Wolf Novel 100

Wolf Novel 100



She’d had a lot of headaches over the past few weeks since Garrett had Marked her, right from the morning after he had done so. Her mind had felt heavy and a bit foggy at times, and she’d known she’d zoned out a few times, because those around her were watching her when she 

came back to herself

She’d not really understood it at first, but then about two weeks later she’d turned at the sound of purring and thought Garrett and Huntley had come into the nursery while she was 

breastfeeding little Finn. But there had been no one there, and she’d even called out and still 

got nothing. She’d shaken it off only to hear it again, much clearer, and realised it was coming 

from within the heaviness of her own mind

It was the weirdest damned feeling she’d ever had, to be able to talk to her beast inside her 

mind, a beast she could hear but not see, a soft gravelly voice like Huntley’s was, her beast’s 

name had come to her the day of the full moon just minutes before it had set, Cress.’ 

Talk about excruciating. She’d gasped and cried as her bones had cracked and broken one 

after the after, had nearly begged her wolf, Cress, to not come forth, but then there she was, as 

the veil of heaviness was lifted and she saw her own wolf

As a pair of soft ambercoloured eyes looked at her from within the darkness of her mind, and 

then slowly, as her shift had taken place, she’d seen her stalking forward. A brilliant white wolf 

with a soft silver grey around her face Release to me.Cress had told her and to be honest 

she had wanted to, wanted the pain of her shift to be over

The moment she had wanted to give herself over to her beast she’d been shoved into the darkness of her own subconscious mind, and got to see Garrett standing there before her from her wolf’s perspective, though she knew he was looking at Cress’s eyes, and she saw 

Huntley’s green eyes appeared to look right at her beast. Then she was just looking up at him and the pain was gone

She knew her shift was over, and she could feel Cress’s happiness at seeing the shift of her 

own Mate, she liked the look of him and leaned right into him as he rubbed himself all over 

her, I’m gonna mate him now.Cress had told him Claim what is mine.She’d growled out to 

Harmony. And then was just on Huntley staring down at him

She chuckled at her own beast, as she sank her fangs into Huntley, felt a deep connection grow between them and then just snap into place, and she growled Cress.Right at her Mate

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and in some weird way Harmony just knew her wolf was talking directly to Huntley himself. Maybe even Garrett

She’d heard they could do that, talk to each other, an ability they called mindlinking which every wolf could do. She too now had that, it seemed. She could feel Cress racing off into the 

woods and heard Garrett laugh inside of her mind, Oh, she’s fun, I see.” 

Harmony chuckled herself It’s weird to hear you talk to me inside my own mind.” 

I can talk dirty to you anytime I like now. Even if I’m not there with you,he chuckled, I will 

too, you know, get you all hot and bothered before I walk into our suite to r****h you.” 

She laughed Goddess help me, and Cress does appear to be cheeky by nature. Her first 

thought at seeing Huntley was I’m gonna mate him now.” 

Garrett chuckled some more. Not before he hunts her all over the place, she’s actively making 

him chase her right now. She’s pretty fast too. Huntley likes that. She is beautiful Harmony

did you get to see her?” 

I did for a moment she is white. Is that normal?she asked curiously. She’d not seen a single 

white wolf inside this pack, and she’d seen all of them now, even the teens, on pack run nights

There was nothing even close to how white Cress was

Hmm, not really, most wolves had some sort of brindling. You can see it with wolves in the Alpha’s bloodline, or if they are direct descendants of tundra wolves, they are usually white. I do know there is an artic wolfen breed, up in the Black Haven pack; the Gamma’s Mate is 



I dare say Cress is a silver or timber wolf, that is more white than anything, she’s got a lovely 

silver mask, she is also distinctly female looking, that doesn’t often happen, she’s got a sweet 

feminine look about her, just like you do.” 

