CH 27
48 Parts
CH 27
He’d sent Ryan and Dallas home an hour later, and to cruise on past Harmony’s place across town, only to have them report, that not only were there reporters downstairs outside the office. That there were also several of them out by the car park near Harmony’s car and at the entrance to the underground car park, for their ranked members that worked in the building.
It seems they had all the exits covered, and then they reported that there were many reporters camped out there waiting by her apartment complex even. He was hoping they’d all go home with it being so bloody cold outside. But it seems not.
He and Wyatt had discussed with Harmony about spending the night here in the office. She wasn’t overly fussed about it, but he assured her there were plenty of comfortable office lounges around. Had even told her if she wanted a bed to sleep in, there were several available beds down in the medical wards on the 3rd and 4th floors.
She’d just stared at him and huffed “They’re not going to go away are they!” not a question but
a statement.
He didn’t think so and neither did Wyatt. “It’s likely they’ve been paid to be there, to capture your reaction and response to Damien.” That man was also downstairs and had tried to come into the building, had been turned away by security. He had stated loudly for all out there to hear “I’m not leaving until I can talk to Harmony. I know she’s in there.” And from all reports, was now standing downstairs freezing his backside off along with the press.
Garrett was curious as to how long that man was going to stand out there, or had his father told him to bloody stay there and freeze until she spoke to him. Could well be punishing that boy of his for his stupidity.
He was nice enough to have hot food delivered to those downstairs, and he strolled on down there to smile at them all himself. “I see you’re all intending on freezing to death, I’ll provide hot food, but please don’t die on my company doorstep, I don’t want that.”
He’d heard a few of them chuckling, and he’d had a coffee van park itself over in the drop–off zone, paid that man a handsome sum to stay there as long as the reporters were there.
Damien looked right at him and Garrett smiled and leaned on the door. Everything was locked up bar this door, he wasn’t going to get passed him or his men. Had come down here to see just what that man really wanted.
+8 Points
CH 27
No one here knew he and Harmony had had s*x that night, bar Damien. “How can I help you, Damien?” he asked casually.
“I want to speak with Harmony. Let me see her.”
“It’s not about me letting her. It’s about her not wanting to.”
“I don’t believe that.” Damien grated out.
“I don’t really care what you want. I believe in her words your cheating only one was ‘Bullshit.‘ She doesn’t believe that, said she’s really been thinking about everything, between you and
Chloe, and now realises it was more than just once.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Not even I believe that. You know, if you could keep it in your pants, none of this would be
“You’re one to talk.” Damien grated. “After what you did with…”
Garrett leaned off the door and took a step towards him. “I wouldn’t go there, you might not
like what you get in return. Say one nasty thing about Harmony, and I’ll pound you into the
ground and feed you to the wolves.”
“You need to stay out of this,” Damien grated out.
“Actually no I don’t, you involved me the moment you decided to have s*x in my nightclub. Made your beautiful girlfriend cry right on my chest. So I am involved and unless Harmony
wants me to stay out of it, and tells me that herself. I will stand by her side and support her.
Protect her from the likes of you, and your
“I don’t have a mistress.” Damien stated, “Chloe is nothing, never was.”
Garrett smiled. “I hope she handles hearing that after what she said to Harmony today in the
store; going to be your wife, I believe is what she stated. It’s quite convenient, don’t you think?
That she’s suddenly nowhere to be seen after making such an ugly mess for your father to
clean up. Did your father send her away, I wonder?”
He saw Damien’s jaw tighten. “I would leave, even if Harmony comes downstairs it will be with
me by her side.” He turned to look at the gathered reporters. “Blackwell’s loss is Owens‘ gain, and any of you that think it’s wise to slander her name will come up against me and my legal
team.” He looked at Damien and stated, “This little display will get you nowhere.” He walked
over to him and murmured just for him, “The battle has just begun, I have so much dirt on you,
it’s not funny. Walk away or go down in flames and take daddy’s company with you.”
CH 27
+9 Paint
Then he just turned and strolled away back into his office building, and locked the door as a
show to them all that none of them would be getting in, or that Harmony would be coming out.
via them.
He walked upstairs and found her sitting in the cafeteria, her chin in her hands staring at the TV on the wall, looking bored to him. “What do you normally do at this hour of the night?”
“Nothing much; dinner and TV or read a book.” She sighed.
“I’ve got dinner coming. It’s been ordered Wyatt will go and get it in like 10 minutes.”
“Alright.” She nodded “You know you don’t have to be here, just go home.”
