CH 12
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Garrett It was clear to Garrett that Harmony had no idea that her reference checks had been tampered with. He saw the mortification on her lovely face, and then it changed to anger. He also got to see her rein in her anger, and try to stay calm about what she was hearing; trying to be professional and not lose it in the new work environment. He managed to get the answer to his question though, and that made him happy. She had seen the footage and broken up with that cheating scumbag. He also liked that she had slapped him, not just once, but twice. He’d never gotten to strike his own Mate for hurting him like that. He leaned back in his chair and smiled at her striking Damien, but then he had sighed and wondered how many times that man, no he wasn’t a man, he was a spoiled rich kid; a boy is what he was. He wondered how many times that boy had intervened in her reference checks, ruining her reputation? Was he still doing so at this very minute, if he didn’t know she had landed a job? Garrett picked up his phone, deciding to once again reference check her, just to see what response he would get. To see if Mr Spencer Williams had sorted that out or not. He was a lawyer and had to know that what Damien was doing, was illegal and immoral, and should have reported that boy’s actions right up the chain to his own father. Garrett made sure to record his call, like all the ones in this office were, though they were off the landline, this was his own personal mobile. He didn’t use his name, opted for one of his wolves in the legal department, Hamish McCalister. Not a name that would be well known to Damien Blackwell. He was placed on hold for several minutes before he was put through to one Damien Blackwell himself. Garrett gritted his teeth, so that boy was still out there trying to ruin her reputation. He took a few seconds to respond to the boy, “I’m sorry.” Garrett stated “I was looking for Spencer Williams, for a reference check of his former paralegal, Harmony Preston.” He stated honestly, “They must have put me through to the wrong extension.” “I can do that for Mr Williams. He is in court today.” “Oh alright.” Garrett played along “Sorry to call so late in the evening.” “It’s fine Mr McCalister. What did you want to know?” Damien asked him and Garrett heard the smile in the boy’s voice, he was happy to take the call, it appeared. “How competent a paralegal is Miss Preston, please tell me about her working capabilities.” “I wouldn’t hire her if I were you. Not only does she turn up late for work, she flirts with all the men here. She touches people inappropriately and her work is subpar. I’d advise you find a better candidate.” “Oh, that’s not what her resume states, a bit conflicting.” Garrett murmured and moved some papers on his desk as though he was flicking through her resume as he spoke. “Anyone can put what they want on paper.” Damien responded. “Don’t believe everything you read on that.” “Now it states that Miss Preston has worked in Blackwell Industries legal department for just over four years, is that true?” he questioned. “It is, though, only because she found ways to stay and not get fired, threaten the company with unfair dismissal law suits if we fired her.” “Oh, I thought…well, you are Damien Blackwell, yes?” “Yes, why?” “Well, didn’t you date Miss Preston for the past three years?” he asked now. “What?” there was shock in his voice now. “My wife reads all the society pages and comments about a lot of things, now if I recall correctly, she stated you’ve got a new girlfriend recently. She was a little shocked by it. My wife is terrible, but she loves the gossip… Are you just bad-mouthing your ex to me?” he asked now. “What? Why would I do that?” “That would be very unprofessional of you. As a lawyer myself, I don’t think that I actually believe what you just told me, I think you have interceded in her reference check to Mr Spencer Williams. Clearly, Blackwell Industries is not the company I thought it was. I’ll pull my shares and tell my friends about your atrocious behaviour. That Damien Blackwell future to Blackwell Industries is not worth the title he holds. I do hope your father hears about this.” And he clicked the line closed. Garrett leaned back in his chair and wondered just what to do about this ungracious, cheating boy. He was still sitting there when Wyatt walked in. “What’s wrong, Garrett?” his Beta asked and Garrett played him the recording of his phone call. Wyatt frowned at him. “Why did you reference check her a second time?” “Simple curiosity, I told Harmony what he said, and she had absolutely no idea what Damien was doing. From my knowledge, she’s applied for many jobs before this one, and was knocked back. Now we know why, I guess.” “Ah, so he’s still out there bad-mouthing her in other words. Though that call was not exactly like the last one, more…” he thought about it. “Toned down.” Garrett answered the man. “How many shareholders do we know over there?” “A handful at best.” Wyatt sat down in the chair across from him. “What are you thinking?” “I’m thinking a little bit of payback is in order.” Garrett nodded, and he was thinking just that “He’s out there with a new girlfriend, happy and showing her off, but is ruining Harmony’s business reputation, and why? Because he got caught cheating, and she got her own back.” “Got yourself a bee in your