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She honestly didn’t know how she’d ended up naked with Garrett; her new boss. His kiss and
then his touch had made her all hot and bothered, and then she’d just let herself allow it, when
he’d told her that he wanted her, and he was amazing in bed.
Not once in the past three years, did she actually recall Damien ever saying those words to
her. Now she knew why he’d never wanted her, not really.
Now here she was naked with Garrett, and not only had he told her he wanted her, and she’d felt his need, the way he’d touched and tasted her, he had wanted her, and she’d wanted him at
that moment; wanted to feel wanted.
Now here he was telling her he wanted to date her! To go along with what had just happened. Could she do that? That would mean dating her boss…that was something she also knew was
not a good idea, it was a very inappropriate thing to do.
“I don’t know Garrett.” She finally murmured back at him, and she didn’t know how to feel about it. “We’ve.” She sighed “Can we get up and put clothes on for this conversation?” she had a feeling he would likely try and seduce her into what he wanted, also had a feeling he probably could right this minute. Had managed to get naked and easily so.
He smiled right at her. “Are you worried I’ll seduce you into saying yes?” he half chuckled, knew what she was thinking even, it seemed. But he didn’t move at all.
Her eyes moved over his body, he had muscles everywhere, no wonder he looked good in a suit, with those broad shoulders and tapered waist.
“Garrett, please.” She murmured, doubting she’d be able to say no to him.
He stood up right in front of her, completely naked for her to see, and she moved her eyes over him once more, couldn’t seem to help it, and her eyes widened at the sight of his c**k. It was massive, she’d never seen something that big before.
Garrett chuckled once more as she blushed and turned her eyes away from him, only to have him reach down and pull her up off the floor, with very little effort, and she knew it. She was tiny compared to him, and his mouth met her ear, and he murmured softly “Don’t be scared, you took it all and loved it, I loved having you.” he pressed his mouth to neck, below her ear, in
a soft kiss.
Harmony bit her lip, she knew he was right, she had taken all of him, and it hadn’t even hurt,
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and yes, she’d enjoyed every damned second and inch of him.
“It’s all yours now, when you want it.” he practically purred “Wherever you want it, however your
want it. I’ll never say no, Harm.” His mouth found hers, and she sighed as he kissed her softly, lingeringly.
She had to get her whits about her, or she was going to be seduced by this magnificent
specimen of a man. She pulled herself from him and stepped back a little, biting her lip once
more as she realised they’d just had unprotected s*x.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, but also leaned down and picked up her underwear and hand it to
her, she pulled them on and watched as he grabbed his pants and stepped into them, casually
did up the zip and button. He was not at all embarrassed about what had just happened
between them.
“You didn’t use protection.” She murmured.
His arms were suddenly around her, and he was hugging her from behind, as he chuckled ”
Harm, we’re already pregnant, there is no need too.”
“You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. And God only knows what I’ve picked up from that
man and his…” she sighed and trailed off.
“Your blood work came back clean, and I’ve not been with anyone since you, and there was no
one before you, for months. I’m clean, if that’s your concern.” He told her simply.
He was talking very openly with her, as he stood there holding her in his arms, uncaring she
was his secretary. “Garrett, don’t you think it’s a bit…”
“No,” he cut her off. “I do not think it’s inappropriate, Harmony.” He turned her around and
made her look up at him. “You are attracted to who you’re attracted to, there is no law around it. For me, that is you…and if you don’t believe me, you can ask Wyatt or the boys, Ryan and
Dallas. They’ll tell you I’m attracted to you, and they have been bugging me about you since
you came for the interview.”
She was staring up at him now, a little more than shocked. “Oh.”
“Hmm, they think it’s very amusing, me trying to resist thinking about you, told me I kind of respond to you like…” he smiled at her “A boyfriend would, and they’re not wrong either, when I
look back on the past few days.”
“It’s just because of the baby.” She sighed and pulled herself from him. He was a very wealthy
man and she was carrying his child.
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“No it’s not. I only learned about that this morning…yet I needed to protect you and comfort
you, wanted to buy you things, and had to shut my office door at times to stop myself from
looking at you.”
“What?” she frowned at him, as he stooped down to grab her skirt and blouse.
“You’d better put more clothes on, or I’m going to seduce you back into being completely naked with me, letting me have you once more.” He smiled right at her “And I will.” he told her as his eyes wandered over her body lingeringly.
“Oh.” She pulled her skirt and blouse back on only to find herself tugged right down on to his lap as he sank down on the couch, his arms around her waist. She huffed and tried to get up, they couldn’t talk like this, only to have him hold her in place “Garrett.” She muttered.