Sweet talking to me already?she teased him

Yes, you and I are going to get naked when our two wolves are done bonding with each other, and I’m going to show you just what I’m made of. You once asked me if there was more to come, sweetheart. Tonight is the night you’ll get all of me without restraint.” His words beckoned a promise to be filled

She smiled and returned her attention to Cress racing about the woods of the pack. She was all over the place running and leaping over creeks and trees. She knew Huntley was running with her. Harmony had no real concept of time while Cress was out there in the woods, but felt the pleasure of them mating and moaned herself only to hear Garrett chuckled softly oh yes


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we get to feel how much they enjoy mating each other as well as they will us. It gets a little weird when the Mate in human form, I hear, are just as aggressive as in wolfen form. We’ll feel 

that too, it’ll be our bodies that have to recover from it.” 

They mate with each other in human form?” 

Yes, it’s entirely possible they will also mate with you and I. You know Huntley wants that with you. Cress might want that with me as well,he told her

Huntley howled up at the full moon and Cress howled with him after they were done mating

and she heard many howls go up throughout the pack after them, and felt both Huntley and 

Cress feel happy about it. She understood from her own wolf that the pack recognised, it was 

their Alpha and Luna’s wolves howling for the first time together as a fully mated pair

Letting the pack know they were together and the howling they heard in return to them, was 

the pack responding in kind, happy to know the two of them were fully bonded, and there to 

lead the pack they belonged to

She sighed as Cress lay down on the ground with Huntley’s big head resting on her shoulder. I can see why your Kind want a Mate, and enjoy sex.” 

Our Kind, you are now truly one of us Harm, are no longer human, but wolfen. Will Cress give you back control, so we can have our own fun?he practically purred inside her mind

I don’t know, do I just ask her?” 

Yes, sweetheart, she’ll either agree or not, depending on what she wants, if she’s done mating 

Huntley I suppose.” 

She put it to Cress, who yawned and shifted her back, Owe.Harmony groaned as she stood completely naked in the woods. “That hurts.She told Garrett as he smiled down at her

You’ll get used to it. Now come here and let me touch you, show you what the mate bond sparks really are.” He stepped over to her and raised his hand to slide his fingers along her jaw, and her eyes widened as she felt hot sparks trail along her skin where he touched her, lingered a little afterwards even, it was hot and tingly, and although his touch had been hot on 

her skin for months now, this was something completely new

He smiled at her, and took her hand and placed it on his own chest and her whole hand lit up with sparks as she moved it over his skin, Is this what you felt all this time?she asked of 


Yes.He murmured “Every time you touch me, since the full moon in January.” 


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She smiled as she slid her hand over his chest, reached out and slid both her hands over him. 

as his fingers trailed down her neck. She shivered at the lightness of his touch and moved her 

eyes right to his neck to his Mark that Cress had given Huntley. It was much larger than hers 


She reached up and touched it and heard him growl softly at her It’s different to mine.Her eyes lifted to his. And his eyes were so very dark blue, as dark as the midnight blue that 

surrounded the full moon above them, and they were filled with desire though his eyes were 

not on her eyes, they were on her mouth. She smiled Oh, you like it when I touch you there.She murmured softly as she slid her fingers along the lines of the filigree on his neck

Yes.He growled out and yanked her entire body hard up against him as his mouth claimed hers in a deep hungry kiss. She gasped as her whole body connected with his, and those mate bond sparks flooded over her skin everywhere, it was the most amazing thing she’d ever felt

That was until he picked her up and took her in one hard thrust and a cry of pleasure ripped from her as those sparks lit up the inside of her body, Mine now.He smirked down at her, knowing what he’d just done, he knew she would feel those sparks inside of her as well as 


And you’re Mine forever.She smiled at him, as she wound her arms around his neck. Don’t hold back from me anymore, Garrett. I want to feel it all, be with you the way you need me, as 

an Alpha Wolf.” 

I’m going to knot you Harm, and you’ll see the stars.” He told her and his mouth was crashed down onto hers as he pressed her up against the nearest tree, and took her all primal and wanton, and she knew like he’d wanted for for the past eight months, but had held himself back due to her being pregnant and human, he took her out there in the woods of their pack for many hours, all touch and raw hungry for her every minute they were together, until she was screaming his name as utter bliss rolled through her body as he knotted her

The end 


jennifer francis 

I hope you all enjoyed my Christmas book


Wolf Novel

Wolf Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Wolf Novel


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