bonnet over there, for this young woman, Garrett… Maybe.” “Stop right there Wyatt.” He sat up. “Kindred spirits is all. I know how it feels to see the one you love and are supposed to be with forever, or marry in human terms, cheat on you, that is all this is.” “If you say so, boss.” But he could see that Wyatt was full amused over there. “Let’s have a meeting with… Oh, say Rachael Greenbay,” “Oh! You’re that annoyed.” Wyatt chuckled, but he pulled his phone out and dialled the woman’s number. She was a reporter for the society pages that they used for press releases. Was trustworthy and reliable, but also loved a good story, and she was divorced now, from a cheating ex herself, this would be right up her alley. “Rachael, it’s Wyatt Chambers, how are you?” Wyatt practically purred down the line. “Good, what can I do for you, Wyatt?” she asked right back and Garrett could hear the smile in her voice. “Mr Owens and I would like to give you an exclusive for the society pages. How would you feel about that?” Wyatt asked. “Well, I’m intrigued, Mr Garrett Owens himself, you say?” she asked right back. “Yes, you got time to see us for a meeting?” “Always, is Mr Owens going to be there in the room?” He knew she was trying to clarify who she was going to be talking to. “Yes, as will I.” Wyatt nodded. “Then name a place and time.” Rachael chuckled “I do like an exclusive.” Wyatt looked at Garrett and smiled “How about here in the office, say one hour. The conference room, on the 12th floor, I’ll have security bring you right up.” “Alright, you’d better not disappoint me, Wyatt.” “Did I ever disappoint you?” Wyatt chuckled, and she laughed herself before clicking the line closed. The answer to that would be no. Rachael was only a few years younger than they were, and they had all attended the same university. She and Wyatt were old bed buddies from back in the day. He smiled at Wyatt, “Let’s pull up the footage from the nightclub, make sure it’s got the time and date stamp to be seen, and lets see what else comes up on that night with Damien Blackwell. I want it all, Harmony’s reactions to it as well. Let’s clear my new secretary’s name.” “You know Garrett, he could counter that with her sleeping with you.” Wyatt stated, getting up from his seat. “He can say what he likes, he’s got no proof, his word against hers and the fact that she saw them together, everyone will know he was the lying cheating scumbag in the relationship.” “Harmony might not like this, Garrett. Are you going to tell her?” He thought about that as they walked from his office. “No, let me handle it, she was horrified and then angry. I think she’ll find it satisfying to have him seen as vindictive, it’ll also clear up her name to all those he’s bad-mouthed her to. Everyone will see it as he’s cruel and is out to ruin her good name to save face. And why? Because he got caught cheating. That’s also how I want to spin it.” “Rachael is going to love this,” Wyatt nodded. “Yes she is, you made a good connection all those years ago, she’s also reputable and will keep on digging as well. She’s going to leave this office making phone calls left, right and center, to find out more about what happened and their relationship.” There was no need for Damien to add insult to Harmony’s pain, like he was doing. So a little payback Garrett style was in order. “Who’s the girl he’s got attached to him at the moment?” “Same one as that night, I believe.” “Good, let’s get her name and details too. Let’s label her a mistress.” Garrett nodded. “And your sure boss…it’s just a kindred spirits thing? Nothing else going on there with the human girl, I know you thoroughly enjoyed?” “She’s my new secretary, and I want her reputation cleared, is all.” he walked into the conference room, “Get me Clayton from PR.” “He’d be knocked off for the day.” “Bring him back in. I’ll pay him overtime,” Garrett stated. They sat in the conference room and brought up the security footage of the nightclub of that faithful night, and took it all the way back to when Damien entered the club with Harmony on his arm, that blonde woman, Chloe Silverton, was right there walking directly behind him. There were many times he saw Damien with Chloe, at the bar a few times, and they actually saw him dancing with Harmony, and kissing her on the dance floor, hugging her and generally being what appeared to be a loving doting boyfriend, in front of everyone there. But they also saw him encouraging Harmony to drink even when she’d waved it off and shook her head. Plowed her with alcohol, talked her into drinking at every turn, put shots to her lips and tilted it so she had to drink. There was footage of him and Chloe ducking off down a hallway and kissing several times as well. They watched him go from kissing Harmony to kissing Chloe just a few minutes later, and then step back up to Harmony like nothing had happened, he was indeed a cheating scumbag. She’d gone off to the bathroom and come out looking for him only to find him in that VIP room. He retrieved those calls from his automated phone system; Wyatt’s first call, getting put through to Damien Blackwell, his call to Mr Williams and put them on a USB drive along with the recording he’d just made today getting Damien Blackwell. He was in that conference room when Racheal was brought in by one of his warriors, or to her, security guards, “Rachael it’s been awhile, good to see you again.”