CH 43
CH 43
+3 Poin
He’d been woken by his mother mind–linking him at 0630. Two and a half hours after he’d gone to bed; it was not enough sleep, it had been just about 4am when he’d crawled into his bed.
Though he knew that he could pull on his Alpha bloodline to get his backside out of bed and make his way to his parents‘ suite as she was requesting him to do, he knew she’d also woken both his sisters for this as well. Only it was likely they’d all gone to bed at a decent hour.
He got himself up and showered, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a cream sweater and grabbed those presents he had for his family and headed for his mother and father’s
He smiled at a tired looking Conny, and a happy, cheery looking Dallas. He could only guess not much sleep for his little sister. “Garrett, why does she always have to wake us up so early? We’re not little kids anymore.” Conny muttered at him.
“It’s how she likes it. What happened when she was growing up as a human,” He smiled at her,
he knew this because he’d asked himself once.
“You’re the Alpha Garrett, put your bloody foot down and let us sleep in, one day a bloody year. “He heard Laurie mutter as she joined them with her Mate.
“Hey you all got more sleep than I did.” He commented “Pull on your bloodline and suck it up,
it’s just one day a year.”
“No it’s not, she’s like this for all the holidays and our birthdays.” Conny mumbled “It’s like
seven times a year.”
“What time did you get in?” Dallas asked him, and he saw the half smile on the man’s face. Though neither of his sisters did, they were now both walking in front of him and Dallas.
“Nearly four. Harmony took some convincing to come here.”
‘I bet.’ Dallas chuckled down the mind–link, sounding fully amused.
Garrett said nothing about what he knew his Delta was implying, he wouldn’t with his sisters right there. “She was of the opinion that she had to go back to her apartment sometime,” he sighed a little, because they were going to have to do that. “I did manage to get her to tell me about her plans, she was supposed to be at the Blackwell’s estate. So was going to be alone in her apartment today.” He shook his head. “Not a very nice way to spend Christmas.”
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He pushed into his parents‘ suite and already there was the smell of freshly baked cookies and a plate of them on the coffee table along with a bowl of candy as well.
He smiled at the living room, it was decorated like the packhouse foyer or the lobby at Owens Construction. His mother was wearing a lovely red dress and frowned at his casual attire. He knew she liked everyone to get a bit dressed up for the day. But he’d opted for casual clothes on purpose. He wore a suit five days a week.
Today he wanted Harmony to see him in regular clothes, see him as not her boss, but as a normal man in his home environment. “It’s not necessary for me to dress up, mother.” He’d stated, also noted that both his sisters and their mates were all dressed much like he was.
They sat and exchanged their gifts, and he accepted the double espresso from his father, when his hand landed on him. “You might need this today.” He’d patted him on the shoulder.
Garrett’s eyes had moved to his dad, who’d smiled at him a little on the knowing side. Then he’d mind–linked to him ‘I know what time you got back to the pack son.‘
‘Mm, difficult getting Harmony to agree to come here.‘ was his only reply, and he watched his father sit down next to his mother after getting everyone coffee, though that smile lingered on him, as he looked at Garrett once more.
He’d excused himself to go and wake Harmony up, she was down in the room his mother had prepared, and his mother smiled right at him “Now, son, did you convince the girl to stay here until things blow over out there?”
“Possibly.” He nodded “I guess we’ll see how today goes. She did feel as though it was inappropriate and would be intruding on our family.”
“Pishposh.” His mother waved it off “8am Garrett in the dining hall.”
“I know when breakfast is.” he smiled at her, and leaned down to kiss her cheek “I like the gift dad gave you, it’s very pretty, and it suits you.”
She beamed right up at him “It is lovely.” She’d gotten a ruby and diamond tennis bracelet and matched her outfit today.
He’d gotten a watch from his parents, and it was on his wrist right now, a TAG Heuer Calibre E4 golden bright edition sports watch. He had a large watch collection in his walk–in, it was his thing, to collect them. He owned all sorts of watches, from the traditional to pocket watches, and the latest in technology.
Owned three dozen watches to wear on any given day and four dozen collectibles that sat in his office inside his suite, in a glass display case. He liked timepieces was all.
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It was the one thing his mother could always get him, and he’d like, and appreciate, as well as
could be seen wearing at times. She also had access to his suite, and could go in there and
double check what she was looking at getting him he didn’t already have.
He stood looking at Harmony sleeping in her bed, all snuggled up under the duvet and smiled
to himself. She was still wearing his dress shirt. He woke her but didn’t stay long. His whole unit, he could feel, were keeping tabs on him, they were all actively pulling on his tether to
He leaned on the hallway wall outside her suite to wait for her and connected himself to them all ‘Do you mind?‘ he asked them.
