Wolf Novel 31

Wolf Novel 31

CH 31 

+8 Points 

CH 31 


She wanted to go home and get a change of clothes but had been told nobecause there were still reporters by her place, and so someone else had been sent to get her something to wear, and she’d showered and changed in the hospital before being allowed to return to her desk

She’d heard that Damien had left sometime during the night, but now he was back downstairs and with his parents. They were all refusing to leave until they got to talk with her. Why? She 

didn’t know

Harmony couldn’t understand why they just didn’t leave her alone, she didn’t want to see them, or talk to Damien, and it was pretty clear he’d moved on. Though she did know that Wyatt was right; Damien, when he found out about her being pregnant, was either going to claim the child was his, or tell everyone it wasn’t his, and she’d been unfaithful to him

Or he was going to do both, claim it was his to the public, tell them he was happy about it, then demand a paternity test and find out it wasn’t his, when she told him it wasn’t, and tell the press she wasn’t faithful to him. It was a nowin situation for her regardless which way it 

went down

Her quiet life was indeed falling apart and rapidly so. She didn’t know what to do about it either, didn’t want to get into a fight with anyone over her child. Perhaps she should have the doctor print out that test to show she was only two and half weeks ago. He’d know right away 

it wasn’t his and, yes, likely be angry, setting off him slandering her once more

But from what she’d heard from Garrett last week, he had already done that to her, tried to stop her from getting another job in any industry. Called her all sorts of foul things. So what was 

one more thing thrown at her

She was now sitting in Garrett’s office while those three downstairs, were now being brought up for a meeting that was going to be held to help get rid of them. Garrett and his CEOS 

foresaw it was the only way. To actively deal with them and have her tell them in person that 

she didn’t want anything to do with Damien

It wasn’t going to be just her in the office, Garrett, Wyatt, Ryan and Dallas were all going to be 

there for it. As witnesses, he’d told her. He had also told her that his office had audio and 

visual cameras, that recorded everything inside his office

It was only just after lunchtime, and he’d made sure she’d eaten something, told her she was 


CH 31 

+9 Points 

now eating for two, and she knew she was, had actually eaten a fresh chicken salad sandwich and gotten a cup of coffee

She sat quietly and wondered what on earth possessed Damien to do this, want this, he’d gotten what he wanted, Chloe was his now and he was free and clear to have her out in the open, no more secrets. It was very clear that Damien wanted Chloe and not her

She got up from the couch and walked away from it, to the other side of the room, to stand and stare out the window, the moment she could hear their voices out there in the hallway. The day was overcast and a light flurry of snow was falling

Mr Owens.” She heard Gregory’s voice greet them My wife Laurel and my son Damien.” 

Mr Blackwell.” She heard Garrett greet him back

She didn’t bother to turn around and look at them or to greet them, didn’t want to, Ryan was standing right next to her by the window. She heard Garrett tell them to State your piece, Harmony is not feeling very well, and doesn’t want to see Damien.” 

What?it was Laurel. What’s wrong, Harmony?she asked, sounding concerned

She just ignored her, would not be sucked in by them and their faked concern. She was also not about to tell them she was pregnant. She had already agreed with Garrett, that it was none of their business, and they didn’t need to know about it until one of them saw she was 


Please leave her alone, she is in this room only because you requested her to be,” Garrett stated State your piece clearly and then leave.” 

There was silence for a short period of time. Mr Owens, this has nothing to do with you, please don’t put words into Harmony’s mouth, or get involved, this is between my son and Harmony only.” 

I beg to differ,Garrett stated flatly

I’m aware this event happened inside your own nightclub, but that is as far as your 

involvement should go. Please stay out of it.” Gregory reiterated Harmony, please come and 

sit down with us.” 

No.she stated herself, without looking at any of them, I’m not interested in an apology that means nothing at all. I’ve also already moved on, and so has your son with Chloe. She’s his new girlfriend, and is going to marry him. I was informed by Chloe herself, just yesterday. I wish them the best of luck in the future. I will not get in their way, or cause them any problems, if that is your concern. As you well know, I’ve done nothing to harm their 


+8 Point 

CH 31 

relationship, and I’m not interested in doing so in the future either.” 

