CH 23
* Part
CH 23
He could see Harmony was unhappy out there as she worked at her desk, she was only
actually speaking to people when it was necessary. Nodded to them and accepted things
from them as per her job requirements, used that intercom to tell him if he had something important delivered.
But other than that, he could see there was a stack of things in her in–tray, that were for her to
come in here and be given to him. She was, he noted, sorting it into important need to have
now deliveries, or non–important it can wait until later deliveries. She thanked the staff with a
She was not her usual happy, friendly self, she was very unhappy out there, knowing that
everyone in the city, as well as in this office, he supposed, now knew that her boyfriend had cheated on her. He’d called his mother to have a chat with her after he’d realised she’d skipped
morning tea.
She was, he knew, burying herself in work. He understood that, but she needed to talk to someone, and who better than a Luna who could project calm and confidence, engage her trust and get her to talk openly about how she was feeling. He wasn’t about to have Ryan go
and do it.
His unit were already all looking at him a little bit weirdly about his interactions with Harmony. Their eyes were all on him and her for that matter. Though they all knew he’d never been near her on a full moon, Wyatt was of the opinion he might know before that.
He was 38 and un–mated still, and they, like his mother were all waiting on the day when he
scented out a Mate.
His interest in the human woman had gained Wyatt’s undivided attention, and he was certain those three had discussed it between themselves. Likely right down to what Wyatt heard in the club, how well a human girl had responded to him, handled all of him.
Just like his intervening in Harmony’s life had gained his mother’s attention, until he’d given her the reason as to why, and she’d backed off herself. Between what had happened to herself and himself, his mother could see why he’d wanted to and was going to step in. Had actually asked him if he was going to, because she wanted him to.
So her attention was diverted away from him, and why he was looking to help his secretary, as
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19 Paint
should have been his unit’s, but it wasn’t often he went out with anyone or sated his needs.
Wyatt had heard it all in that nightclub, and that one girl out there, a human girl, had more than been able to do that. He’d put it down to the fact that it had been awhile. Wyatt was of another opinion and liked to sit and smile at him about it, thought she could be his human
Hearing Ryan tell him she was annoyed, and concerned about how people were going to see her within the company now, after he’d walked passed her; he had felt her out with his Gamma Charm, of his own accord, had made Garrett frown and ask his Gamma why he’d done that.
“Because she was sick to her stomach, boss.” Had come out of him. “Literally so,” he’d shaken his head “I’ve felt that before but not many actually go and throw up. People are disgusted with others, or things they see all the time and gag occasionally, but she ran from the room
and threw up. That is odd.”
“That’s all it was though, right?”
“Yes, I got nothing else from her, she’s pretty easy to read actually, likes her new job here, is happy to be working here or was on Thursday and Friday, just having a bad day today, and can you really blame her boss?”
“No,” he shook his head, and he couldn’t. He looked at his watch and mind–linked to his warriors on guard duty downstairs about the reporters. They were gone for the moment, which was good. He needed them to leave. He had one of them bring his car around to the front of the building. “I’ve got an errand to run Ryan, you and the boys hold the fort, so to speak.”
“Where are you going?” Ryan asked, though Garrett looked right at him and his overly casual
“I have need to buy something. While I’m gone, please organise a security detail for Harmony’s apartment. I don’t think she needs reporters hanging out there, trying to get her to talk to
“I can do that. Where are you going?” he asked once more.
“Out.” Garrett stated simply and stood up, it was almost lunchtime. He grabbed his jacket and headed out of the office. “Oh Ryan make sure Wyatt sees to no reporters around the building
entrance, or the car park.
“Of course, Garrett. How long will you
Garrett looked right at him and the man snorted and walked away. He shook his head and turned his attention to Harmony. She was looking right at him standing before her desk. “Are
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you going somewhere?” she asked “You have a meeting in an hour and a half.”
“I’m aware.” He nodded “Up, we have to go somewhere.” He commented.
“What?” she frowned at him, but watched her get up.
“Part of your duty to go with me on certain occasions. This would be one of them.” He nodded “Get your…” he looked at her sweater. “Coat, we’ll be leaving the building.”
“Oh, I don’t think.”
“Not your choice. Come I’m on limited time, as you’re aware.” He tapped his watch “Got to be
back for my meeting.”