“Yes, Harm” he smiled right at her, he was still bare–chested, had only pulled pants on unlike
“We…” she sighed.
“Mm. Need to talk properly.” He nodded “and there is something I need to tell you that I’ve not done yet. Something you might not like so much…” he stopped her from speaking, placed a finger to her lips “Just listen first, because I did it for you. Tried to help you in my own way.”
“Did what?” she frowned right at him now.
“The press, everything that’s been released about Damien Blackwell, I did that.”
Her eyes widened as she heard his words “W… Why would you do that?” she asked. She’d never wanted any of that released to the public. She didn’t want her shame of that night to be known by everyone. Showing the world how stupid and gullible she had been.
Now it was even worse, the full truth of everything was out, and she was even more gullible than just being blind to her cheating boyfriend, had been blind to that whole family’s
intentions for her.
“Harmony, he is out there slandering your name, to anyone and everyone; all those people you applied to work for, is why. I now believe after today’s events it’s not just about getting back at you. Like I originally thought.” he sighed a little on the heavy side.
“I believe Damien did that with the full intent of seeing you become broke and homeless, so
that you would have to go crawling back to him or his father to get your job back, and the only
way he would agree to do that…” he reached up and touched her face gently “Is for you to
agree to take him back, marry him and be his loving doting wife.”
* Pain!
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“What? Why would he? I don’t understand.”
“It’s the only way you’d go back to him and he and his family knew it, it’s likely he was told to do this to you on purpose. But my outing his cheating ways, interrupted their plans to have you go and beg them for your job back, which meant they could put any terms they wanted on
“They are very wealthy and know how to get what they want, and now you yourself know this about them as well. Even after what I exposed, look at what they did to try and bring you back into the fold. Forgive Damien and go back to him. That is what they want.”
She huffed now, she did know that was what they wanted, just didn’t like hearing it was all, and Garrett had told her that first day what he’d found out about Damein. Slandering her name and stopping her from getting work, she supposed it could all fit in.
“I’ll never let that happen, Harm. Not ever. I started this little campaign against Damein Blackwell last Thursday night, so please don’t think I did this just because you’re having my baby. I did not know about that until this morning,
“I’ve also set a few other things into motion, and I’m going to let them play out as well now. That whole family is rotten to the core, and I want everyone to know, to see it.”
“I don’t want people knowing how stupid and gullible I was to be drawn into everything they did, just to have me…” she couldn’t even say it anymore. There was no love inside of her for that man, or his family. It had been obliterated this afternoon with his laughing at her, and telling her she’d seen him with Chloe many times, and still stayed by his side because she
didn’t recall it.
“I understand that.” Garrett nodded “But I want them to understand they’re not going to get away with it. They just made a personal plea, a very public one, to say they were sorry to you. That Damien still loves you, was devastated that you left him. So now that is what the public see. That he’s remorseful and begging you to stay with him because he still loves you.
“When, in actual fact, he’s been ruining your good name in an effort to get you to go crawling back to him, beg him, say you’ll do anything; which will be to marry him and let him have Chloe on the side. You’d have to play the forgiving, loving wife for the rest of your life. I want to
expose that.”
Harmony sighed as she looked at him, he had started this campaign, as he’d called it. Before she’d even known she was pregnant, so she couldn’t put it down to her having his baby growing inside of her. “How bad is it going to get?” she asked finally.
“For him? Very bad, I imagine. It could well ruin that family and their company. But Harmony,
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they wanted to harm you, drag you down and have you beg and plead to be taken back, so… I think it’s appropriate to hit them back. Coercion is against the law.” he muttered “And they have been doing that to you, since day one, I now realised, hand–picked you for their son.”
His hand cupped her face as she sighed once more “Let me deal with them, the way I want to, please. I have the means and resources to do so. I also understand how the wealthy get what they want and can counter–attack effectively or pre–emptively in this case.”
She looked right at him, and his mouth met hers. “Now, Harm? Please say yes to dating me. Give me a chance to show you how good I think you and I could be together.”
She was just looking at him, staring at him for a long time. “Everyone will talk and…”
“No one in my company will talk.” He smiled at her. “My mother met my father when she
came to work here, as the company event planner. My grandmother met my grandfather when
she came to do an architecture internship here.” he smiled right at her and then chuckled
“They’ll all met in this very building and are all now happily married. It’s kind of a family
tradition, I suppose you could say.” Garret smiled at her “To meet the one we’re supposed to be
with, when they come to work here… So, by that logic, why would we be any different?”
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