Wolf Novel 17

Wolf Novel 17

CH 17 


It was Monday morning, and she was sitting having breakfast at her kitchen counter when her phone rang. It was barely 7am, and she glanced at the caller ID, then frowned as she registered it was Damien’s number. She had deleted him from her call list but not gone so far 

as to block the number

She didn’t see a reason as to why he would ever call her again. They were over, done and dusted, he’d ruined them, and had already moved on as well. Was out there being seen with Chloe on his arm, she had clearly been nothing to him at all. Three years of her life with him, and it meant absolutely nothing to that man

She sat and chewed on her mouthful of toast as she debated whether to answer the call. She 

had no reason to pick it up and speak to him, not after what he had done; sabotaging her career path. She couldn’t even fathom a reason as to why he would want to talk to her. It had 

been weeks now, and he’d not cared once to contact her

She’d quit on the day, after showing him that footage of him and Chloe, even though he’d tried to play dumb about it. She was no longer a part of his life, so there was no reason to call her

as far as she was concerned

She reached out and dismissed the call. She didn’t want to talk to him. Returned her attention to her breakfast and flicked through the Christmas catalogue that was on her counter, she’d not really gone out and bought herself anything yet, had now returned all the gifts she’d purchased for his family, on the weekend

She wasn’t about to have anything to do with the Blackwell’s ever again, there was nothing she wanted from any of them. She saw a message come through from him a moment later, an angry allcapitalization message ‘PICK UP THE BLOODY PHONE WE NEED TO TALK.’ 

She shook her head, there was nothing to talk about and when the phone rang again she dismissed it once more, he would get the message soon enough. That not only didn’t she want to talk to him, she no longer had to. They were nothing to each other now. She couldn’t think of a single reason as to why he would want to talk to her or be angry with her like that

He’d made his choice, and that choice was Chloe Silverton, his longtime childhood friend. Well, Chloe could have him from now on, if she wanted him that badly, he was now hers

Her phone rang again, and she sighed as she looked at it, persistent bastard, she thought, as 


CH 17 

she once again dismissed the call, then just blocked his number so he couldn’t call, she didn’t 

need nor want to talk to him

Though she did now wonder just what he wanted after all these weeks, what was it that was making him call her so incessantly? She frowned and looked around her apartment, got up 

and walked about as she thought about the gifts that man had given her over the course of 

the past three years

She walked into her bedroom and opened the draw of her dressing table and in there was

black velvet box. She picked it up and opened it, a pretty broach, but she also knew it was a family heirloom. He probably wanted it back, to give to Chloe for Christmas. She huffed a little, it was the only thing of real value she could think of

It was time for the rest of the clean out, she supposed. She, however, did not have an empty box in her apartment, pulled out her small carryon luggage and placed that box in there. She would send it all back to him, everything he had purchased for her over the years, she would keep nothing. She no longer had a need of it

If Chloe wanted her seconds she could have it all. She went through her, wardrobe and pulled 

out that white dress he’d bought her, folded it up and put it in there, slid her hand along the 

items in there and pulled out her favourite cashmere sweater, a soft pink sweater that she actually really did like, folded it up and put it in there

Collected the two Silver photo frames he’d given her, pictures of him and her already in them

though they were empty of photos now, and put those in there as well. There was a pretty cut crystal bowl. She walked about and looked at everything, anything he’d bought, no matter how 

small it was, she would send it back to him. A clear statement that she was severing ties with 

him and there was no need for him to ever contact her again

She put the suitcase by the door as she went to pull on her winter coat and realised as she reached for it, Damien had bought her that as well. It was actually the first thing he’d bought 

her, though it had only been when they were dating, not officially as a couple. He’d told her she didn’t have a proper winter coat, and before they’d gone to that movie on their second date he’d stopped and bought her this very coat

She huffed and took it off, folded it up and put it in that suitcase too, the bloody thing was 

hard to close now. She headed back into her bedroom to grab a new coat and didn’t really 

have a long winter one, she realised, hadn’t needed a second one, she didn’t see a need to double up on things like that, though she knew Damien had half a dozen winter coats