She grabbed her sweater, and he watched her flag one of the receptionists on the way passed their desk. “Could you please take calls for Mr Owens while we’re out?” she asked the girl on
the desk.
“Of course, Harmony, just let me know when your back.”
“Will do.” She replied.
Garrett smiled as she stepped into the elevator with him, still doing her job diligently, making
sure her unmanned desk was still attended to. He’d watched her pick up her work diary, an A5 sized book with sections for notes and appointments, tasks to be done, his schedule was all
in there and he knew it. It had been his previous secretary’s diary.
“Do you want a new one?” he asked her, tapping the diary.
“No, it’s fine and this close to the new year, there is no point. Your mother already gave me a
new one for the new year. I’ve already started transcribing next year’s appointments for you
into it.”
“Ah, she’s on the ball, I see.”
“Yes. Where are we going?” Harmony asked as they stepped out of the elevator into the lobby.
“I have need of my secretary’s opinion on some Christmas shopping.” He smiled at her, “I have
two sisters and a mother to shop for.”
Her eyes moved right to him and then to her watch, “You left it this late. Two days till Christmas, you’ll be lucky to get a park in the allotted time you’ve given yourself.”
Garrett chuckled “Who said anything about parking? We’ll have a driver today.”
“The lines will still be quite bad, it’s going to be completely crazy out there. You know that,
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+4 Peasts
“That’s the fun part of Christmas shopping.” He chuckled softly “Besides, it’s not like we’re
about to hit the local malls. We’ll be exclusively shopping.”
“Oh.” Was all she stated, as she pulled on her sweater, and he knew she understood what he
They were in the car and gone a moment later. “You should pick up a new winter coat while. we’re out. That is not warm enough.” He stated.
“It’s all I have for the moment. I’ll get something at the Boxing Day sales.” She replied simply.
Garrett nodded and sat and watched her in the car. He had the driver turn the heat up. He didn’t feel that cold, but she would. Rarely ever did he turn the heat on in his car, but Harmony
was human, so would feel it all.
They got out, and he walked her from the car across the footpath and right into Nordstorm and right to the women’s coat department section. “Find something suitable.” He motioned for
her to browse the racks.
“What?” she frowned up at him.
“You need a new coat. I’ll be buying my mother and sisters coats as well. Mother is about your size, help me pick something out for her.” he told her when he realised, she wasn’t just about
to let him purchase her a coat.
But this was his goal for their little outing. “I don’t know what they like,” she muttered.
“Something warm and well–fitted, drapes beautifully. Anything I buy them will be appreciated.” Garrett smiled at her as he gave her a little push towards the racks. He strolled on passed her, to look about himself, but kept her in sight as well.
He was looking for something for her himself, found a lovely dark blue double–breasted three–quarter–length winter coat with a flare from the waist out down to below the knee, and smiled to himself as he held it up to her. “Try this on for me.” he stated.
She raised an eyebrow at him but took her sweater off and reached for it just as he spotted a lovely grey three–buttoned mid–thigh–length coat that would also be good for her, for when the
weather started to warm up.
Garrett walked over to it to take it from the rack, and turned back to look at her as she called out his name. That coat on her was lovely, and he watched her pull her hair from the neck of it, and it splayed about her, making him smile. “It looks good on you.” he commented and
checked the size of the coat in his hand.
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It was her size and as he made his way through the racks towards her, he held up the grey one,
“I’ll take that, try this one on for me.” he stated as he saw a woman grab on to her and spin her
“Well, well, well, look who it is, Harmony, and your still trying to play the wealthy card, even
though your dirt poor.”
He heard Harmony gasp as his eyes moved to the woman, Chloe Silverton. His jaw tightened
as he made his way over there. She was looking to pick a fight with Harmony. Had the woman
not done enough to Harmony, already?
“Let me go Chloe.” Harmony yanked her arm from the girl’s hand.
“You can’t shop here, you can’t afford it.” Chloe sneered at her. “Damien will never spend a
scent on you anymore.” Shot at Harmony and pulled out a bank card, he saw Damien’s name
on it, “He’s mine now.”
“You can have him,” Harmony stated simply and turned to walk away.
It didn’t look like she wanted to talk to the other woman.