‘To
bigger and better things.’
Garrett chuckled softly as he read it, “I think you missed your calling Wyatt; you should have
gone into Public Relations.”
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“I did study journalism, wanted to learn how to deal with the press, by knowing how they do things. That’s how I met Racheal, remember,” he smiled “I think I touched on everything nicely. And that reference to Rachael herself, she’ll love it, me quoting her in her own article. Will tickle her funny bone.”
“Clayton will be hunting you, I imagine.” Garrett smiled.
“Ah come on boss, I had your personal approval, and I’m the Beta. What can he do?”
“Nothing, likely just tell you he’d like a heads–up next time. You’d best mind–link him about that
so he can read it.” though not even Garrett saw there was a problem with it. It was well worded and nothing bad was said about him or the company or Harmony. So it was unlikely that they’d see any backlash at all.
It didn’t take long for people to start hitting the like button on this new thread. Posting their
own thoughts, about how Wyatt Mills and Garrett Owens were good men; could see past all
the rumours and the lies. That yes, they also believed Damien Blackwell was a vindictive,
spiteful, ex–boyfriend out to ruin his ex–girlfriend, and for no other reason than he didn’t like
being dumped.
That he likely thought no one would ever dump him, because he was a wealthy bachelor, was
just a spoiled rich kid that had grown up thinking he was better than everyone else, could play
with people’s lives and ruin them as well as get away with it.
“So, it begins.” Wyatt smiled as he leaned back on the couch, happy with himself it seemed.
“Itching to do that, were you?” Garrett smiled at him.
“A little.” He nodded “I think, like you, after hearing everything the other day, he’s a dirtbag and
deserves to have his name dragged through the mud. I wanted to punch him one myself on
Monday. How cruel can one person be?” he shook his head. “Everything in her life for the past three years was a lie on that boys part, on that family’s part.” He shook his head and then
looked at Garrett, “How do you think the Blackwells will respond?”
“Who knows, they can’t claim Damien didn’t do it. Too much evidence,” Garrett smiled to
himself. “Can’t claim he is remorseful over it either, there are too many recordings, and you
can hear the smile in his voice, he was happy to state what he did.” He sighed a little as he thought about it “I bet though; Gregory is pitching a hell of a fit in that house of his. He knew I had that recording. I told him I did, offered for him to listen to it even.
“He knew that I’d not released it, and now likely thinks, that after everything that happened in
my office with him, his wife, and his son that I’m now coming for not only Damien, but them,
possibly his company even.
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“I dare say he’s over there right this minute with his PR team, desperately trying to figure out a
way to get this off the top trending topic of the day.” He nodded “To find a way to respond to
this himself. He’ll have to be very careful about what he does now.” Garrett nodded.
“It’s a very public battle, and his words will have to be chosen wisely. Denying everything now is not on the cards. He’ll have to either admit they were in the wrong, or state they had not knowledge of what Damien did. Publicly shame their own boy and likely have to send him away, until this all blows over.”
“Could well have to step him down from the company for now, as well.” Wyatt nodded, “That boy is in for a world of pain, and it’s likely not just his doing, his parents had to know what he was doing. I don’t believe he did all that on his own. I honestly don’t think he’s smart enough to come up with that plan to get Harmony back.”
“Who knows, only they do. It’s not going to work, nothing they do now, will see Harmony go back to them.” Garrett nodded, he wouldn’t even have to step in and stop her. She’d been sickened to her stomach that day. She was never going back and he knew it.
“He’ll want another meeting,” Wyatt sighed, “when he realises it’s your doing, and he will come to that conclusion. That everything that’s happened to his son, is your doing. He now knows you and Harmony have slept together. Damien let that out of the bag, so it’ll be seen as you’ve taken it personally.”
Garrett nodded, it was always going to come out that it was him, that had done this. The moment he released he and Harmony were together, Gregory would see it for what it was. He can’t fight me, I’m wealthier than he is, and right now my standing in all of this. Is much better than his or his sons. Even when it comes out that Harmony and I are dating, they won’t see me in a bad light.”
“No, you’ll be seen as the night in shining armour, coming to the rescue.” Wyatt snorted “Oh!
you prince charming you.”
Garrett chuckled now. “Well, she did fall at my feet, how could I not help her.” He stood up. “On that note, I had better go and find my princess, she was going to shower and meet me for
“Princess,” Wyatt snorted “Goddess don’t go calling her that.”
“I won’t,” he smiled, didn’t actually think she would like it, it was just further word play from Wyatt’s comment was all.
“How are things going, she didn’t mind you climbing into her bed?” Wyatt asked.
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+8 Point:
“No, appears not.” He stopped walking and looked at his Beta “I think she might actually be my Mate. She finds it hard to resist me, melts into me and takes all of me, for however long I
want to be with her.”
“Ah, tell–tale signs, how does Huntley feel? You’ve not mentioned your beast in all of this. Is he
awake at least?”
“He is, and of the opinion we’ll be claiming her, understands I like her and…a little odd, told me it’s the first girl I’ve ever really liked and am interested in being with more than once.”
Wyatt snorted “Your wolf is keeping track of you. In other words, I know you once told me, even Huntley was of the opinion you were not getting another Mate.”
“Hmm, he’s not interested in anything other than defending and protecting the pack, sleeps quite a bit. Only rises up when I get angry, or he is actually needed for pack related things. He
is awake now, smelled harmony as well, but told me he didn’t know if she was our mate. Only
the full moon would tell on that.”
“But he’s awake now?”
“Yes, and actively teased me this morning about hiding her from mother… Huntley thinks it’s
“That’s a good sign, but if she’s not your Mate, will he let you claim her?”
“Yes.” Garrett nodded “He is open to that completely.”
“I see the two of you have conversed about Harmony. That is good and him being awake, he’s
likely watching her as well as needs to be awake to protect what is his.” Wyatt clapped him on
the back. “I think all is going to work out. You’ve just got to find the right time to tell her what
we all are, and have her accept that.”
“Yes, after she’s been here for a while and sees I mean her no harm, no one here is mean or
savage.” He nodded.
They left the office and headed for the dining hall. She wasn’t in there, and he frowned as he
looked at his watch, stated “I wonder if perhaps Harmony got lost. I’ll go and check she’s
alright.” And he turned to leave the dining room to go and find her.