CH 29
+9 Paint
CH 29
She woke in a bed in a semi–lit room, and sighed as she looked about, this was not where
she’d fallen asleep. Harmony sat herself up and frowned as she realised she was in a hospital
bed, then looked down at her arm at an uncomfortable feeling, in the back of her hand.
She blinked at seeing a cannula insitu there. She was attached to an IV line, she turned her
eyes to the IV bag hanging on a pole next to her bed, and found it half empty. It was Hartman’s
solution, and she frowned even deeper as she tried to recall how she had gotten here.
Then remembered she’d felt unwell, had woken up to bad cramping in her stomach and the
feeling of being nauseous, had tried to make to the ladies‘ room and only made it to the
cafeteria, had dashed for the sink, to throw up. She recalled Garrett being there and telling him
she wasn’t feeling well, and she hadn’t been, had been dizzy and lightheaded, then there was
just nothing.
She sighed, she’d passed out, and she knew it, that was why she didn’t recall being moved here to this ward. Garrett had probably picked her up himself. She didn’t have any pain
anywhere, so doubted she’d hit the floor, it was likely he’d caught her.
She got out of bed and took the IV pole with her, heading off to look for a bathroom. There was one in here by the door to the ward, used it and washed her hands and face afterwards.
She came out to find Garrett and Wyatt there waiting for her, over by the bed she’d been in. They both smiled at her “Morning.” They greeted her, appeared very happy this morning.
She nodded to them and made her way back to the bed “I see I was trouble, sorry about that.”
“It was no trouble at all.” Garrett smiled, “Back in bed though.” He patted it.
“I’m fine.” She told him and she was feeling much better.
“Only when my doctor clears you, can you leave the medical ward.” He informed her simply.
“Garrett.” She frowned at him.
He raised a hand to halt her words, “The doctor is in charge down here, not me.” he stated, and
pointed to the bed.
She huffed and got back in, “I don’t think it’s at all necessary.”
“Hmm, now you might think that, but it is. You’re stressed and were according to the doctor,
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dehydrated.” He stated,
Harmony sighed a little on the heavy side, she’d had a rough day yesterday. “I missed a meal and didn’t drink properly was all.” she muttered.
“It won’t be happening again.” She heard Wyatt chuckle, and saw Garrett frown at him. The man just turned away, “I’ll go and get the doc, hey.”
“What’s going on?” she asked, looking right at Garrett.
“Hmm, I’ll let the doctor tell you. She did take some blood last night.”
“Oh, am I actually unwell?” she questioned now.
“Again, let’s hear what the doctor has to say.” He stated but sat down on a chair next to her
bed “Are you feeling any better?” he asked.
“I am.” She nodded “I was dizzy and lightheaded. Did you bring me hear?”
“Yes, you fainted right in my arms.” He smiled at her. “Now Harmony, I know I’m handsome,
but swoon worthy.” He chuckled at her teasingly.
She shook her head as he laughed and grinned at her. She understood he was trying to lighten
the mood. “Oh yes, I’m going to tell everyone, you fell at my feet. Literally so.” he snorted “I, the dashing boss, rushed in and caught you, before you hit the floor. Embarrass you a lot with it.”
Her eyes were on him now. “Don’t do that, it’s not funny.” She murmured.
“Oh, come on, it will be very funny when I relay it.” he grinned at her “Everyone will chuckle,
they’ll all go jeez another one.”
“What?” she asked, not really understanding. “Are there others?”
“Yes, you’d be surprised at how many women I’ve saved, catching them before they hit the
floor, when fainting near me.” he smiled at her. “You, I can add to the list.”
“Really? And there’s a list.”
He chuckled softly “In my mind there is a list, and mostly they are pregnant women, some
tend to faint at times.” He shrugged “and I can’t have them going crashing to the floor now,
can I?”
“I suppose not.” She nodded as Wyatt walked in with a woman.
She smiled at her and introduced herself, “Morning Harmony, I’m Kristen. The doctor on duty, how are you this morning?”
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“Alright, sorry to be of trouble,” she stated.
“No trouble at all, you slept all night.” She shrugged “You’re the least of my concerns in this
hospital right at this minute… Now I ran some bloods and, well, I have some news for you.”
“Okay,” she nodded “Just tell me straight, I don’t like being kept in the dark.” And she didn’t.
The last time she’d been in the hospital had been when her parents had died. The hospital doctors had decided to delay telling her about her parents until they thought she was stable. enough to handle it. It had taken them four days to tell her they had died in that car accident.