Harmony, Chloe and I are nothing. I only had her on my arm to try and save face. When you left me, that was all. I still love you. She means nothing to me. That, what you saw was the first time anything has ever happened between Chloe and I,” she heard Damien state

I don’t really care if it was or wasn’t. I’m not taking you back, and to be honest with you, I don’t believe you at all.she finally turned and looked at the man who she’d loved for the past three years, but had broken her trust and her heart

He stood there with his hair neatly done, he was cleanshaven, and dressed up properly; looking his best, she thought absently. He was, she noted, even wearing the suite she liked the best on him, a doublebreasted light grey suit with white pinstripes, and he was wearing the tie she had bought him on a whim, just a few months back. It was pink and grey striped matched 

that suit well

Harmony please,” he took a step towards her, and she watched as both Garrett and Wyatt, stepped between her and him

Move.Damien grated out

No.Garrett stated right back You’ll not be laying hands on her.” 

She watched the two of them stare each other down and nearly sighed. Damien’s anger was 

starting to show, she could see his jaw was ticking

I will never believe you,” she stated simply. I am curious though, as to how many times you plied me with alcohol in the past, like you did that night in the club, when I saw you with 

Chloe. Because I now recall how many times I woke up, to find the two of you sitting in your 

apartment, having breakfast chatting merrily away. You telling me Chloe had spent the night

staying in the spare bedroom

She’s our friend Harmony, and she helped me to get you home on each of those occasions 

was all. You know that, I never lied to you about her being there. You knew why.” 

She nodded, because that was what he’d told her each and every time. She finally walked over 

there, I do know that. I was very stupid, I now see, to not read anything into it. To trust you so 

completely. But now I see you were having s*x with her in that spare bedroom, while I was 

passed out in your bed. I’m curious as to how long it’s been going on, months, years, the entire time we were together?she asked him

Never.He shook his head

I don’t believe you,she stated simply, You know I don’thandle alcohol well. I pass out, in 


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fact, if I drink too much. That I don’t recall anything afterwards either. So, you, I think, deliberately did this to me, so you could have s*x with Chloe all the time.” 

I never did that.He stated, shaking his head at her

I don’t recall anything, never will, and you know that, so it’s your word against my belief. If I’d not been sent that footage of that very night. I would still be in the dark about what you did. Because you were never going to tell me. You lied to me all weekend, in fact.She moved her eyes to his father. Told me you were called to your father’s estate on Sunday even, you’d see me on Monday.” 

Harmony, I was horrified by what I did, needed a moment to think about what to do. Knew you were going to be hurt.” 

Really!she shook her head Gregory, did you request him to come to the estate?” 

She saw that man frown but say nothing at all, and she knew why, because he didn’t want to lie, didn’t like lying. He’d told her that, once himself, Was there a meeting, that you called and needed Damien for on that weekend on the Sunday?she asked when he still didn’t answer 


She saw an annoyed look cross Damien’s face, and he turned to his own father. Father, I can 

explain that.Damien stopped him from answering her

No, I want to hear the truth from your father.She stated He looks a little confused, I don’t 

think there was a meeting.” 

Harmony, we can talk about this, sort it out.Damien sighed Like I said, I needed a moment.” 

No,” she shook her head, You’ll lie to me, like you did about that meeting, and being at the family estate. Sent me a text message to say you’d see me on Monday, like nothing had happened.” 

Her eyes were on Gregory. Was there a meeting?she really did want him to answer the 


No.Gregory finally answered her, he understood she wasn’t going to let it go

Hmm, at least someone is willing to be honest with me.” she looked back at Damien. So where were you? All weekend long, because I didn’t see you on Saturday either. A weekend we were supposed to spend together, because it was your birthday. But you chose in the end not 

to do that. Wanted, I now know, from all the things I’ve seen in the paper, to spend that 

weekend with Chloe and not me.” 


48 Point

CH 31 

Harmony, it’s not like that.He sighed

Yes it is. I knew what you’d done, had s*x with Chloe, had seen the footage by the time you’d text me. I just couldn’t believe itSo I waited, confused and upset, letting my mind go over everything between you two. How often she stayed over, when she stayed over, to be precise

It was always when I passed out, because you and her plied me with alcohol. I now realise, this was done to me on purpose, to give you two time together, to keep me in the dark and unaware of the affair you were having.” 

You’re really reaching Harmony.Damien stated flatly One mistake on my part, and your turning everything into this dark and twisted thing inside your mind. When it was nothing, just 

a oneoff drunken mistake was all.” 

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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