CH 20
+ Paint
CH 20
He watched, as Harmony went so very pale and then a moment later was just rushing out the
room, to vomit. Ryan, his Gamma, went right after her, despite her being human and not part
of his pack, that man’s Gamma instincts had kicked in, and he was off to do what all Gamma’s
did, comfort a female that needed it.
‘Sick to her stomach at seeing all the betrayal, boss.‘ Had come down the mind–link from Ryan,
the moment she’d gone pale in front of them all.
He’d not known that was going to be her reaction, though he had been hoping for anger or
maybe satisfaction at seeing that boy outed. But he’d not actually expected her to be sick to
her stomach. To the point she’d literally run out of the room to throw up. Seems he’d judged
the situation very wrong.
Maybe she didn’t want to extract revenge on Damien, maybe that one moment inside his
nightclub with Garrett was all she needed to pay him back. Though she did not recall that
moment. So perhaps she didn’t want any payback at all.
He, however, couldn’t stop his plan now. Not in the middle, it needed to happen to completely
restore her good name out there in the human world. She had no idea just how much that boy
had gone out of his way to harm her reputation. Which he now knew was covered in mud, and
it was all Damien Blackwell’s doing.
Garrett had managed to track down six of the companies she’d applied to over the past few
weeks and not one of them had hired her on the basis of that reference Damien had given to
them. Garrett had been very disappointed in all of them. Had actually commented to one of
them ‘Why would a company as big as Blackwell Industries not be able to get rid of one
paralegal, if she was useless at her job? Four years she worked there and for the same man.
Do you not see someone is out to ruin her reputation.‘ Then he had played Mr William’s
reference for the girl to that man.
Most of them had been shocked to hear Mr William’s actual reference, and he’d gone on to
state that Damien was her ex–boyfriend and that she had left him, he was angry about it and
trying to destroy her. Had grated out a few times ‘and you’re helping him.‘ Which they had because if any of them had actually done their job properly, and insisted on speaking to Mr Williams who was listed as her reference, not someone claiming he was in court, and had the authority to make the reference for that man. Then they would all have known she was good
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at her job. He told most of them it was very unprofessional of them.
One man had stated ‘I was speaking directly with Damien Blackwell, of Blackwell Industries. Why wouldn’t I believe him?‘ With an indifferent shrug as though he didn’t care. ‘I can only go
off what I am told.’
That man had annoyed him to no end, and Garrett had responded in kind “I hope she doesn’t sue you. She is now my secretary, and I will back her 100%, I actually have the proof that Damien Blackwell lied to everyone, and if I hear you have told anyone lies about her, by passing on those words from Damien, to others out there to try and stop her from getting a job, I’ll be taking legal action against you, and all those that were involved, on her behalf.”
That man had stared at him wide–eyed and then apologised for his error in judgement and that had made Garrett frown, but also led him to believe that he had done just that, talked about
her behind her back. “I’m not the one you need to apologise to, is it.” he’d grated out and
stalked off.
He’d learned a lot on the weekend, and hadn’t like it at all.
He’d also taken several calls by Sunday night, of those he’d threatened with legal action, all of them wanting to avoid that, and he’d struck a few deals for his silence on the matter. They’d
handed over the recordings of Damien bad–mouthing her on her reference checks, in order for
him to leave them alone. He’d managed to get four more recordings of that man slandering
He’d also sent them all over to Rachael for the Boxing Day phase of his plans. She was going
to transcribe them all for that article to go in the paper, but he also knew she’d be putting up
links on the online part for people to click on and hear it for themselves. Along with William
Spencer’s actual glowing reference of her.
She was brought back into his office and still looked a little on the pale side, but she was calm
and able to go through the rest of the article. He was a little shocked about how long it had
taken her to break–up with Damien, but then he understood why, she was trying to see what he
would do about it.
