CH 33
“You sicken me.” Garrett grated out “All of you, get the hell out of my office. Before I beat the
living hell out of you.”
“I’ll sue your ass if you touch me.” Damien yelled right back.
“Go right ahead, everything in this office is recorded, video and audio. You swung at me first.”
He strode across the room, appeared to be in control, needed to or Wyatt and Dallas were
going to get between them once more.
Then he punched that boy right in the jaw, he heard Damien cry out in pain as he not only went stumbling backwards, but fell over the coffee table behind him, rolled off it and crashed down
onto the floor.
Both Wyatt and Dallas were on him once more using all their wolfen strength to drag him back
away from the bastard, as he lay there clutching at his face, “One more filthy word.” Garrett
snarled, looking at Gregory, “and I’ll bury him. Your whole f*****g family.” He roared and saw
the man stumble back as his Alpha aura started to seep from him into the room, as his
temper was unleashed. He knew it was rolling out of him, and was rapidly going to be evolved
into his full Alpha Aura, but he could no longer contain himself after the realisation of what
they had done to Harmony.
The whole bloody family was rotten to the core. “Get out.” He roared and felt Huntley stand up
inside his mind ready to push forward and deal with them.
‘Human.‘ Wyatt shot down the mind–link at him, but Garrett no longer cared what they were.
“Get your son and get out.” Dallas yelled at Gregory, as they struggled and fought to keep him
at bay and off the boy, and he saw Gregory Blackwell pick up his son and head for the door. He
could smell the fear in him as he looked back at Garrett one last time.
That man had no idea who or what he was dealing with, just how badly it could end for him or
his boy, by ticking him off completely, and he’d managed to do that.
“Calm down.” Wyatt was shoving at him still as he tried to go after them, every part of him wanted to kill that son of a b***h for doing those horrible things to Harmony. “They’re leaving,
calm down.”
He snarled at his own Beta, uncaring that they were trying to help him, those filthy people had
gotten their talons into Harmony out of pure deceit, right from the very beginning. It was sick
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and disgusting is what it was.
“Where’s Harmony?” He shoved at them, she’d fled the room, and now all those people were also out of the room. Laurel had gone after her when she’d fled the room. He didn’t want that woman trying to talk her round.
“With Ryan, he went after her. She’ll be fine, you can’t go out there, be near her like this. Calm the hell down.” Wyatt yelled at him.
He saw his mother and father burst into his office, and they were standing there staring at him now. They had felt it, his temper be unleashed, “What the hell happened?” His father
“He lost his temper.” Dallas told them as they closed the door.
“We got that, why?” his mother asked.
“The Blackwell’s are filthy disgusting people.” Garrett snarled out into the room.
“Let him go, Wyatt.” His father stated.
“I don’t think that’s wise Scott,” Wyatt shook his head “He’s still fuming and trying to get to the
“I’ve got my son,” his father stated, and Garrett saw him step right in front of the door. Barring
his way, he might be retired, but was still a strong Alpha male who could hold his own, and
keep Garret in check when he was lost to his anger and fury. Still worked out every other day
for this very reason.
He felt everyone release him, and he snarled at them all, wanted out of this room, but his
father wasn’t about to let that happen here in the human world. One third of the staff up here
were human.
“Calm down Garrett, they are human.” His father stated “Take a minute and rein in your anger
“I don’t want to.” He snarled and he didn’t. What he wanted was to go out there and beat that
bastard to death, put that boy in the ground along with his father and mother, for what he now
understood they’d done to Harmony.
He felt a mind–link connect to him. It was Ryan ‘Garrett, Harmony is okay. She is in my office
with me, so calm down. I have her, and she’s just learned how horrible those people truly are herself. What they wanted of her, and she actually threw up on Laurel. Vomited in her disgust
all over the woman’s shoes. Told her she would never go back to Damien.’
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She was sick again. ‘Does she need to see the doctor?‘ he asked right away.
‘No, my Charm is working on her, she’s all leaned into me, accepting of it. She’s fine, the door is closed and neither Damien nor Gregory would have seen her in here with me. Calm down, do you want her to see you like that? All alpha aggression and scare her away?’
