Wolf Novel 32

Wolf Novel 32

CH 32 


He was watching that boy grasp at straws, trying to counter what Harmony was saying, but she’d had many weeks to think about everything, trying to figure out where it had all gone wrong, he supposed

She had him at one point, that following Sunday it seemed he’d lied to her about his 

whereabouts, and Garrett was certain that Damien had in fact, done what she had stated

Spent it in bed with Chloe Silverton

He was assessing the man and could in fact pick up the lies he was telling. Damien’s heart rate increased when he told a lie, a quick flutter, and one of his handsfingers curled ever so 

slightly as well. He could see real annoyance in the man every time she hit the nail on the 


The past two and a half weeks, she’d drawn many conclusions, and if that man did know she would pass out, and recall nothing at all. Something he would know from their threeyear relationship, then yes, it would be very easy for him to have an affair, in the exact manner she 

was stating he had done so

Damien Blackwell had been taking advantage of Harmony’s trust and love for him, for who knew how long. But her train of thought and all that he knew himself, had seen now go on in 

his nightclub, she was not wrong. 

I can verify you plied her with alcohol, as did Chloe Silverton that night in my club.He interjected I have footage of it, and I’ve watched it all now, from the moment you walked in, to the moment I had you dragged out and tossed on your ass.” And he had done Harmony did try to tell you, both of you noand you and Chloe kept pushing drink after drink at her, I watched you more than once put a shot glass right to her lips and tip it, so she had to drink or 

get covered in it.” he told him, and this would also let Harmony know she was not wrong 

in her 


Damien glared right at him, and Garrett smiled right back, it must irk this boy a lot, to have to 

stand here in his office and try to plead his case before the very man, she’d turned to in her 

distress. That Damien himself had seen take her, and had to stand out there in his club and 

listen to Garrett satisfy the girl completely, and more than once

It was your birthday.” Harmony stated That’s what you kept telling me, drink with my babe

celebrate my birthday with me. I’d had enough and recall telling you that, but you kept telling 


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me it was your birthday. I felt obliged to drink with you and your friends, as they also yelled for 

me to drink, and celebrate with you.” 

I never made you drink them. All you had to do was push it away.” 

I beg to differ on that,Garrett murmured

Shut up and stay out of this.Damien snapped at him

Garrett wondered as he listed to Harmony, if she ever actually felt like she could say no to 

him. He had been her boyfriend and she was not from his world. Maybe she felt like she had to do these things to fit in with his social circle

Like all the other times, I tried to say no to you, Chloe and your friends would laugh and say‘ 

oh come on, live it up were only young.And push drinks at me.she sighed get me so drunk I would pass out and remember nothing, I wonder were they all in the know, and I was just 

dumb and blind to it all

Did they help you so you could be with Chloe, get me so drunk that even though I saw the two 

of you, I wouldn’t recall it in the morning, something you tested as well. By showing up on Monday morning, and playing it off as if nothing happened. You believed I didn’t remember, didn’t know about what you did. Told me I was wrong, to my face. You lied right to me, with 

Chloe standing not that far away.” 

I told you already I didn’t know how to handle it, what I’d done.Damien muttered at her


you want to know something else? Chloe approached me herself that morning, all smiles

told me I shouldn’t drink so much. I agreed with her and told her I wouldn’t be drinking ever again. She got angry about this.Harmony looked right at him She got into an annoyed/angry texting frenzy with someone after I told her, I would never drink again. I believe that was with you, because no more would you and she be able to have the affair without me finding out 

about it.” 

There was nothing like that.” Damien grated out at her

But it was a lie, Garrett heard his heart rate changed, and there was a fine sheen of sweat on 

his temple. He was also getting angry with all the evidence she was putting to him, Garrett 


You did that to me, so I wouldn’t recall anything, just so you could get away with f*****

Chloe.She grated out herself now. He sighed internally. She was getting angry, and he didn’t 

like the foul language, only swore himself when he was in a filthy alpha rage about something 

and couldn’t mind his manners


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CH 32 

He watched as Damien glared right at her, and he wondered if this was the first time Harmony had ever stood up for herself against him, all her accusations were ticking the man off

because she was right, and he was struggling to find away around them. All he could do was 

state she was wrong, but Garrett knew she was in fact right, it was likely his entire unit were 

all assessing this man for a lie, and they all also knew he was lying to her even now

Go back to her Damien, f**k her all you like, she’s better in bed than me anyway, isn’t that 

what you told me yourself, when I waved that footage at you,” she grated out. Garrett did sigh 

this time. He’d not known that, it was a terrible excuse, for his poor actions

Oh, and like I was the only one to f**k someone else that night.” Damien turned on her

snapped at her, his anger winning out over his trying to cajole her into believing him. He knew 

she was never going to, he had lost the battle long before coming for this meeting. You don’t 

even recall your own actions that night. You had the nerve to cheat on me, and I’m the one 

here having to ask for forgiveness, when you should be begging me to forgive you.” 

