CH 21
He went through his list of contacts and found one Gregory Blackwell, dialled the number and waited. It took almost a full minute before it was picked up, “Mr Owens?” the man answered his phone. Which told Garrett he had his number saved to his phone, probably from their last meeting over a month ago; good it saved him making introductions.
“Mr Blackwell, my day is not so fun over here. I have a very upset secretary, who was literally
sick to her stomach at what she just saw in this morning’s papers.”
“Oh, yours isn’t fun, my son is being dragged through the mud because of that secretary of
“No, he’s not. From her reaction to the reports, which was complete and utter shock, and then her going completely pale at seeing the papers, I seriously doubt she did this at all.”
“She is the only one that could have done this, she broke our deal and I will be coming after
her for this. We, Harmony and I had an agreement about that footage never being seen by the
“What agreement do you have with her, and over what footage?” he asked curiously, even though he already knew, but he would play dumb for the moment.
“She has the video footage of my son and…” the man trailed off.
“Oh, of his actual cheating, actually having s*x with Chloe Silverton, was it? In front of her very
“Yes.” The man grated out “My son may have cheated, but she is the one that has spread it to
the world, in the most filthiest way there is. Wants to hurt my son and ruin him.”
“No, she’s not.” Garrett stated, “From all I saw this morning; she was horrified that the news
was out. I have also spoken to Rachael Greenbay myself about this matter, at length. Have
you yet?” he asked, knowing full well that Rachael would not be taking calls from him, or
anyone affiliated with him until after Boxing Day. She had her own agenda.
“Not yet, I’ve not been able to get a hold of her. You have?” Gregory asked.
“Yes, do you know what it is Ms Greenbay hates the most in this world, Mr Blackwell…a cheating boyfriend or husband. Because she suffered that herself. I doubt you’ll be able to get her until she’s finished tarring your son to her liking.”
CH 21
Again there was silence, he would know that she was a bloodhound for society addicts that
were rumoured to be getting divorced, and she only ever took the side of the part that was
cheated on, or dug into the truth of the matter, and cleared one’s name if one party labelled the
other a cheater, in an effort to ruin them.
“Gregory, you did read the source line of the article, did you not? Or did you just listen to your
son, who I’m sure whined that it had to be his ex–girlfriend that did this to him. He lives in the
society pages, something you yourself, should have curbed in your what? 29–year–old boy.
“He should have grown out of that and become a proper man by now, that doesn’t care about
how people see him other than as a good businessman, getting ready to take over his father’s
company. So he should be fully aware of Rachael Greenbay, who she is, what she likes to report on, and how in depth she will be about it.
“As for the footage, and all those pictures. From what I can see, all those pictures are from security footage within my club. I’d consider it was someone from inside my own club who did
this. Someone that likely saw the whole thing, and thought it was wrong of your boy.
“Maybe Gregory, your boy is not so innocent, and maybe he offended someone within the club. itself, and they are now extracting a little revenge on him. Your boy is dumb, and should have known better, than to cheat on his longtime girlfriend. I wonder how many girlfriends he’s had over the years, that he’s done this too, that maybe saw an opportunity to get a little payback of
their own.”
“It is none of your staff’s business, Garrett, and you need to shut this down if it’s coming from
within your own nightclub.”
“Do I? I haven’t looked into the matter as of yet, and I probably won’t be either. This phone call is a common curtesy to you, because I don’t think it’s at all over. I feel it’s just the beginning of your son’s fall from grace. I wonder if his new girlfriend did this herself. To make sure he doesn’t try to apologise and get Harmony back. Considering that engagement ring he bought was what? Back in November, for Harmony, was it?”
“I seriously doubt Chloe would do something like this,”
“Oh, so the mistress is innocent, but you believe the girlfriend who, from all appearances, you liked and must have approved of for your son to marry, is not. Hmm, I think you’ve got things backwards. I think both of those two, Chloe and Damien, deserve to have their names tarred
with the same brush.”
“You will stay out of this, Garrett, it does not concern you,” Gregory muttered. And he knew he was putting ideas into that man’s head, about Chloe and it was his intent.