She did not want that to happen ever again.
“You, young lady, are pregnant.” Kristen stated simply.
Harmony stared at the woman now, more than shocked by those very words. She opened her mouth to say something, and then closed it, when no words were formulated. Blinked and tried again, no, still nothing. She looked down at her still flat stomach, it was still flat as it had always been.
“No…” she finally got out. “I can’t be,” she shook her head “I’m on birth control and am very
careful. Never miss taking it.”
Though her mind was racing now, thinking about the last time she’d had s*x, she couldn’t be pregnant, didn’t want to be pregnant with Damien’s child, not after what he’d done to her. But it couldn’t be anyone else’s. She’d only ever been with him, he’d been her first and only.
“I’ve double–checked it. You’re only a few weeks along, the markers indicate about two and
half weeks only.”
That drew her undivided attention. That couldn’t be right, she was doing the math in her mind now, counting back the days from their break–up to now. She’d been on antibiotics for the first week of December and she and Damien hadn’t had s*x that week. Neither of them wanted to risk a pregnancy, knew antibiotics could interfere with the validity of the pill. So they’d
But it couldn’t be anyone else’s “Are you really sure?” she murmured.
“Very certain.” Kristen told her “Congratulations, you’re going to be a mother.”
Harmony’s eyes moved right to hers, ‘a mother‘ she thought absently. “Thank you, I guess.”
She stammered.
“Now, you’ll stay right here until that fluid has finished, for your baby’s health and well–being,
and then I’ll release you.”
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“Alright.” She nodded.
She was more than shocked by this new, but two and a half weeks along, it didn’t make sense
to her. Her mind was now racing as she tried to figure it out, moved back to the date, and she
realised when it was, the Blackwell Christmas party in the triple moon club.
She bit her lip as she remembered something from that dark, painful moment in her life.
She had no idea how she’d gotten home that night, had woken up in her bed, and with no
underwear on, and her body had ached all over like she’d had s*x. And all those pictures of
Damien had been crossed out in the apartment. She chewed on her lower lip as she thought
more about the days that followed.
The very words that Damien had said to her, he’d stated she’d had s*x with some random guy, called her a slut. That was why she had slapped him. Had she actually done that? Had s*x with some random guy, and who was he? Had he been the one to take her home? Had he
known what Damien had done that night? Maybe it was that man that had sent her the
footage in case she forgot she’d seen it.‘
She tried desperately to recall anything from that night. There was still nothing, she didn’t even recall actually seeing Damien with Chloe, only what she saw in the video; herself seeing them and running from the room. Never again would she drink and leave herself like that. But how was she supposed to tell her baby who his or her father was? When she had no idea at
She felt a hand touch hers and moved her eyes to it, then to the one touching her so gently, it was Garrett. “It’s alright Harmony.” He stated softly.
“I… I…” she still did not know what to say.
“Breathe, it will be fine.”
She shook her head. “It won’t be. Damien is going to think it’s his.” And with him coming from a wealthy family he was likely going to want custody as well.
“It’s not?” Garrett asked gently, and she saw him lean forward ever so slightly.
She closed her eyes and shook her head no, “Not if the doctor is right. He and I…” she sighed “ That puts it right at the time of our break–up, and well…” she muttered, she didn’t want to appear like she was what Damein had called her; a slut. “We hadn’t for over a week before that, I was a bit unwell, on antibiotics so we…abstained.” she huffed.
“Alright.” Garrett nodded “you don’t have to discuss anything further if you don’t want to.”
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+9 Point
Harmony nodded and looked at him. He didn’t, she realised, look at all surprised by this. “Did
you know?”
“Hmm. The doctor reported your blood results to me. I asked her to when she found out you had no next of kin listed on your work file. Standard protocol.” He shrugged.
Harmony sighed “It’s just me, my parents died four and half years ago.” She looked down at her stomach “Well, just me…and my baby now.”
Her eyes moved back to her stomach; her hand was resting on it. A baby…her baby…she was going to be a mother…she wasn’t alone anymore, was growing her own family in side of her right this minute, a son or daughter for her to love and cherish the way she had been.
That stranger, whoever he was, had just given her the gift of life; a baby for Christmas. She’d hated knowing she was once again alone in the world, after breaking up with Damien, but no
more was she alone.
A soft smile touched her face, she’d not yet bought herself anything for Christmas, and now she didn’t need to either, got a baby gifted to her. ‘Thank you, stranger.’ She thought to herself, she didn’t know who he was, or where he was, but he’d enriched her life and she just knew, for
the better.