Garrett felt a hand on him, and knew it was Wyatt staying him. Damien’s eyes moved right to 

his. What didn’t you show her all the footage, kept her own despicable behaviour of that night 

from her, did you?Damien grated out at Garrett

He saw Harmony blink, at his words and accusations. She also now knew she was pregnant

and it wasn’t Damien’s, but had no idea whose it was, or where it had happened

Shut your mouth,” Garrett stated as his anger notched up

Why? I’m on trial here, and she just turned into a slut.” Damien yelled at him

Garrett heard Harmony gasp as three sets of hands landed on him, to hold him to the spot, to stop him from unleashing all of his anger and fury that one word was inciting within him. On 

that boy, who dared to insult the mother of his pup

I’m what?Harmony gasped out

Calm down.” Wyatt was telling him

I was faithful to you always, and if I did go off and have s*x with someone else, not only do I not remember it, it would have been after I saw you having s*x with Chloe. And we were done 

the moment I saw that.” 

Oh, bullshit.Damien turned on her It’s not like you haven’t seen it before,” he laughed right in her face At least half a dozen times, and you always stayed by my side. What’s the difference 

this time?” 

Garrett’s eyes moved to Harmony at the boy’s confession, and he saw her eyes go wide, fill 


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with horror as she learned the truth about her exboyfriend’s cheating ways. Then there were just tears welling in her eyes, and she was gone, banged right out of his office and away from 

all of them

You’re a f*****g asshole.Garrett yelled at the boy and Wyatt and Dallas were being dragged across the room as he used all his Alpha Wolf strength to out muscle them, as fury over what he’d just heard this boy had been doing to Harmony over the years, the disrespectful way he’d 

been treating her

He was going to have a piece of that boy, uncaring that he was human. He’d seen the horror 

and then pain on her face as the tears had welled up, before she’d fled the room. How many 

times had this bastard betrayed her and gotten away with it

He nearly had his hands on that boy when Damien turned and smirked right at him. “Do you 

want that I tell her, who she f****d that night? I don’t think she knows it was you.” 

Get out.Wyatt yelled at Damien You don’t know how angry he can get.” 

Why, if he wants to punch it out, over her. Let’s do it.” and the boy lunged at Garrett and took

full swing at him

Both Wyatt and Dallas threw him back across the room with all their wolfen strength, to keep 

him from attacking that boy. He’d seen Mrs Blackwell go after Harmony, as had Ryan, the 

moment they tossed him across the room

He turned now to find Gregory frowning right at him as Damien yelled You had no right to 

touch her. She was my woman, I found her, she was to stay on my arm, marry me.” 

Garrett stared at that boy incredulously as those words registered with him: ‘found her, ‘be on 

his arm, did the man even love her at all? No, he realised, her looks and soft demeanour suited 

his wealthy status

Now you.Damien pointed right at him Have gone and ruined everything, ruined her. She was 

perfect, everything I needed, innocent and loyal, the perfect wife material. You ruined everything in my future.” 

Garrett came to a standstill at this revelation, then he snorted fully amused, as he realised just 

what was going on in this very office. Innocent, loyal, perfect wife materialThe Blackwell’s 

had handpicked Harmony for their son

They’d done all the background checks, vetted her, so to speak, and she was clean, there was nothing torrid in her past. No dirt to be dug up on her for anything, not even family to oppose them or talk her out of it. They had chosen her to stand next to their son. She was beautiful, 


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intelligent, loyal and that word innocent? That told him she’d likely never had a lover prior to 

Damien. He was her first

But he also understood the wealthy society very well. Chloe was the woman that Damien wanted, but his parents didn’t approve of, there was likely some sort of arrangement around him taking Harmony as his wife. Chloe on the side

Chloe wasn’t the right image that they wanted to present to the world, as their son’s future 

wife, when he took over the family business. They’d known Chloe for a very long time, likely 

seen the mean, cruel side of her long ago, and they wanted someone wholesome and 


They needed their son to be seen with a loving, kind and gentle woman on his arm, one that 

came from nothing and didn’t aspire to wealth and status. Didn’t care about material things

wanted to pay her own way. All the things Harmony was and Chloe was not

Chloe had already waved Damien’s bank card around and stated he’d given it to her to buy 

whatever she wanted. She was interested in the money that came with being attached to the 

Blackwell family. Chloe wasn’t wife material, could only in their eyes, be a mistress for their 


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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