Wolf Novel 22

Wolf Novel 22

CH 22 


CH 22 


Harmony sat at her desk and got ready for the day to begin. She had no idea how the other employees of the company were now going to see her. She had not wanted any of that to come out. Her sad, pathetic history with Damien was now out and exposed for all to see

They would all now look at her as having blinkers on, that she had been blinded to the cheating ways of her boyfriend. She wondered just how dumb someone had to be, to never see their other half was cheating on them. And she’d not seen it, never looked for it, because she 

had trusted him

Was she really so blinded by her love for him? That she’d never once seen anything suspicious at all. In any of his actions or words to Chloe, she’d been right there most of the time to see it all. She should have seen the way they looked at each other, any glances or inconnotation in their words, from the moment that they had decided to start sleeping together

If that came about after her and Damien, she was as yet unable to get past her thoughts while inside Garrett’s office of herself being the mistress, but if that was the case why would Chloe stand for it? She didn’t understand anything anymore, about any of her relations with either of 


Or was her foolishness in trusting him, believing that he loved her and no one else, solely because she’d been alone for so long. That a part of her craved to have that family and love that she’d lost when her parents had died

So, she had simply put blinders on herself, and refused to allow herself to acknowledge any of his faults, or things she might consider as flirting or odd behaviour between him and Chloe. Because if they did breakup, she’d once again go back to being all alone in her life

She had been an only child and losing her parents and becoming an orphan had been very hard on her. There had been so much love within her family, she’d always known her parents loved and cherished her, were proud of her. Losing them had changed her, and she’d become a bit on the introverted side. Felt full of loneliness and sadness during her time of grief, something she’d suffered alone

She still to this day, blamed herself for their deaths and how could she not, when that car accident they’d all been in was her doing. She’d been the one to get the job out here with Blackwell Industries and they, of course, had wanted to drive her out here and help her settle into her new apartment and new life


CH 22 

+8 Point 

Only to have them be run off the road by another driver, that had fallen asleep behind the wheel, and careened into them and their vehicle had gone off down a steep embankment and rolled over and over to crash at the bottom, where only she had survived

She’d not known a single person out here, to help her through her grief over their deaths. She knew that their deaths had been caused because she had chosen a job in the next state over

and they wanted to be with her for as long as possible before only being able to see her in the 

university breaks, between semesters or trimesters. If she’d never taken that job, they’d still be 

alive today and she knew it

Harmony had to deal with a lot in the two weeks that led up to her start date at Blackwell 

Industries, not only funerals and insurance but learning to be alone, she’d ended up just 

burying herself in the new job that first year, until Damien had come along and coaxed her out 

of her shell, and convinced her to go on a date with him

His life had been happy and filled with people, much like her parentsold life had been, and it kind of helped her as well. She’d not really made many friends, just worked and had 

coworkers she would sit and talk to, but kept things work related most of the time

Even now, after they’d broken up, she’d gone back to being alone, because all of her friends now were actually his friends, and not just his, his and Chloe’s at that. So her social circle was 

once again down to nothing

Her life was lonely once more, she’d lived inside her apartment only going out for interviews and food shopping. To avoid, and she knew it, his very large social group, not one of them had called or texted her to see if she was okay, even though he was now openly dating Chloe

It was clear that they were all his friends and none of them were willing to be separated from him and his wealth and status. To remain her friend, they were likely never actually her friends at all. Or were just like Damien himself and only concerned about their status in the society 


She was hoping that coming to work here at Owens Construction she could make a fresh start for herself and meet new people, make some friends of her own, outside a relationship. Friends that were not attached to her because of some boyfriend she had

She knew she needed to do that, or she was going to be lonely for a very long time. This place did have nice friendly people working here. She had liked it here those first two days. Now though, they all got to see the things in her life she didn’t want them to see

Everything about her had just been exposed to all here in Owens Constructions, just how very 

screwed up 

it was

when all she really wanted was a normal, happy life, with a few happy 


CH 22 

smiling friends around her. Friends that she could talk easily with, have lunch with, and maybe come the new year go shopping with, go out to eat with or see a movie with

Was that too much to ask for, really

She was called down to HR, Deidre wanted to speak to her. It was midmorning, and she sighed and got up, So it begins.She thought to herself, wanted to stay positive but really couldn’t manage it today, it seemed. She had turned to her work and not even at this point 

taken morning tea

Please take a seat, Harmony.Deidre waved at the chair in front of her desk

How can I help you?Harmony asked her

You’re not in any trouble, Harmony, but it has been brought to my attention. There are some sensitive issues going on. You’re in the paper I saw, along with your now ex, and his new girlfriend.” She shook her head a little. Why people can’t leave things alone I don’t knowshe kind of sounded disappointed, to Harmony How are you feeling today?Deidre asked her

Harmony frowned a little. Um, confused to be honest.She finally answered her with full 


Deidre nodded her head. I feel that, did you know I once had a similar issue myself?she huffed. Not a good memory and it’s not a good feeling to find yourself suddenly in the papers without warning. My husband is 15 years older than I am, and I too went through what you’re going through right now, having to be seen in the papers, I mean. Not the same situation.” 

I don’t know why it’s in there, we’ve been over for nearly two and a half weeks now.” Harmony 

sighed, and she didn’t understand it at all

Hmm, try and breathe, don’t let it suffocate you, I got all sorts of names tossed at me, it wasn’t pretty or fun, and can be downright demoralising at times. Lucky for me, I had Scott right there to back me up the whole time and didn’t we show them. We have been married for 39 years now and are still happy.” 

It’s a bit different for me though.” Harmony huffed I don’t have that.” 

Actually you do. I believe Garrett is going to back you, like his father did I.” 

Why? I don’t understand that.” And she didn’t. She had been his secretary for all of two days 

now, it was a bit weird in her books

My son, likes things to be fair, and well,” she sighed On the quiet just between you and me now. He was going to marry at 18, found his fiancée cheating on him, caught her in bed with 


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CH 22 

another, much like you did your man.” 

Oh, I didn’t know that.And she’d not, couldn’t imagine anyone cheating on Garrett. He was happy and charming, seen to be liked by all those around him

Hmm, it was a long time ago, but it burned him. I’m still trying to get him to date.She chuckled a little But my boy is stubborn. He’s going to help you, it’s his nature, so it might seem as though he’s meddling a little bit. But really, he’s on your side and just wants to help.” 

He doesn’t need to, I imagine it’ll blow over at some point. I think the best course of action is to ignore it.Harmony stated I’m just a bit concerned as to how it will affect my job here at the company.She sighed, telling her truthfully

Oh, there will be none of that. You, my dear, were wronged by that boy Damien and everyone 

here will see that. We also don’t approve of gossip, so none will talk about it, likely just want to 

know how you’re doing. We’re big on caring.” 

I kind of got that feeling,” she smiled just a little I felt very welcomed into the company right 


Good that is what I wanted to hear. Now off you go back to work, Garrett was a bit concerned about you, called me to talk to you. Said you were more quiet than usual, and it was bothering 

my boy.” 

Oh, I didn’t mean to do that.She shook her head

Deidre waved it off. Not a problem, he’s observant is all. Take a breath, try and relax and just go about your day like any other. This company takes care of all its employees. I assure you of 

that. Regardless of new or old.” 

That was nice to hear, and Harmony walked out of Deidre’s office feeling a little better than when she had entered it. She was not in any trouble, just a check on how she was doing. It 

was actually a nice feeling to know they cared

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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