Wolf Novel 16

Wolf Novel 16

CH 16 


He sat in his Alpha’s office inside the packhouse, with the society page open and smiled as he looked at all the pictures from the company’s Christmas gift giving, and their Christmas party last night. It was a full twopage spread and there was an article about how happy the employees were; a list of some of the gifts given

There was a picture of him up there putting that tree topper on, him sitting in that safety harness, and next to it the ceiling all lit up with those projected snowflakes, though the one he liked the most was the one of himself and Harmony, laughing together in the conference room on the 12th floor, right after she’d unwittingly tilted his Santa hat

She looked very happy smiling up at him, and that was his goal for these pictures, to see her happy in them. There was another one of just the two of them together, at the Christmas Party all dressed up, in matching outfits even. It was titled Harmony Preston matches her new boss, outfit and cheekinessand a small piece about how she’d been seen tormenting Garrett with his mother right there, showing how happy she was in her new job

It went on to state that she had previously worked for Blackwell Industries; that their loss was Owens Constructions gain. How she’d moved on to bigger and better things. He’d liked that little spin Racheal had put on Harmony’s change of career, he was much bigger and better looking than Damien Blackwell

There was a photo of him smiling at her at the Christmas party. He had a drink in his hand and was leaning on the table she’d been standing at. Right before his mother had been 

hunting him, they’d been chuckling at each other

There were also photos of his unit with their Mates, and one of his mum and dad dancing out on the dance floor and many others of his employees at that party. Harmony had been seen in three other pictures chatting happily with her new coworkers, it had been a very lively party, and he’d gotten home late to the pack

Harmony had not touched a single drink all night, he’d heard her state she didn’t drink 

anymore. And he knew why, after the last time she’d been plied with alcohol, she had blacked 

out and forgotten everything, including s*x with him. That was a little disappointing to him

but better for their employment situation

He had a few meetings lined up today and tomorrow even though it was the weekend, as he and Rachael were getting ready to enact phase two of his plan, to humiliate Damien 


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Blackwell; that was going to be enacted on Monday. He couldn’t let it out today and have that boy overshadow his own company’s events, with the slyly made announcement that Harmony

was now his secretary

His mother walked in and frowned at the suit he was wearing. Business today? On the 

weekend?she questioned him

Yes, and tomorrow, just a brunch and lunch is all. Did you see?he waved the newspaper at 

her happily

I did.” She smiled at him. Now on to bigger and better thingsshe chuckled softly, Plans for 

New Years.” 

Mother, Christmas is still five days away.he shook his head

Yes, but planning takes months in advance.” She nodded Now have you made your decision 

as to where you will be going for New Years. Which party you’ll be attending?” 

No.he shook his head, there were four invites on his desk; a private party at the Donavan 

Estate, a local, wealthy man, that was in bed with the Mayor and big into politics

A Party at the Winslette House, a grand hotel owned by Bratley Winslette, Garrett had built that man’s hotel for him, and was signed on to build the next four in the chain as well. A good 

deal had been reached between him and the Winslette Hotel Chian

Then there was the Colton’s event; the other pack in the city, whose head office was on the other side of the city. They were affiliated, and heavily into banking, and held a grand New YearsEvent every year. Not in their pack territory, but at their head office across the City

The top floor of their head office was a massive ballroom with a full glass domed ceiling. He’d attended their New Year’s Eve event a few times over the years, last year in fact, and there had 

been a lovely mascaraed ball, and an amazing fireworks display to go with it

But also on his desk this year was an invitation to the Blackwell Industries Gala; A Splendorous Event. It was titled and underneath it was written Come and enjoy the grandeur of the new year ring in,’ full formal attire required, threepiece suits and gowns that drop to the 


It was their way of politely stating no skimpy clothing or short dresses to be worn, those that got the invite were all going to be high society, and would understand the meaning. Not 

cocktail dresses allowed for the girls on the boysarms

He’d gotten it two months back after competing against the Blackwell’s for a bid on a build, which his company had won, but Mr Gregory Blackwell had also been trying to get him on 


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side, so they could work together and create a harmonious business enterprise at times

He was actually due to have a business meeting with him on Christmas Eve. It was going to be an interesting meeting, Garrett now thought. He’d not yet spoken to him about his son’s behaviour inside the Triple Moon club he owned. But Gregory knew he owned it, and he’d been 

the one to pay the bill

Although that bill had not had Garrett’s name on it specifically, it had come from the nightclub manager. It was likely Gregory understood that Garrett would have been informed about the inappropriate behaviour of his son, within the club’s VIP room

He had a feeling that was what this meeting was actually about. He’d called to get an appointment with Garrett a few days after the bill had been sent, and he suspected that Gregory was interested in buying the footage from him to stop his son’s disgraceful behaviour getting out. Garrett had his secretary put him off telling that man he was busy right up until 

