Wolf Novel 15

Wolf Novel 15

CH 15 


She got changed in the ladiesroom, and was a little surprised by the fit of the dress. It was 

actually the right size, and fitted neatly to her waist, then had a long flowing skirt that fell to 

below her knee

She chuckled softly, it was very Christmassy indeed. With all those snowflakes on it and

Christmas tree in tiny little glittering dots. She turned about as she looked at it, and the skirt swished about her legs; it would be good for dancing, she thought absently

Harmony put that new necklace on and it kind of just completed the outfit. Her hand touched 

it, it was small and simple by design, just how she liked her jewellery. She didn’t know how 

Garrett knew all of these things about her, but it felt nice to have a boss that paid attention to 

the finer details

Damien’s gifts had always been bold statements that made her stand out. The one and only 

dress he’d bought her had been a white strapless bodycon dress, and though it had been very 

pretty, she’d been quite uncomfortable in it. It had fitted her well but was not really her style

She’d worn it to his father’s New Years party two years ago, as he’d requested her to, he’d gone 

on about how beautiful she’d looked in it to all his friends and family, had his hands on her all 

the time, slid it over her hip or down her side when talking about the designer of the dress she 

was wearing

She’d thought it was more about the dress designer than her in the actual dress, he was all 

about brand names and designer clothing. Though that was the first time she’d seen him be 

like that with her, talking constantly about her figure and how the dress showed that off 

perfectly. She’d been a little more than embarrassed, and had asked him to stop in the end

He’d laughed and stated Why? You’re beautiful, and this dress shows everyone I have the pictureperfect girlfriend, body, looks and brains, the whole package.he’d told her. Harmony pulled herself from her thoughts and shook them off

She didn’t mind fitted clothes, but skintight, like that dress had been, made her feel 

uncomfortable. He didn’t seemed to care about that. This dress that she was now wearing 

was more suited her taste, and the season as well. She really liked it

Harmony stepped out of the ladiesroom and smiled as she saw Wyatt, Ryan and Dallas

Garrett’s CEOs walking down the hallway wearing red and white Christmas dress shirts, and 


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red slacks, they all matched each other and the season as well

Ah it fits, I see.Wyatt stated as he looked at her

Yes, did you know?she asked right back, indicating the dress

Mm, Garrett had to call his mother about attire for you today. She guessed your dress size.” 

And got it right.Harmony smiled I like it too,she stated

That was all Garrett,Wyatt chuckled. Wandered about to find the right dress for you.” 

She saw Ryan and Dallas both look at Wyatt more than surprised, and he nodded at them, “Do you like Christmas, Harmony?Ryan asked her

Yes.She answered I have many wonderful family memories around the Christmas tree. Are you all headed downstairs now?” 

Yes, see you down there.Wyatt nodded, and she watched him put a hand on both Ryan and Dallasnecks and practically march them off down the corridor to the elevators

She chuckled and shook her head, walked to her desk and placed the box on it, she’d put her suit in there so it wouldn’t be left out for all to see. Her hand hit the desk and the other 

pressed against her stomach as she felt pain and cramping in her abdomen. This would be the second time today that had happened

She had to close her eyes and breathe through this one though, it was a little more on the painful side than the last one. She was standing there taking in long deep breaths when a hand touched her arm. She opened her eyes to find Garrett looking right at her Harmony, are you alright?he asked, and she could hear the concern laced in his voice

Mm.she nodded Cramps, a bit more than normal pain.” She waved him off It’ll pass.She stated and then hurriedly apologised as she realised what she’d said. It was improper 

conversation for the office

He waved it off and stated, As long as your not sick and need medical attention?” 

She’d shaken her head and the cramps had eased off, and she finally looked at him and his 

attire, Your shirt matches my dress.” 

I know.He smiled right at her and his hand fell away as he looked her over I picked your dress myself.” 

That pattern on his shirt was almost exactly the same as the one on the skirt of her dress, and he was wearing black slacks not red like his CEOs. Their outfits matched perfectly, she thought absently


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Are you ready to go downstairs for some Christmas fun?he asked

I could use it this year.She nodded and stepped out from behind her desk, they walked together down to the elevator, and he flicked that bell on her Santa hat Are you going to wear this all night?he smiled at her

Yes.She chuckled It’s the Christmas party, so it’s fitting. Where is yours?she questioned 

him right back

I’ll not be wearing it unless mother makes me.” he chuckled as they got in the elevator. She’s 

already got the happy Santa hat photo, I believe.” 