‘No,’ he muttered, and he didn’t, had to draw in long steadying breaths, and he felt Huntley lay back down inside his mind, had to calm himself so he could go and see her. “I’m fine.” He
finally muttered to those in his office. “I want them out of the building and banned from ever
coming here again.” He grated out as he paced about.
He needed to be on the move, but couldn’t leave his office right this minute, or everyone out there that wasn’t wolfen would feel his anger. His fury might have subsided, but he was still
angry and needed to calm all the way down before leaving his office.
“I’ll see to that.” His mother nodded and left his office.
“I take it the meeting didn’t go well.” his father looked at each of them in turn, wanting an
“No.” Wyatt shook his head “Damien also took a swing at Garrett.”
“What for?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Garrett muttered, he still had the urge to beat the hell out of something, if
he was inside his pack he’d just let Huntley rip out of him and go racing off into the woods to
tear into any animal out there. He could see that his father was watching him closely.
Had his eyes narrowed right on him, it wasn’t often that he lost his temper like that, and never before at humans, he was staring right at him before he moved his eyes to Wyatt and Dallas ” What am I missing?” he asked “something is going on, that I don’t know about.”
“Foul language and nasty worded insults directed at Harmony, the worst words you could
think of. She also just learned Damien has been cheating on her for a long time, and it’s not
the first time she’s seen it, just doesn’t recall it. Damien expects her to go back to him even,” Wyatt told him.
“Made her sick to her stomach.” Dallas sighed, “Ryan reported she actually vomited on Laurel
“She’s with Ryan right now?” his father asked curiously.
“Yes, she is more than upset, distressed.” Wyatt stated, “Ryan automatically went into Gamma
mode, is all, as she fled the room.”
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Garrett finally stopped pacing and ran a hand through his hair. She was pregnant and didn’t need the added stress to her body that was already trying to cope with carrying an Alpha pup.
He sighed as he looked at his father. He knew that man wasn’t leaving this office until he had all the facts, and he knew his father understood there was more going on then any of them were letting on. He was also Alpha–blooded and had reigned for many years, knew when an
Alpha and his unit said nothing, or avoided things, there was something else going on.
“She was in the hospital half the night, dehydrated and unconscious. Only released by Kristen
a few hours ago.” Wyatt stated.
“Why?” his father asked.
“Well, none of us knew, Harmony didn’t even know but…she’s pregnant. I picked it up when I
carried her to the hospital. Kristen ran bloods and confirmed it. About two and a half weeks
along. Kristen told her just this morning.” Garrett stated, it was the truth.
“Right.” his father nodded “Ryan knows she’s pregnant then.”
“Yes,” Garrett nodded “She’s got no family, stated her parents died. When Kristen found that
out from her file she, as protocol dictates, informed me of the results of the blood test.”
He saw his father sigh now, “Too much is going on for the girl, in other words.”
“Yes, she is going through a lot, and now is pregnant on top of that.” Garrett nodded.
“Alright.” His father stated “How did Damien take the news? Is that what set this off?”
“He doesn’t know, Harmony doesn’t want to tell him about it. It’s her baby as far as she is
“That is going to cause trouble, son.” His father muttered “Keep yourself in check.” He pointed right at him “Or I’ll be cuffing you with silver till this mess is sorted out.”
Garrett just nodded as he watched his father turn and leave the office, and looked right at him
before he closed the door.
“I don’t think he’s dumb enough to buy that.”
“Likely not, but he isn’t going to out me to mother either at this point.” Garrett nodded, knew
his father had read between the lines and likely came to the assumption, now he’d seen his
son in a fury over what was going on, that Harmony was pregnant with Garrett’s pup. He had a grandchild on the way, but was going to wait and see what Garrett was going to do about it.
His father had a world of patience, and he himself had struggled to obtain a human for himself, and likely thought that this was exactly what was going on with him and Harmony
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right this very minute. His father would leave it alone, and he knew it, unless Garrett actually asked for help, he wouldn’t get involved. Mates needed to be handled by Mate’s, not others.
He stepped out of his office a few minutes later and headed for Ryan’s office, stepped into it to see her all leaned into the Gamma, he smiled a little, she looked quite comfortable there, leaned into his side, her head on his chest. Ryan smiled at him, and mind–linked to him ‘See l got her.‘ appeared to be happy about her current relaxed state.
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