Christmas Eve. Gregory had taken the appointment regardless

But come Monday’s reveal and phase two starting, which was going to show Gregory’s son in a notso nice light, inside his nightclub, with Harmony looking on horrified and devastated at his cheating ways. Along with the photo’s of Damien’s hands on Chloe Silverton at the bar, of him kissing both Chloe and Harmony that very night at different times, and the boy caught with his pants down, literally. He had a feeling that meeting was either going to be canceled or 

brought forward to Monday afternoon even

His meetings today and tomorrow, however, were to speak to some of those that Harmony had interviewed for over the past few weeks, to discuss the reference checks they’d gotten on her

He was looking to see how much mud was now attached to Harmony’s name. He was out to 

clear all of that up as well

No one was going to be allowed to slander his secretary, not when he knew she’d done nothing wrong. That relationship she’d had with Damien was over the moment she saw him cheating on her. He knew that. So him and Harmony was not to be considered as her cheating

just a little bit of payback for her scumbag of a boyfriend

Today’s appearance in the paper was all about showing Damien and the Blackwell’s. She now worked for his company and was going to be standing right next to him. He had a feeling that was going to tick Damien right off, considering that boy knew Harmony had, had s*x with 

Garrett that night

He’d never actually had the displeasure of meeting Gregory Blackwell’s boy before that night

Now he would learn not to mess with things he had no right to be involved in, certainly not 


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Garrett’s people. He wasn’t certain if Damien was supposed to be in that meeting he was due 

to have

But if it was to go ahead, it was likely he would be made to be after Monday’s articles came out, though that meeting wasn’t to be in his office and Harmony would not be there, but he would enjoy smiling right at that boy. If not for his cheating ways, Harmony never would have fallen into Garrett’s lap. A smile touched his lips at that very thought; she had tripped and 

fallen right into his lap

His mother cleared her voice and brought his attention back to her. Apologies mother, my 

mind wandered.” 

I sawa girl perhaps?she asked curiously

He chuckled softly Yes, actuallythen held up a hand to stop the million questions he knew was about to be fired at him Harmony is being badmouthed by Damien Blackwell.” He stated 

simply, he didn’t need to lie to her

She frowned in an instant. Harmony, as in your new secretary?she indicated to the paper 

and a picture of the girl

Mm, she is his exgirlfriend. She caught him cheating on her, saw it, in fact. And now he’s out 

to ruin her good name, it seems.” 

His mother huffed, sounding annoyed by this. She’s such a nice girl.” 

I think she’ll be good at her job, is friendly and professional.” He nodded himself

I like the girl, she asked a lot of questions, but also did her research on our company as well, had good knowledge to impart back to me during our orientationWhat is the slander?she 


He let her listen to the voice recording from his phone call the other night and then the other 

two as well, including Mr Williams

Mr Williams?” 

Was Harmony’s actual boss within the company, she was his paralegal.Garrett stated simply, honestly

Right, so it’s all lies on Damien’s part.” She muttered, and he heard the anger in her start to rise, which was just what he wanted. She was head of human resources and now would be on her own mission to find out just what happened

I heard she quit, mother. Slapped him in the workplace.” 


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I don’t care about that, wolves are aggressive by natureOh!she suddenly chuckled Forgot 

she was human for a minute there.” 

He laughed himself, Yes, she’s a defenceless human that he tried to stop from working, in any field at all, which meant she wouldn’t be able to pay rent or be able to feed and clothe herself. Would have ended up on the street homeless.” It was all actually true if she couldn’t get a job. How was she supposed to pay for food and rent, utility bills

Though a part of him thought it was maybe designed to have her have to go back to him, begging Damien or his family for their help? He’d seen wealthy people do that, gave them some sort of leverage over the one they targeted, did it for varying reasons that suited them

You’re dealing with him, right?she asked now. She’d been on the receiving end of slander herself when dating his father. She’d been labelled as many things, one being that she was 

sleeping her way to the top

Yes.He nodded I’ll hit that boy where it hurts, on Harmony’s behalf.” 

If there’s trouble son” 

I’ll bring her in, till it blows over.Garrett nodded, and he would, right into this packhouse where she would be perfectly safe and unreachable to anyone in the Blackwell’s circle. They 

were all just human

I’ll set up a room just in case. A nice suite for the girl on the first floor.She nodded I’ll respond to the Blackwell invitation myself right now.” 

Leave that mother, for now. I might want to go and annoy that boy on the night.” 

She was staring at him now, really looking at him, he’d just drawn her full and undivided attention, and he knew it. Is there perhaps something about young Harmony, I need to know, son?she asked, leaning forward ever so slightly

No mother,he shook his head, but understood she was indirectly asking him if Harmony was 

his human mate


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Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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