Aisha P.O.V.
As we walked into the dining hall for lunch, I saw that it was set up a lot more formally than usual. Gone was the buffet–style set–up and the serving staff are now in uniforms. Plus, we
have the new addition of eight (8) guards.
I immediately looked at my girls and then at the guards. I busted out laughing. My girls already know if s**t goes left …. they going to need more than eight fuckin guards. We have been there and done that s**t already.
Then I remembered Shelly said last time no guards were present at the dinner party.
As we started laughing Shelly said, “I know right! Remember last time!” shaking her head. So,
we laughed harder to the point of tears.
A big girl named Danny had taken Trina’s tray of food at lunchtime before Holly and I arrived. I guess she thought we weren’t coming to the cafeteria that day. She definitely thought Shelly was a push over and was going to allow it. Well, Shelly spoke up and told her to put the tray
back down.
Danny told her “Shelly! Shut up before I take your food, too!”
Long story short, Shelly beat the bricks off that girl. She was all size with no real fighting
skills. She was a poor excuse for a bully.
I think Shelly beat that girl for every time her old pack was mean to her. Danny was in the hospital for a whole week. Shelly doesn’t like to fight, but she knows how.
We taught both of them the pressure points on the human body. In addition, to how to fight to kill or injure quickly. Because sometimes you don’t want to kill them.
You just want to be able to get the f**k away from them swiftly. By both of them being Omegas, the longer the fight takes, the more chance of them becoming injured.
By the time we entered the dining hall at Juvie, Trina was laughing watching Shelly beat Danny’s ass. Her crew had just realized it was time to jump into bank Shelly and Trina. Due to fact, Danny wasn’t coming back from this ass whooping. Shelly was stomping her out.
Holly and I saw the C–Murder gang jump up out of their seats. All fifteen girls ran towards them. Therefore, we leaped into action and attacked them.
All four of us beat all sixteen of them. They were a weak ass crew. By the time it was over,
+8 Points
food was everywhere.
A huge food fight was going down. They had to call in the “Goon Squad” to regain control from us kids. Every single child was wilding out.
They were either fighting or throwing food or damaging the building. The “Goon Squad” comes when there’s a risk of a riot. The four of us got one week in solitary confinement for our part in it. No one ever tried to take our food again.
Robin inquired with a silly grin on her face,” Girls, what is so funny? I’m dying to know. These four ladies together are a mess, for real! I don’t think I have laughed so hard in all my life.”
Quiet Trina, who rarely speaks without being spoken to first confessed with a straight face We were just laughing about the time Shelly beat this girl’s ass for taking my lunch tray and got us all one whole week trip to solitary confinement. Best week of my life I found out I had real friends for the first time in my life and that I could fight for myself if I needed, too.”
“Shelly, my timid little butterfly? Shelly started a fight?” asked Carlos, unable to believe his own ears. His mate had expressed to him that she had a bad temper, but he saw no signs of it. He has only witnessed her being a peacemaker. He started to worry, hoping that her temper wasn’t as bad as Holly’s. If so, he would have to find a way to address it and fast.
“Don’t act like that, mate! I told you I had a temper, too! I was honest with you! Holly isn’t the only one with anger management issues at this table!” voiced Shelly to her mate Carlos, holding his hand across the table.
“Shelly, you out here in these streets whipping people’s asses?” probed a very amused Juju.
“Yes! My girls can’t have all the fun!” replied Shelly, laughing.
“Solitary confinement! You must be mistaken! It is an illegal practice to have inside a Juvenile Detention Center for werewolf minors.” stated Gamma Javier.
“Big Danny was of Alpha blood, too! Shelly beat that ass!” declared Trina very proudly to everyone at the table. While not even bothering to address his statement.
“What the hell? This has gotten fascinating! Do tell!” announced Beta Ricardo.
“Holly, tell the story. You are the best storyteller out of all of us!” responded Shelly.
“Wait, before you start to tell the story…. let me say this first. At Tyson Brownsville Juvenile Rehabitation Center solitary confinement is very real. Holly and I spent enough time in them. They started to feel like our second home. Now, I can’t speak for the other centers because we were only at Tyson. So I don’t know what is going down at them.” I informed them.
+8 Point:
Carlos and Laz were both growling and upset about the mistreatment of their mates.
“Well, I will definitely be making some calls and making some visits once all the festivities are
over. All the Alphas when creating the four juvenile centers voted no solitary confinement, for still developing adolescent wolve brains it would be damaging. Studies showed it would make
them prone to fits of anger, developing short tempers and easier to go feral.” confessed Alpha
“Well, what you said does make a lot of sense. I personally remember four kids going feral. They had to be shot after a long stay in solitary confinement. They shot them kids dead.” informed Trina quietly, looking sad.
“Well, with 300 hurt and angry kids to only 100 guards! s**t can get real….real fast!” expressed Holly in a rather serious tone.
“No! It’s supposed to be 200 to 250 guards at all times!” stated Beta Ricardo.
“Why clutch my pearls and say it ain’t so! Cause in all my years, I never saw that s**t!” countered Shelly, holding her heirloom pearl necklace. She had been able to hold onto some of her family’s personal items with the help of a trusted old friend in her old pack.
Everyone listened attentively to Holly telling the story.
“No wonder you have such a short fuse! Holly, if that’s the case! That’s terrible and insane!
How do they expect our young people to come out and be better? If they are not set–up
properly to begin with.” stated Lizzy, visibly upset.
“Just because the baby prison was lacking doesn’t give them an excuse to be uncivil and
violent!” uttered Ava.
“No excuse!” voiced Sara in agreement.
“None, whatsoever!” replied Esmeraldo.
“I see! Someone didn’t learn their lesson from last time!” responded Juju, shaking her head.
“Exactly!” I said, looking around the table at everyone to gage who I might have to beat up
“No one is talking to you, Juju! Stay out of it!” shouted Sara, looking annoyed at her.
“Make me!” yelled Juju, looking like she wanted all the smoke.
“Absolutely not! We are not having any fights tonight! So, if you don’t have anything nice to say DON’T and I repeat DON’T say it at all. Furthermore, that goes for every single lady at this table!” declared Alpha Roberto.
+8 Poin!
Everyone nods their heads in agreement. I felt Alpha Victor watching me. I looked up to see
Luna Valentina noticing it as well and she instantly became furious.
“So, Aisha, have you had any contact with your stepparents or old pack since asked Luna Valentina, smiling at me, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes.
“No!” I answered.
your release?”
I noticed Alpha Victor readjust himself in his seat to better look at me. Alpha Victor is a Latin man about 6’4 with a football player build. He has light brown skin and dark black, low–cut curly hair with a full beard. He isn’t attractive with his bugged–out eyes. He looks creepy and
gives off sinister vibes.
So, I said f**k it in my head, lean my head to the side and take a deep breath and asked” Is
there something you wanted to ask me or say Alpha Victor, you have been watching me rather