Wolf Novel 44

Wolf Novel 44

CH 44 


He woke up with a full start, his body completely tense and his eyes snapped open, and he found himself looking at a pair of blue eyes that were right there in front of him. It took three. full seconds for him to realised it was Harmony next to him and relax

He’d forgotten that he’d snuck down here and climbed into her bed last night, she’d retired

early to her room, at 8pm. She hadn’t had enough sleep the night before and her also being 

pregnant with his pup. She was likely going to be extra tired as well. He’d come down here 

himself about 30 minutes after his parents had turned in for the night

Had been tracking his father’s tether, not his mothers because he didn’t want her to know at 

this point, and if she felt him tracking her by the pack tether to him, that would arouse her 

suspicion. He’d come in here and Harmony hadn’t even woken, not even when he’d climbed 

into her bed and slid his arm around her

He’d been out like a light himself, only having two and a half hourssleep, he was not at all 

used to waking up with someone next to him and only after realised who was in the bed with 

him did he relax You scared me.” he murmured softly and hugged as he let his eyes close 

once more

When did you come in here?she asked him, sounding curious to his ear

Mm, about ten thirty, half an hour after my parents went to bed.He answered her honestly

Do you live in their apartment still?” 

No.he smiled a little I have a penthouse all to myself.Then his eyes snapped open, and he sat up to check the time, it was just on 7am. Crap.He muttered as he realised he’d slept late 

She’ll be up now.he got himself out of bed and looked down at himself as he realised he’d 

been pressed up against Harmony all night long

He breathed in, and he had her scent all over him. His mother would pick that up very quickly, he had to get back to his suite and shower without coming across her. 

Harmony chuckled softly from the bed Who’s afraid of his mother!she teased him a little, amused it appeared, by his thought process

But she had no idea, that his mother would be able to tell he’d been in here, that her wolfen 

senses would not only pick up her scent on him, but that she could actually smell just how 

much of it was on him. Was it just on his hand? Or his entire body


CH 44 

You have no idea, Harm.” He murmured, as he thought it through If she finds me in here, it will only take her a minute before she’s making wedding plans.He grabbed his pants and pulled them on

Was reaching for his shirt as he thought about how to get back to his room to shower and 

dress for the day. From this end of the building he’d have to go right passed his parentssuit

I doubt that, Garrett.He heard Harmony stated as she stretched out and then sat up

But how could she know and understand, that things for him in his world were very different 

from her world. Humans didn’t have the same senses as wolves. That to his mother, who was 

obsessed with mating him off. Or marrying him off as Harmony would see it

That, finding out he was in Harmony’s bed, had spent the night with her, which would be very 

clear to his mother, because her scent was all over him. That she would look at Harmony very 

differently. She’d smell the girl herself, likely put all her wolf’s senses to Harmony and pick up 

that pup in less than 30 seconds

The very second she heard that heart beat and realised he was in a bed with a pregnant 

woman, that was human, she would know instantly it was his pup and a wedding would be on 

them, regardless of whether Harmony was ready for that or not

She’d insist on it to protect his pup, the heir to the pack. She’d be all you can explain later to 

her what we are. Which of course he knew he was going to have to do at some point, but it 

was way too early for that. But a wedding? His mother would be insisting on it, using that child Harmony was carrying to push it and get them hitched

You don’t know mother so well yet. Her finding out that I spent the night in here with you. Something she’s never seen me do with any girl beforeand he did not spend the night with 


He’d never had a solid girlfriend and his mother knew it. He’d not even spent a single night 

with his Goddess Gifted, that shewolf hadn’t wanted to do anything with him, not until after they were Marked and Mated, and they’d never gotten that far because of her

He leaned down on the bed to kiss Harmony after finishing getting dressed, and stopped 

himself at the last moment, and stood up. Chastised himself internally, yes kiss the woman you’re trying to hide from your own mother.She would definitely pick that up Sorry Harm, I’d 

better not do that either.” 

She raised an eyebrow at him questioningly

Mum is like a bloodhound, she will smell you on me.” and he knew she would, even a single 


CH 44 

kiss would get detected. He headed for the bedroom door as he realised, this was going to be more difficult than he thought, keeping his secret from his mother when he wanted to be with Harmony. I’ll come back in like 20 minutes, to get you for breakfast.” 