CH 21
“Hmm, after what I found out about your son this weekend, going around slandering
Harmony’s reputation. From what I heard he’s been doing that for many weeks now. I think it’s only fair that the people of this city see him for what he truly is, a lying cheating scumbag.”
“He has done nothing like that, as far as I’m aware. He’s devastated that Harmony would do this to him. He can’t believe she would do this to him, he thought she really loved him.”
“Oh, is he playing the pitiful I didn’t do it card Gregory, because he was the one that cheated on her. It is pretty darn clear, your son is in the wrong and trying to convince you, he’s innocent when the proof is right in front of you in full colour. He’s a liar.
“I also have proof he has been out there slandering Harmony’s good name; do you want to hear it? I’ve got a recording of it. He told me himself she was a bad employee, used her looks and body to get what she wanted, to stay employed there as well.”
“What?” Gregory muttered, and he heard the anger in him, but whether it was because he didn’t know this or because Garrett had found out about this, or because, as he suspected, they were trying to make her beg them to take her back for some reason.
“There’s more, he’s told at least six companies she applied for the same thing, I’ve have four recordings of him slandering her good name, along with the one I have, and for what? As far as I can tell, because she broke up with him.”
“He’s upset and likely retaliating from this article is all. That won’t stand up in court, he’s emotional at the moment,” Gregory stated.
“Oh, then you should know this was all before she worked for me. Before anything came out in the society pages, so how does that work? What’s his excuse now?..” he waited for Gregory to come up with something, and couldn’t it seemed “How do you think that is going to make him
There was silence on the line still; a full minute and Garrett waited. He knew the man needed a minute to think things through, how bad it could get for not only his son now, but his company as well. Were their plans for Harmony falling through? and how to get it back on
“We should meet and discuss this in person, come to some sort of arrangement.” Gregory finally stated.
“Hmm, and what if I’m not willing to do that?”
“Be reasonable Garrett, she is just a secretary. I’ll deal with my son, pull him into line, and he’ll apologise to her.”
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“Oh, will he! Will he mean it, tell her all the nasty things he said and actually beg for forgiveness, or will it be a blanket statement by your PR team that means nothing?”
“Clearly, I haven’t gotten all the information. Perhaps you could help me out and an agreement
can be reached.”
“Like the one you already struck with Harmony Preston, that I have just learned now, from you there is one. And you claim she broke it, is your word even good. She’s stressed out completely right now, that you’re going to think this is her doing, which you did. Jump right to
that conclusion.”
“How could I not when I know she has the footage,” Gregory muttered.
“For a start, because she worked for your company for how long, she would understand the expectations of a confidentiality agreement, and she would also know how you and your legal team would deal with it. Do you honestly think she would willingly break one she made with you, yourself, and risk your wrath when she had no one and nothing to her name?”
Again there was silence from the man and Garrett shook his head. “You reacted before investigating the matter and tried to lay blame before proof was given. I see where your son gets his lack of morals from.”
“That’s enough, Garrett…”
“No it’s not, no one messes with my people. I guarantee you it wasn’t Harmony Preston that released this to the world. And just to let you know, only myself and those that work in the nightclub, have access to the security footage, she couldn’t possibly get a hold of all of what is in the papers.”
“She had footage on her phone.” Gregory repeated himself.
“Hmm, someone sent it to her, likely the very person that has given Rachael Greenbay all the extra footage to expose your son’s deceitful, betrayal of his girlfriend of three years. One that from only just a few days ago, it was reported that he was going to propose to her this
Again, silence on the other end of the line. “I’ll tell you what Gregory, you keep Damien away from Harmony, have him accept responsibility and admit he was wrong, and also apologise. Then we’ll talk again, but till then, I don’t want to talk to either of you. And I certainly don’t want to see or hear that your son is harassing my employee, by turning up here or at her place of residence. That will incur my full wrath, do you really want that?” he asked, and then clicked
the line closed and leaned back in his chair.
CH 21
+8 Point
Hopefully, that would make the boy leave Harmony alone and force him into an apology. There was more than one of those to be coming from him, by the time Garrett was done with him.
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