‘No.‘ they all laughed, and he understood why they were tracking him, trying to see how long he’d be in that room of hers. He would, however, not risk it. His mother would pick up her on him if he got all handsie with Harmony, or even kissed her. So he had refrained himself from
doing so.
‘Let it go boys.‘ He stated, but smiled and shook his head.
‘Dallas stated you didn’t get in until 4am, Wyatt commented.
‘Come on Garrett, dish it out, we’re your unit.’ Ryan stated ‘Will she date you?‘ he asked a little
on the eager side.
‘Did you charm the woman’s clothes off?‘ Dallas chuckled.
‘Come on boys, enough of that. Yes, I got her to agree to date me, however she doesn’t want anyone to know yet.‘ He told them, they were his unit and he would need them to help protect her, so they did actually need to know.
‘Thank the Goddess.‘ Ryan sighed.
‘Don’t do anything, Ryan. My mother is unaware at this point, about Harmony and myself, and has not yet picked up on the fact that she is pregnant either. She is human and has not gained her undivided attention. I’d like to keep it that way until Harmony has had a chance to settle in around here… Keep her off mother’s radar until at least New Years, maybe the full moon and…‘
‘We understand.‘ Wyatt commented ‘But…did you get in late because, well you know?‘
Garrett shook his head ‘Leave it alone.‘ He told them.
‘Like you wouldn’t want to. Wyatt chuckled right back ‘I know you well, my friend, and I saw and heard the last time you were with her.’
Garrett cut the mind–link as he heard Harmony’s door open, he leaned off the wall and smiled
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at her, escorted her down to breakfast. He made sure to keep his distance all morning, so that
his mother wouldn’t see anything between them or get suspicious.
Just allowed her to wander about, talk and interact with those she already knew from the
office, while he attended to the things he needed to for this particular day’s traditions.
A snowman building competition for the pack’s children, two age categories; four to seven and eight to twelve. His father had started it not long after he’d retired. Each year had a
different prize and his father was the judge of it.
He and his mother spent time at the orphanage, making sure those half a dozen children also got many Christmas gifts, as they would have done if they still had their family. No one in this pack was left out of anything. They would also all come up to the packhouse for a big lunch. He could see Tilda had put on a good Christmas breakfast for them here in the home that was
allocated for them to use.
Lunchtime came before he knew it and he’d barely seen Harmony all morning, then just sat
back in his chair at Christmas lunch and watched as she went and sat with those orphans to
talk to them, introduce herself and told them about her, told them a funny story from her past;
when she was just a small child.
He wasn’t the only one watching her either, so was his mother and his unit. He chastised his unit down the mind–link about watching her. That would be a dead giveaway if his mother was watching them. But what he was seeing was Luna qualities, and good ones at that.
His mother was focused on Harmony, so his unit’s interest slipped passed her, not his father though. The man simply raised an eyebrow at him and then went back to eating. When Garret shook his head ever so slightly at him, an indication for him to leave it alone. Though he knew that man was going to come and ask questions of him about what he was seeing now.
His attention was drawn to his mother, as she sighed a little on the heavy side, and then
murmured “I don’t like it.”
“Don’t like what, honey?” his father asked her. That sigh had also drawn her Mate’s attention
right to her.
“That she has no one.” his mother murmured. “Her personnel record stated no next of kin, everyone should have someone…especially this time of year.”
“I’m sure she’ll get snapped up by someone.” His father stated. “She is very pretty, and look at her over there, people like her, she’s nice and friendly.”
He watched as his mother turned and looked at him. “Come on Scott, she just went through a
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horrible break–up, needs time. Don’t you even think about setting her up with anyone. The poor girl needs a break from men.”
“Hm, isn’t that your department and not mine? Now honey, I will leave Harmony alone. Garrett, on the other hand, how are you going, in getting him a date for New Years?”
His mother’s eyes moved from Harmony right to him, and he knew what his father was doing, making her look from the girl to him, trying to get her to put the two names together.
Garrett sighed a little and raised his hand. “Mother, don’t even go there, my plans to hit that
Blackwell boy will involve Harmony being on my arm. So let that one go.” He murmured.
It was a risk telling her this, but she would also understand it at the same time. She stared at
him for a long moment and then just nodded “Hit that boy where it hurts son.” she muttered.
“Hmm, I’m going to do that tomorrow.” He nodded “and follow through with New Years.”
“So where will you be going for New Years?”
“To Bratley’s party, at the Winslette.” He told her.
“Does Harmony have a dress for that son?” his mother asked him.
“I don’t know, I’ve not even brought it up with her, I want to wait until the fall out of Boxing Day
before bringing it up with her. But I will take her shopping, and get something appropriate for
her to wear.” and he would be.