All she had now was a buttonup cable knit sweater to pull over her suit, she looked down at 


CH 17 

+B Point 

her bare legs, nope, she needed long pants today if she had no proper winter jacket

She changed her skirt for a pair of slacks and then slipped that sweater on over the top. It wasn’t exactly professional looking, but she could take it off when she got to the office. The building was warm inside. She was going to have to go out and buy a coat. That was not 

going to be cheap

She was walking from the car park to the office checking her bank balance to see if she could squeeze into her budget a new winter coat, when she was suddenly surrounded by people, all asking her rapid fire questions

Miss Preston, how do you feel about what Damein Blackwell did to you?” 

Do you know how long he was having an affair?” 

Was that engagement ring meant for you or Chloe Silverton?” 

Tell us how you feel?” 

Harmony stumbled to a standstill and looked at them all confused. She could see they were all reporters but didn’t understand their sudden presence in her life. She looked at them all surrounding her and tried to take a step and push passed them, but couldn’t

Are you going somewhere, Miss Preston? Why the suitcase?another asked

Are you running away?” 

UmI’m sorry I don’t know what you’re all talking about.She stuttered out

Then there was movement and the crowd was being pushed back, and a large hand curled around her arm, she looked up to find Garrett and his CEOs all standing in front of her, blocking her from view

Miss Preston will make no comment at this time.She heard Garrett state, and then she was being pulled along next to him, his three CEOs between them and the reporters

What is going on?she hissed up at him. Still not understanding

Have you not seen the society pages of the paper this morning?Garrett asked her as they stepped into the office building and his security all stepped up to bar the reporters from coming inside the foyer

No, I don’t really look at the society pages.” She answered honestly. It wasn’t her thing, she didn’t really care about people’s fashion or who was dating who in the rich and famous world of their city. She tried to get by quietly and unnoticed, for the most part, she was only ever in there herself, if she was seen with Damien and that was a him thing. Not a her thing, she’d 


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+B Point

rather not have been seen in there at all

He was looking down at her now. She watched him look at her woolen sweater and then the suitcase in her hand. Where’s your winter jacket? It’s freezing outside, and where are you going?he asked as he motioned to her suitcase

I’m not going anywhere. I didn’t have a box to put things in.she addressed what she thought would be his most pressing concern, seeing that he was her boss and she’d only been working 

for him for all of two days

My winter jacket.” She sighed, that was a whole other issue, I’ll be returning that to the person that purchased it for me, along with all the other stuff he gave me.she stated simply

Right.” Garrett nodded, and they were all walking once more. “You can’t get about the city in that, you’ll freeze to death.He muttered

It’s not so bad, and I only need it from the car to the front door.She stated as they stepped 

into the elevator

He was staring at her once more As for the reporters.” He stated, looking out at them all out there, You and Damien Blackwell, Chloe Silverton are all in the paper this morning.” 

WWhat?she stuttered up at him, Why? How?she couldn’t even seem to formulate words. Then it dawned on her that was why Damien was calling, he’d already seen it, it was his first go to page, to see if he was in there. Liked seeing himself splashed in the papers. Recalled now the questions that had been fired at her from the reporters, and bit her lip. That’s why he called.” She muttered to herself

Then she wondered just how bad it was? Did Garrett now know the extent of her actual breakup? Was it going to be seen as something that would mar his own company’s reputation? Him by extension? How bad is it?she murmured, dropping her eyes away from 


Who called you?Garrett asked her and she frowned up at him


You just muttered That’s why he called.” 

Oh,” she nodded, “Damien called me this morning, but I didn’t pick up.she shrugged. Didn’t see I had to.” Now a part of her was glad she hadn’t, he would likely have just yelled at her, if it was putting him in a bad light, and if as Garrett had just stated it was herself, Damien and Chloe. Then it was likely his cheating on her had been published for all to see. 


CH 17 

+8 Point 

I think we should discuss this privately,” Garrett stated as they arrived on the 12th floor. We’ll 

use my office.He commented as they stepped out of the elevator


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Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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