3rd P.O.V.
Sunday Morning Black Mantle Pack Land
“She might not be here, but I know you have knowledge of her whereabouts, Alpha Roberto!
Please tell me where she went?” demanded Alpha Hudson, standing in front of our packhouse.
looking distraught
“She is your ex–mate and, from what I heard, for good reason! Gamma Aisha Gay is a good
woman and didn’t deserve to be treated so cruelly by you!” declared a furious Luna Isabella as
she stood beside her mate.
“I heard that pack of yours isn’t fairing too well since you sinned against your fate mate. I
would focus on making amends to the Moon Goddess if I was you. So, she can grant you a
second chance, mate. She will do so if and only if the Alpha’s heart and intentions are pure
Because, son, the first mateship has sailed away. Gamma Aisha will not be reuniting with you.
* stated Alpha Roberto, firmly shaking his head as he kissed his mate’s cheek lovingly.
“No! Her name is Nola Aisha Gaye! I will never give up on us! I made a mistake that I intend to
correct. One kiss can start to rebuild our bond. What Nola and I once had….. it was magical
and special.” proclaimed Alpha Hudson, looking at Alpha Roberto and Luna Isabella defiantly
as Beta Ricardo and Lunelle walked over to join them.
“At this point, if that was truly the case, you are an even bigger fool than I initially thought. I
can’t help you! I have other matters to attend to today. I only entertained you as a courtesy to
the Elder Council Please get off my land, now. We are done here!” replied Alpha Roberto in a
very dismissive tone.
I watched as Alpha Hudson stormed off the packland but not before promising to return.
Sunday Afternoon
Author P.O.V.
Luna Isabella was in her home office completing her duty of paying all their family’s monthly
expenses. When a text came in from Gamma Louisa. She grabbed her phone, eager to get an
update on how the trip was coming along so far.
Gamma Louisa: Remember when you said to keep you posted. If anything interesting
happened or if some s**t popped off. So, you can act accordingly,
+8 Points
Luna Isabella: Well, of course I remember! What happened? Now! Don’t tell me Shelly’s biological family is trying to stir up s**t. Because I will f**k them up over my four little chocolate drops. I love them, girls! I truly wish we had met them sooner.
Gamma Louisa: Me, too! No! Because I would be calling you for bail money if that was the
case. Guess who was hit with cupid’s love arrow!
Luna Isabella: Trina! I am so happy for her! Who is he? What pack does he belong to Louisa?
Gamma Louisa : Nope!
Luna Isabelle; ?
Gamma Louisa: Gamma Aisha met her second chance mate last night at the club. She
automatically went into heat. They are together right now. I don’t know what’s going to happen. once her heat breaks, I am assuming s**t about to hit the fan. It’s Alpha Michele‘!!!
Luna Isabelle: Alpha Michele‘ of the White Fang Pack?
Gamma Louisa: One and the same!
Luna Isabelle; s**t! Just got real, as the young people say.
Gamma Louisa: And you know it!
Luna Isabelle: Please keep me in the loop. Wait till I inform my mate!
Gamma Louisa: Of course! I just pray I have front row seats the first time Luna Constantine
and Emily meet Aisha! LOL
Luna Isabelle: You are so bad! My money is on my chocolate drops! SMH