“Oh really?” He stated and sat down next to her “And you think I believe you’ll just stay put? I
think you’re trying to lull me into a false sense of security.”
“Never.” She snorted.
Garrett chuckled, “it’s not very comfortable sitting there for a long time. Come on, we’ll sit in my office, there’s a TV in there with all the channels you could possibly want.”
“What?” she frowned at him. “I’ve not seen a TV in there.”
“I’m sneaky, that mirror on the far wall of my office is actually a TV. Sometimes I work late and
crash out on my couch.”
“Oh I bet it’s more like avoiding your mum trying to play matchmaker.” She laughed but got up.
“Ah! You got me.” he grinned at her, and they walked to his office and he saw her seated comfortably on the couch before going to get the remote and flicking it to TV mode. He
handed her the remote. “Put what you want on.”
“You got a preference?”
“Anything but the news, I’ve had enough of that for the day.” He pulled his jacket off and sank down in an armchair. Wyatt found them 20 minutes later and placed meals on the coffee table. Looked at Harmony and smiled at her when she sat up from being all stretched out.
“I didn’t really know what you liked, but I figured couldn’t go wrong with pasta, Wyatt
“I like pasta,” she smiled up at him and thanked him as they all sat to eat.
‘She looks comfortable in your office.’ Wyatt mind–linked to him while they ate.
‘Appears that way.‘ Garrett answered him with a nod. She had made herself comfortable, taken her shoes off and had leaned back on the arm of the couch with her legs stretched out in front
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CH 27
of her. Likely how she sat at home when watching TV.
He watched as Harmony actually fell asleep on his couch a little while later and smiled to
himself. She had no concerns about him or Wyatt being in this office with her, she just curled
up on the couch and rested her head on the back of it, and then a few minutes later sleep had
claimed her.
He got up and shifted her slightly to lay all the way down, and she settled right away. He
retrieved her new coat and draped it over her for a blanket. “You know Garrett, I don’t think
Dallas is wrong.” He commented quietly.
“Wrong about what?” Garrett asked, looking at his Beta with a slight frown.
“How you react, it is kind of Mate like.”
“You lot all need to let it go.” He muttered, “come on, let’s leave her to sleep.” He headed out of
his own office. Wyatt followed him.
“Don’t let your mother see you do stuff like that, she’ll be pressing you to be in front of her on
the next full moon.” Wyatt smirked at him.
“Don’t you dare.” Garrett frowned at him.
“Would I dare to tell the Luna what your entire unit is thinking?”
“I’ll beat you one.” Garrett muttered.
“Ah come on, she’s lovely, you enjoyed the s*x. I know that, and she handled you, a human handled you, and now you’re all protective and worried about her. You can’t tell me you don’t
see it even a little bit. You’re not blind, I know that.”
“I’m not blind and yes, I like the girl.” He finally admitted, “But not my Mate.”
“You don’t know that. You’ve never been with her on a full moon could well be. Perhaps you
should be within scenting range this coming full moon just to be certain.”
“It’s a Saturday and there is no mating ball this coming moon. I’ll be staying home inside the pack, with a few 18–year–old wolves that have not had there first shift but will also be of scenting age as well. i need to be in the pack. Harmony lives across town so it’s unlikely to
“Probably not the best thing, Garrett. You, I think, need to be near her. The boys and I are all betting on her being the one. Your dad can be in the pack.”
“Don’t go telling people that,” Garrett muttered as they walked into Wyatt’s office, and stretched out themselves to get some rest, they could sleep anywhere.
CH 27
+9 Points
His eyes snapped open to hurried footsteps going down the hall outside Wyatt’s office, and he
got up, as he saw Wyatt sit up bleary–eyed, “It’s Harmony.” He stated and waved the man back
to sleep, but got up himself to see where she was going.
He saw her heave and gag and stagger to a stop, snap a hand over her mouth and then just
rush into the cafeteria; it was closer than the ladies‘ room, and he followed her in there to see
her heave over the sink.
Garrett walked over to her and put a hand on her back. “Harmony, are you alright?” he asked
as he watched her just kind of sag over the sink with her head down. He rubbed her back to try
and provide some sort of comfort.
She rinsed and spit and pushed herself up and turned to look at him. She looked terrible, he realised, as his hand slid from her back to her hip and then across her abdomen as she turned
to fully face him “I feel terrible.” She muttered, and he watched as her eyes rolled back in her
head, and then she passed out right in front of him.
He snagged her around the waist with one hand, but it wasn’t her passing out that had his undivided attention. It was the way his hand was on her abdomen, and the furiously beating
heartbeat he was picking up in there.
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