Would her boyfriend of three years lie to her about everything? And pretend it didn’t happen,
because he knew she wouldn’t remember it in the morning. She had laid out her own trap, and
he’d walked right into it, because he’d not thought for a single second, that Garrett would get
involved and help her out.
If the boy had been so unhappy in the relationship with Harmony, he should have just ended it, not been unfaithful to his woman. And when it was over, why couldn’t he just let it go and
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move on when he was the one in the wrong? It was very clear that he had been cheating on
Harmony and likely for a very long time. What was his agenda now though?
Garrett saw no need for anyone to cheat on their partner. Everyone and anyone could simply
end a relationship, it was only a matter of having the guts to do so. To be honest with your
partner about no longer loving them, that they wanted to end the relationship before they did
something stupid like cheat. Before, they caused harm and pain for no reason.
Yes, it would hurt the one that was happy in the relationship, but in the long run, they would be
better off, and no cheating would happen. It wasn’t that hard, he didn’t think, to be faithful and
loyal to your partner, or to get out of a relationship you no longer want to be in.
He watched her look at the office door as her phone rang out there and she sighed.
“Leave it. Whoever it is can call back. If it’s Damien Blackwell, you owe him nothing, Harmony,”
Garrett told her.
“He can’t call me; I blocked his number this morning.” She shook her head.
“Good.” He smiled right at her, happy to hear that.
“But it could be his father,” she muttered.
“Why would Gregory Blackwell call you about this?”
“Probably thinks it’s my fault…” she sighed “I assaulted his son, and to stop being sued over it.
I had to sign a confidentiality agreement, not to show anyone the footage I have of Damien and Chloe in the nightclub.”
He was a little surprised to hear this bit of information, but also knew that man himself,
Gregory Blackwell, knew what his son had done. “Did you threaten to use it?” he questioned.
“Yes.” She nodded. “His father called me, and I told him what happened. He didn’t know, sounded shocked by Damien’s actions, he thought we were all good. I told him that someone in the club had sent me the footage of it, that if Damien was going to ruin my reputation I
would ruin his in return.”
Now he understood the man’s involvement, she’d obviously been very angry and that not–so nice word Damien had used which she’d yet to reply, but he was betting, was only going to be one of two things, and he wasn’t about to use either of them. Damien, she’d thought, was going to go out there and tell people that about her and her having s*x with him. So, she’d held onto the footage and used it as leverage to keep her name clean.
“A deal was struck between you and Gregory then?” he asked.
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“Yes.” She nodded. “He likely thinks, or maybe Damien has told him I used that footage. That this is all my doing.”
“Alright, I see your concern.” He nodded “I can handle that boy and his father, just don’t answer any calls from them. You’re not required to and if they come at you with a lawsuit, about you doing this to them. Which I know you didn’t.”
“You trust me, believe that I didn’t do this?”
Garrett smiled at her. “I know Rachael Greenbay very well. She and I have already spoken,
seeing that you’re my secretary. You’re perfectly fine and have nothing to do with this at all.”
She nodded and looked right at him “I’m sorry for all the trouble, my being here is causing you.
“Don’t be, I’m not. I’m happy to have you here at the company, now off to your desk. Don’t
answer any questions if the press gets hold of the extension and call you directly. If you think
anything is fishy, just hang up.
“There should be no need for anyone to call your desk, to ask you questions other than about making appointments for me, or anyone here in the building requesting information on projects that we’re working on. Everything else dismiss it and end the call.”
She nodded “Will do, again thank you.”
“Not a problem.” He nodded and let her leave the office to go and sit at her desk. He moved his eyes to Ryan and connected a mind–link to him. ‘Is she alright?‘
‘Yes, shell shocked, and a bit worried about what the Blackwell’s are going to do, but I think
she’s fine. She doesn’t feel sick to her stomach anymore. That has passed.‘
‘Good.‘ He nodded ‘I don’t want either of those men in this building, let it be known. He stood up and walked to his desk “Close the door on your way out.” He commented to his unit, he had a phone call to make, that he didn’t want Harmony to hear.