I can make my way downstairs to the cafeteria.She told him simply If that helps your dilemma.She chuckled a little, and he realised, she did actually find it amusing to see him like this

His eyes moved to her, and he smiled, liked that she was happy right this minute, she had a lot 

going on but could smile and make a joke as well. Alright, I’ll meet you there.He stated and then was gone from her suite heading for the elevator, hit the button as his father connected

mindlink right to him

Son, you might want to use the omega stairwell.’ His father’s amused voice came to him and 

fast, we’re in the elevator, your about to have it stop to collect you.’ 

His eyes widened, that was only two floors, he shot off down the hallway at full wolfen speed

was only halfway down it when he heard his own dad laugh Maybe it’s best to use your office

She’s frowning deeply, tracking your movements, I think, son.’ 

Distract her, old man, I know you can. He shot right back

Hmm, I already did that, kept her in bed for an hour longer than normal, for you.’ 

He hit the stairs and went down one floor, made his way to his office and stepped into his 

private bathroom, showered quickly before yanking clothes on. His own beast, Huntley

chortled at him No alpha wolf should be running and hiding from his mother.‘ 

You think it’s funny as well?‘ 

It is amusing to me. We’re going to mate the girl. Why hide it?‘ 

Is human and pregnant. These things need to take time. Mother will push it fast and hard.’ 

Garrett muttered Harmony will not be ready for that.‘ 

He was still drying his hair with a towel when Wyatt walked into his office and closed the door

Looked at him and chuckled You slept late, I hear.” 

Yes,” he nodded Damned near got caught in Harmony’s bed.” 

I heard. Your dad mindlinked to me to come here, to make it look as though we’re attending 

some sort of pack business. He knows, by the way, told me and I quote If my son wants to 

hide his pregnant human from his mother, he’d better pick up his game.Finds it highly amusing, chuckled down the mindlink at me and then murmured ‘I wish him luck.” 


CH 44 

*8 Point 

I got that he knows.Garrett nodded I might need you and the boys to run interference for me 

at times.” 

Playing a game with your mother, one like this, will see us all get a beating by the Luna. Considering just what we are hiding from her; her grandchild and all.” 

There will be no beating.” Garrett stated Wellnot for you lot.He smiled Me, I’ll likely get one, but that’s kind of to be expected.” 

Agreed.Wyatt nodded. But seeing as we’re in here, why don’t we check out that exclusive report by Rachael, which she released this morning, I can only presume you’ve not had a moment to check it this morning.” 

I have not, barely been awake ten minutes. That can also pass for business to be attended to. He nodded You bring it up, I’ll finish getting dressed.” 

He watched Wyatt pull up the article as he pulled his socks and shoes on. It had been released three hours ago now and Rachael had done as she’d said she would, only she’d added a little to it as well. None of them had predicted a personal plea, from the Blackwells to Harmony herself on Monday afternoon

So that article was titled Damien Blackwell, heir to Blackwell Industries; A Big Fat Liar.And she’d then laid out all the transcribed conversations, one after the other, with times and dates for each one. And next to them was a link to the actual voice recordings of Damien slandering Harmony himself, to those potential employers

She had gone on to write that if he did love Harmony, as Monday’s plea to her from his own parents stated, and all his waiting around at the Owens Construction headquarters in an effort to see her. Why did he do this to her? That it just didn’t add up at all. How could he slander her so very badly, if he loved her, and wanted her back? She made mention of all the dates of those recordings showing they had been over the past two weeks, started just two days post their breakup

She’d even stated it was clear that he’d intervened in Harmony’s reference because her 

reference was Mr Spencer Williams, and she had included his own personal reference as well

It was a glowing report to show the difference between what she should have been given and 

how Damien portrayed her, to anyone thinking about hiring her

Damien was being called all manner of names and now no one believed what his parents had 

stated to the press. Some were posting, it’s no wonder Harmony doesn’t want to talk to Damien.’ Stay away from him Harmony, he’s a cruel callous bastard, stand your ground.‘ 

They were all guessing that Harmony’s lack of response to the personal plea, was because 


CH 44 

she knew what Damien had done to her, was out to ruin her name. That she was right to leave 


There were many comments about her; they hoped she’d never forgive him and go back to him. That they hoped Garrett Owens could look past the bad press around his new secretary, and see it for what it was. A vindictive, spiteful exboyfriend with the wealth and power to ruin 

one, because he thought he was above the law

Oh! Can I?Wyatt smiled at him

Yes.Garrett nodded, knew he wanted to respond to that comment


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Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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