3rd P.O.V.
In the Safe Haven Pack, members lived in quaint country cottages that housed four to eight
wolves. The picturesque wooden packhouse housed the Alpha, Luna and their Elite Unit along with highest rank warriors. She was offered a room inside the charming packhouse but
refused to leave Trina. She enjoyed living with her three roommates. They were also happy
with the living arrangements.
Aisha was happy since she was now ranked a Gamma and a member of the Elite Warrior Unit
as well as a Pack Trainer.
Everyone in this pack contributes to make everyone’s life better. The Omegas in the pack were not mistreated. Alpha Zane and Luna Bobby Christina even prepared a full course meal for
the whole pack once a week.
On Full Moons, after fun–filled pack runs, they held a huge cookout. It always felt like a big family affair. The Alpha and his Elite Warrior Unit would handle all the grilling.
Topaz and Star loved the midnight runs under the Full Moon. They both agreed to never allow anyone to cage them again; no matter what.
The pack really was a close–knit group of people that were friendly, supportive and that shared common values and interests. They often enjoyed spending time together inside the
pack territory.
Trina wondered if this was how a pack was supposed to work. Trina had lived in several different packs with her abusive alcoholic stepfather and was always looked down on for being an omega or for being mistreated by her step–father.
We didn’t suffer any rogue attacks in the pack during the first six months Aisha and Trina lived with us. However, lots of rogues came by. Unfortunately, they didn’t want pack life, so they just ran off often times. The pack’s territory was between one huge mountain. So, attacking it in any way shape or form would never be effortless. Any invading force would be seen coming over the massive mountain surrounding the pack. Only the gorge was susceptible and exposed. Benjamin and her always focused their attention on protecting the south end of the territory where the gorge was located. Nevertheless, we did have forty more to join the pack.
By now, Aisha and Benjamin were runinng a finely tuned exercise regiment with the pack members, Benjamin and her assessed everyone individually. They had divided them up into
+8 Points
three groups. Individuals that were frail and needed to build–up strength and stamina. Along with pack members that were trained but could still use improvement as well as the Natural Born Warriors; people who loved the fight. Natural Born Warriors are individuals live to train and get pure enjoyment out of it. It’s not a chore for them. People that had the same mindset as her and Benjamin.
It was mandatory each group trained every day. The Elite trained in the morning after
breakfast for one hour of martial arts training and one hour of wolf training. Finally, they had to do four full laps around the pack borders.
Next, the middle–ranked wolves coached before lunch for ninety minutes in strength training and hand–to–hand combat. After that, wolf training for seventy–five minutes with two laps around the pack border. Trina and Petra Rose both participated in this group.
Furthermore, the frail wolves coached before dinner. They had to participate in forty–five minutes of stamina building exercises and strength workout to improve muscle tone. Due to the fact, she and Benjamin needed them to have the strength and stamina in order to actually instruct them in the art of self–defense. Before, they could put them into full training on how to defend themselves. Betty Mae was in this group.
Aisha was proud of how her groups were coming along. She mentioned it to her ex- trainer Scott in their weekly updates every chance she got. He was proud of her. He was glad she was doing well.
The weekends were off days. Once a month, on a Saturday, the Alpha and Luna did run drills. In order to get pack members prepared in case of attack, to run to the center of the pack quickly and injured women w/children to the lockdown in the basement of the packhouse. We would all fight and defend from the center of the pack grounds. We do have pack members that arrived pregnant or missing limbs or fingers.