Aisha P.O.V.
Monday afternoon…… in the Penthouse
Zena stiffened and said,” I am sorry but Alpha Michele‘ has given me strict orders that you can’t leave the penthouse”
I walked straight out of the bedroom and went downstairs. I carried my purse, phone and shoes along with me. I was met by three big male guards blocking the elevator. They were blocking the only exit I had found so far in the penthouse.
“What the f**k?” Topaz shouted, rather growled. She hates to be confined and would never agree to be locked away again. I could feel her pacing in my head. She was livid.
So, I looked at Zena who had followed closely behind me and asked,” Why can’t I leave? I am
Alpha Michele’s fate mate, and he has to take me out to meet his pack members!” in a
determined but calm voice.
The tension hung thick between us.
She looked away, as if contemplating how to reply to me. When she finally faced me again,
she said,” It is not my story to tell, but you can’t meet his pack members. At least for now.
Basically, he has ordered that you not leave the penthouse until further notice. In addition, no
one in or out except for his Beta Jackson, himself and, of course, me. Furthermore, he has
placed three guards here and another three in the hotel lobby in front of the penthouse privat
“I want to see him now!” I demanded as I started pacing back and forth in the living room. I
noticed the guards had not moved from in front of the elevator.
“Sorry, you can’t. He is too busy!“she replied as she took a seat on the sofa.
“Call him then! Right now!” I demanded as I stood in front of her.
“Sorry, you can’t speak with him either‘ She responded as I sighed to calm my nerves before I
beat this b***h’s ass for playing with me.
Zena shook her head with a sigh, as if pitying me. She got up and said,” I am here if you need
anything. Please go back and eat your food before it gets cold. Alpha Michele‘ is going to
come this evening,”
I promptly walked into the kitchen to call my girls and inform them of this latest development.
*B Points
We talked and formed a plan.
They were already in a stretched limousine headed this way when I called them. All I had to do was whip the three Delta ranked guards‘ asses and the three in the lobby along with Zena. Holly and JuJu would be positioned in the lobby in case I needed assistance.
Shelly had discovered a three–minute glitch in the security system. Once the power for the whole building had been shut off, Trina along with Louisa would sneak in and enter the boiler room. They would shut off the power for the building by pulling the emergency lever located in
the boiler room.
After that, hit the lever again to restore power. So, to others it would just seem like a normal
power glitch in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada. Then they would rush back to the awaiting Limo.
Shelly, Robin and Lizzy would be waiting and monitoring everything in the Limo. The
three–minute glitch would allow the elevator door to open and automatically take me to the lobby as the system rebooted.
I took a cursory glance at the newspaper open on the island table and walked to the fridge to
take out an apple. As I took the first bite, my eyes fell on a picture on the front page of the
The image in the newspaper punched the air out of my lungs.
Michele‘ was standing with a beautiful thin blonde with white porcelain skin and green eyes.
His arm was wrapped around her waist. This article was from five days ago before we met.
I told myself, I can’t blame or judge him for what happened before he met me, only from the
moment our two souls met. He was wearing a tuxedo while she wore an olive silk dress that
fell to her knees. She was smiling and looking at him with pure love in her eyes. While he had
that trademark smirk on his face mingled with a look of victory. All I can think about is that
she is everything I am not.
The text beneath read: Famous International Model Emily Connor, got engaged to longtime
boyfriend, wealthy businessman Michele‘ Rossi, today. According to sources, they are set to marry in the next fifteen days. Emily and Michele‘ have known each other since childhood and
want to honor their love in the form of matrimony.
Topaz and I started to see red.
The text continued: Emily’s modeling agency is very happy to announce the engagement. They are saying that Emily will be wrapping up all her contractual assignments and then retire to
focus on her marriage.
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Just as I read the last word, I got a mindlink from Trina,” Everyone is in place! Tell me when you want me to turn the power off, Aisha!”
I replied,” Okay!” and promptly ended the mindlink.
Quickly, I made sure I had everything I needed and walked over to Zena. I looked her dead in her eyes and said,” You should have called him for me and lost the attitude! But you gonna learn today not to play with me!”
“What?! What are you talking about?” she replied, totally taken aback by my words as she
stood up from the sofa again.
I punched her in the face and knocked her out cold. I said,” That’s for not addressing me as
Luna Aisha, b***h!”
Through the mindlink to Trina I shouted,” One down and three to go!” as the three guards
rushed towards me.
I knocked out cold the first guard that reached me with one strong right hook to the face. “Two
to go!” I declared through the mindlink to Trina.
Both guards tried to attack me at the same time. However, I did a drop–kick and knocked one
into the other. As they tried to regain their balance, I really went into attack mode.
I broke and shattered the blonde guard’s knee cap. Next, I punched him hard and knocked him
out as well. I mindlinked Trina,” One left! Go ahead and turnoff the power, Trina!”
After that, I placed three brutal kicks into the last guard’s stomach. As he gasped for air, I
broke and shattered his right knee cap. Next, I ducked his last five moves, waiting for an opportunity to land my fatal left hook to his face and end this fight.
My patience prevailed just as the elevator door opened. I ran into the elevator and hit the lobby
button. Trina mindlinked me to inform me that her and Louisa were back in the Limo waiting
for me.
As the elevator was getting closer to reaching the lobby, I received another mindlink from Trina,” You don’t need to fight once you get to the lobby floor! Just walk normally to the Limo waiting outside! Holly and JuJu arranged a delightful distraction for the guards!”
I got off the elevator to see five gorgeous Latino women flashing the three huge male guards. They were too busy staring at the women to notice my departure from the elevator. So, I just kept walking and smiling.
Unfortunately, as I reached the hotel doors, I encountered Alpha Emilio, Beta Fabio and his
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daughter Cataleya entering the hotel. I didn’t bother to stick around to give a formal greeting.
Quickly, I just said,” Good Afternoon! Have a good day! I am running late for an appointment!”