Tale The 99

Tale The 99

99: Offers 


Hi Jason. I am guessing this is a friendly, informal visit since you came to my home two days after Christmas.Alvin Rogers says as he lets me in the door

It is. I wanted to talk to you about Luci Forrester.” 

He gestures toward one of the chairs in his living room as he sighs. I wondered if you or Easton would come to see me. Luci is a popular topic, from reporters calling me to Dale Porter to the new hockey coach, Matt Powers, Gina Humphries, and now you.He sits down heavily

Why is Gina Humphries calling you?I ask with interest

She wants to sue us for firing her. Her lawyer has explained she doesn’t have a damn leg to 

stand on. She’s relentless though. I have already filed for a restraining order from her. I only had ten angry voicemails where she threatened me to back it up. I’ll save you a few more 

questions. Matt called me because Dale Porter claimed Humphries bullied Maxton and kicked 

him off the team needlessly. As for Dale, he gives me the same story. I told him to go f**

himself, his son should be expelled, but I was overruled. How is Luci? I planned to meet with 

her next week.” 

That’s why I wanted to talk to you. What are you going to say to her?” 

That she can stay in school as long as she wants on our dime. Her scholarship is indefinitely 

extended. If she wants back into the childhood development department, I’ll make sure her 

schedule is what she needs it to be. And we’ll get her done as fast as we can. I also want to 

know if she complained to anyone in my offices and they pushed her aside. They’ll be fired 

too.He props his elbow on the side of the chair and leans his head on his fingers. “One giant 

f*****g mess Jason.” 

That will help. She’s miserable I believe in her current major.” 

Megan Anderson said the same thing. She will be Luci’s new advisor if that’s what she wants

Also, I understand Humphries suppressed the police reports from the accident. He used the 

school to back his threats and paid the officers off with school funds. I want her to file

complaint for the money, Jason. Toward the school.” 

I frown at him. You want her to go after the school? She’s not like that.” 

He leans forward. I want her to do it so I can sue the hell out of them for it. Defamation of the 

school, utilizing school funds for inappropriate means. But I need her complaint on record and 


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99: Offers 

us paying her out for it. It will be quick too.” 

You are vindictive Alvin.I give him an approving nod

No that’s called justice. That fucker went after an innocent girl because he and his wife were 

obsessed over their daughter. I want them to pay more than I can make them.” 

I’ll talk to her. It’s her decision though.I warn him

She won’t have to suffer through anything. Her written complaint along with the evidence

already have will suffice.He promises me


Yes, we’re going to Mrs. Isabelle’s to play with Barrett.I tell a very excited Cole. We were 

supposed to have girlsnight tonight but Stormi can’t make it. We’re going tomorrow for that

but Cole and Barrett have been begging to play and Mrs. Isabelle has to go to work in a few 

hours, so I’ll watch Barrett until Banning is off. When Mrs. Isabelle leaves, I’ll pack both boys 

up and bring them back to the Reed house. Vince will be following me. I called him and told him we are picking up lunch first and then going to the Olmos house. He’s been invited to hang out inside so he’s excited I think

Easton and the guys are at hockey practice today so we have the afternoon free. Mommy can I take my superheroes?” 

Yep. I’ll pack them up.” I load us into the car and we drive off, finding Vince at the gate waiting. He follows us to the diner for hamburgers which the boys requested. I bought Vince 

and Mrs. Isabelle one also. Syd is working today along with Banning

Alright, let’s go eat and play.” 

Mrs. Isabelle opens the door before we even get to it and Cole races to her. Hi Nanna!He 

hugs her and then runs in calling Barrett’s name

Make yourself at home Cole.I say laughing. Vince is right behind me chuckling

She shakes her head. He’s family here and he knows it.” 