Harmony smiled Mm, I know nothing about that Garrett.And they both laughed

She stepped out of the elevator with him and into the foyer of the office building. She’d not had 

reason to come down here at all today, and the place was filled with tall bar tables with long 

white and red table cloths draped from them with bowls of candy and snacks in the center of 

each table

Many of the employees were already there talking and mingling with each other, drinking from wine glasses or champagne flutes. There was Christmas music playing in the background

and lots of chatter could be heard. The foyer was fully decorated with big garlands and pretty 

baubles of sparkly red, black and white

But it was the massive Christmas Tree that shocked her completely. It stood at least 15 feet tall. “Oh my goodness.She gasped up at the sight of it, still undecorated but amazing

Garrett chuckled from next to her There’s more, just wait till the lights go out at seven.” 

What?she asked, turning her eyes on him

He smiled right at her. Go mingle, I’m on tree duty with the boys.” And then he was gone off across the foyer to where his CEOS and parents were standing, she made her way over to where all the tables were, and found the other women she knew from the 12th floor and stood 

with them

Watched as Garrett and his family, his CEOs and a bunch of who she could only think were hired helpers decorate that tree while they all laughed and talked and joked with those around 


Is it always like this?Harmony asked Kaylie, Dallassecretary

Yes, Deidre is big on Christmas, it’s a very festive affair every year here at the company. I believe their home is just as decorated as well. Deidre is big on all holiday events. This is her 


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specialty though.” 

I think I’m going to like working here.Harmony smiled at her

Everyone does, it’s a good company and the Owens, they look after all their employees. Easter is the other big splash out. They have all the employeeschildren come for Easter egg 

hunts up at their estate. It’s lots of fun.” 

She smiled and shook her head, but loved it. Declined the glass of wine or champagne offered 

to her by a passing waitress, with a slight shake of her head and her words of I don’t drink.” 

And was handed a flute of orange juice instead

There was plenty going on in this room and many couples danced on the designated dance floor, including Garrett’s parents. There was food brought down to the foyer at 5pm, and she didn’t think she’d ever seen so much in her life. Tables upon tables of all kinds of delicious looking and smelling foods, everything she could think of was there for her to try. And she was 

more than hungry, went back for seconds

There was a lot of laughing, and she got introduced to many more people here at the company 

and had her photo taken as part of the groups standing around. She was really enjoying 

herself, it was a grand party where everyone was happy

Then at ten to seven she saw Garrett up at the top of the Christmas tree in a harness, sitting up there smiling down at everyone, as he called their attention to him. The whole place went quiet, and he made a speech from up there, and looked more than comfortable to her five 

meters off the ground

He talked about the year they’d had, and the company’s continued success that he saw for the future, praised all his employees for working hard and welcomed all the new employees

He smiled right at her from way up there, as he stated that one. Then he placed a large snowflake up on the very top of the tree and the lights all suddenly went out, and there was a countdown going on: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then that snowflake lit up and to her amazement projected many other snowflakes up onto the ceiling above it, and they all swirled and rotated around

She gasped in awe, as did many others, it was utterly stunning to look at and the lights down in the foyer started to come back on along the walls but none on the ceiling, giving the entire place what she felt was more of a romantic Christmas atmosphere. She sighed softly to herself as she leaned her chin on her hand on the table and looked up at the ceiling, this company really did know how to put on a show for its employees

Garrett was standing next to her a few minutes later with a drink in his hand. What do you 

think?he asked her


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She stood up and smiled Amazing.She told him honestly How are you going to top this next 


Garrett laughed heartily You know I ask my mother that every year. She’s the one that manages to outdo herself each and every time.” 

So, this is not you?” 

No.he shook his head Mother loves Christmas and I can tell you, she’s likely already 

planning next years in her mind. All the company parties and gala’s or charity events held are mothers doing.He sipped his drink It was her actual job title when she met my father.” 

She was a party planner?Harmony asked

No, a wedding planner.He smiled right at her

Ah, no wonder she’s itching to get you out there dating.Harmony nudged him

Mm,he nodded and leaned on the table Itching to plan her only son’s wedding. Both my sisters are already married, I’m apparently holding out on her.he sounded amused to her and 

there was a twinkle in his eye

You’ll get married when you find the right girl or when you’re ready.” She nodded

Tell her that.He stood up Goddess, here she comes now, and with someone she wants me 

to meet.She watched him down his drink, then he leaned over and murmured in her ear I’m 

outta here.and was then just gone, off into the crowd

She chuckled as she heard his mother call out his name after him

Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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