Come eat boys.I call out before I hand her and Vince their bags

Luci you didn’t need to buy me lunch.” He protests

Are you stuck following me? I think that means lunch is in order.I tell him as Cole and Barrett come racing to the table. They set their toys aside before climbing into their chairs. They are throwing their trash away when someone knocks on the front door. Mrs. Isabelle goes with Vince to check it. He comes back and gives me a look before Mrs. Isabelle steps in 


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and stares at me. Who” 

Imogen Reed walks in behind her looking very subdued compared to her normal austereness

Nanna can we go play in Barrett’s room?Cole asks her and I watch Imogen step to the side 

to see him

Grandmother.He says and automatically straightens up becoming more serious

Hi Cole.She says softly

He turns to me and I nod at him. I don’t see you at home anymore.” 

No I….I had to go somewhere else.She answers him gently

Santa brought me a bike and a SpiderMan toy. Did you have a merry Christmas?He tells her 

with none of his usual excitement

It sounds like you had a good Christmas. I’m glad.” She smiles at him but it’s tremulous

Mommy, can we go play?He asks me and I nod

Luci, do you want to talk to her?Mrs. Isabelle asks me point blank. She came here to see 


I don’t know how you knew I was here.I say worriedly

I saw you at the diner and heard you say that you two were coming here.She admits

It’s ok Mrs. Isabelle. Would you keep an eye on them for a minute?” 

Call for help if needed. I’ll bring my rolling pin or shovel if I need to.She gives Imogen a clear 

warning look before leaving

Vince moves toward the front door. I’m going to check both doors and then I’ll be nearby.” 

Do you want to sit down?I ask her, curious why she came to see me

I suppose.” She sits but stares at her hands that she keeps clasping and unclasping. I see she’s still wearing her wedding rings. I let the silence continue, figuring she needs a minute. She finally scoots forward on the couch and looks up at me. I….I came to apologize to you Luci. You…..you were very right about so much the other day. I did come thinking I’d ride in and show them I would help fix things and they would be happy about it. An easy way back in. But seeing the pain on Jason’s face when he told me I didn’t get it. When I saw my boys not move even a millimeter toward me when I was so upset at the end…..it showed me that you were 

right. I haven’t worried for their needs more than my own in so long.She gives a short selfdeprecating laugh. My own grandson didn’t even look happy to see me today. He’s calling 


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Sydney’s mother Nanna with joy. I did that. Someting I can fully use the I word for, as you so aptly pointed out. I broke their trust and love for me. I let that go, the chance to be Cole’s Granny or Mimi.She tears up and I can see she’s finally realized a portion of what she’s lost

It might not be too late.I hazard and she gives me a rueful smile

You are as sweet as everyone says. It’s way past too late I fear, Luci. But I didn’t come for you to pity me or attempt to help me. I came to at least admit to you that I was very wrong about 

you and I’m sorry. I’m going to work on myself. You are good for them. Seeing Easton defend 

you….you have changed him. He was becoming cold and distant like me except with Cole and 

his brothers. I hope that you continue to make him happy though it seems like you will. Cole 

too. He’s been without a mom for a long time.She stands up and begins walking to the door. 

Mrs. Imogen.I call out, hoping this doesn’t bite me back later. She turns slightly

Maybe….maybe one day we can go have lunch and Cole can come if Easton’s ok with it. Cole 

has to be willing to go too.” 

She gives that tight smile. He won’t be. Neither will Cole. And that’s….that’s how it should be. But you are very kind to offer that Luci. Please don’t let others change you. I listened to their poison. Avoid it. Though it seems like you won’t have the same problems I did.” 

She walks to the door and I follow her only to find Vince waiting by it. She leaves and I watch her walk away. You can see the sadness in her form. You’re very kind Luci.Vince says as he closes the door and locks it. “Most would write her off not offer her a slight bit of hope.” 

I know. But she’s their mother and she could change. I won’t knock down a bridge if she’s 

sincere about rebuilding it.” 


Ivory Row 

I’ll try to have the next chapter out late tonight. Imogen is not going to be redeemed in this book. But this is the beginning of her reckoning with herself no matter where she ends up

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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