98: The Real Reason Part 3
After long deliberation, Luci and Cole decided to name her polar bear, Snowy and the penguin, King. I tried to suggest Mustard and Ketchup since they will share space with Corndog. Both of them gave me an amused look and shook their heads.
Cole wanted to call Barrett and tell him Merry Christmas, so Luci took him to the playroom to do that. I finish making sure we’ve cleared out all the wrapping paper and everyone’s gifts are stacked up neatly.
Kingston, Becker and Jackson are helping me. “That was the best Christmas we’ve had in a
while I think.” Becker says as he flops onto the couch once we’re done.
“The most emotional. s**t, Luci can’t write books for us anymore.” Kingston shakes his head.
“Funny and yet tear–inducing. She thought about writing children’s books for a living, Easton? I
mean,she and Sydney could do that and clean up.” Jackson mentions.
“I thought about that the other day too. Something else I need to ask her about.”
Becker’s eyes gleam as he leans forward. “Speaking of asking her things….I thought there’d be
something that fits on the left hand, round, sparkly, can cut through glass kind of thing in her
pile of presents today.” He grins.
“It’s not ready yet.” Jackson reveals.
I glare at him as Kingston claps. “I won. You’ll have to pay up, Beck.”
Becker rolls his eyes. “Dammit. Did you fail to plan there, East?”
“No, he ordered something rare and expensive, requiring a special courier here.” Jackson’s
eyes twinkle with mischief.
“s**t, East what did you order?” Becker asks.
“You’ll see when it gets here. And you, worst secret keeper in the house…” I nudge Jackson
with my foot. “I shouldn’t share with you that the odds might definitely be in your favor, but I guess I will.” His eyes widen.
“How’d Jackson know about it anyway?” Kingston asks.
“Because he went with him.” Dad says from the side. “I was curious if it would arrive in time.”
I shake my head. My family…..
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99: The Real Reason Part 3
“I was thinking about having a New Year’s Eve Party. Something for some friends and close acquaintances. Like Matt since he’s going to be our coach next year. Vince, Marco and their families. Luci can invite the Olmos family. Maybe we make it fun like a mask masquerade party, and you have to guess who they are. What do you boys think?”
“Sounds good Dad.” Jackson tells him.
“I’m sure Luci will love that and so would Cole.” I tell him. “Hell, I even think that sounds fun.”
Becker leans over and touches my forehead. “No fever. Tell me if you’re being given things to say you normally wouldn’t under threat of death. Are you truly Easton Reed?” I knock his hand away and roll my eyes.
Dad chuckles. “Luci is rubbing off on you.”
Yeah she is.
“I’m going to help her get him ready for bed. He’s got to be exhausted with no nap again today.” I stand up and leave them. “Meet back here for the Uno game in an hour?”
They all nod and I go find them in the playroom. Luci’s on the phone, so I motion for him to
follow me.
Cole is tired but happily sings during his bath. “Did you have a good day buddy?” I ask him as I
dry him off.
“It was the best day Daddy. Luci knows she’s real. Mommy I mean. Is it ok if I sometimes call
her Luci?”
“Yeah it is. She won’t get upset. She’s getting used to it too. I loved my book you wrote.”
He smiles. “Mommy said you would like that. Is she going to live with us Daddy?”
“Yes. Maybe not yet, but I’m going to ask her to. Do you like her staying here with us?” I carry
him toward his bed.
“Uh huh. I like waking up and she’s here. She sang to me to help me sleep this morning.”
“I like waking up and she’s here too. We’ll convince her.”
“Ok.” I cover him up and Luci walks in. She’d been talking to Sydney.
Cole yawns hugely. “I think you’ve had all the Christmas you can take Mr. Cole. I thought of something for you to dream about. What if you dream about Christmas trees that sing and dance? They put on a show for the Thanksgiving turkeys like a talent show along with the pumpkins from Halloween.”
99: The Real Reason Part 3
He giggles. “That’s funny. Like me in my costume at the play.”
“Yes. Very smart Coco.” She says giving him a kiss on the forehead. “I love you and I hope you had the best day today.”
“I did. You sleep with Snowy and King tonight?”
“I will. Do you think Daddy might want to snuggle with one of them?” She whispers giving me a side glance. I playfully grimace at her. I will happily share my bed with those two animals for the reason they exist. They might get shoved to the bottom of the bed, but they’ll be there to
make Cole happy.
“You should let him sleep with Snowy.” He whispers.
“I will then. Thank you for being my sweet Coco. Did you get everything you wanted?” She runs her fingers through his hair which makes me sleepy. I’m sure he’s almost gone.
“Uh huh. I even got big wish.”
“What was that for?” I ask him knowing the answer.
“For Luci to be mommy.” He says, smiling. She closes her eyes at that. I didn’t quite tell her he
named her specifically to be his mommy to Santa.
“Sleep buddy. We’ll see you in the morning.” I lean down and kiss his forehead. He’s out
minutes later.
I follow her through the connecting door. I have one last thing to give her. “How about a movie in bed later? Dad said something about playing a round of Uno or something first.”
“Sounds good. I’m going to change into a sweatshirt and my pajama pants though.”
“I’ll do the same.” I tug my shirt over my head, facing her way. Her eyes catch it immediately. ” Easton, what is that? Did you get hurt?” She’s on her feet immediately.
“Where?” I ask, keeping my face impassive.
“Under your tattoo. It’s all pink and there’s….wait a minute.” She is toe to toe with me and her fingers settle underneath it.
“That’s a sunflower and a gerbera daisy…….” her eyes widen as she lifts her head to face me.
“What else Luci?”
“My birthday. You have a tattoo of my favorite flowers and my birthday.” She whispers.
“You forgot the little brown rabbit.” I tease her softly. She goes to touch it but stops. “It’s
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healed enough you can touch it Luci.” She lightly runs her finger over it. Always so soft with
her touch when she runs her finger over Cole’s and she does the same now.
“Easton, that’s very permanent.”
“It is. I guess you have to stay with me now.”
Her finger traces over it slowly. “I love you, Easton Reed and I don’t even know how to begin to show you.”
“You can glue yourself to my side. That would work.” I push her hair away from her face.” You’ve shown me plenty. If there’s anyone who demonstrates love, it’s you. You didn’t get to
hear me tell Lorelei how I feel about you which was ok, but it also wasn’t. I wanted to tell you
first. This.” I point to my chest. “Is to show you that you are permanent in my life. Do you
dream about the future sweetness? You always seem like you don’t go too far.”
“I…I don’t or at least I really try not to. The way I grew up, it seemed more like a problem to
plan, to dream too big.”
“Can you see yourself staying with us?” I cup the back of her neck so she’ll look up at me.
“I…I want to.” She whispers. “I just get worried.”
“Dream for me Luci. Let me tell you what I told Lorelei.” I make sure she’s looking at me before I start. “You have my heart you know. You helped heal it, and you did thaw it.” She touches her
necklace. I cover her fingers with mine.
“When we have more babies, I’ll add to it.” I say deliberately as I watch her face.
She freezes instantly. “More…babies…”
I nod, keeping my eyes glued to hers. “Yes. I’ve held back to not scare you because it’s fast, but I’m done with that sweetness. I was glad Jessie turned the transmission off at the time because I wanted to tell you myself. I belong to you Luci. You are part of my heart, I swear. You are everything to me. And I’m going to give you everything. Everything in my power that I can. You have my heart and my soul already and…. f**k if you leave me love, I will be torn to pieces. The only thing that will hold me to this world will be our son I have to raise. When you said you would leave us if that was the price for me to keep Cole, I think my heart did stop. The very idea of having to give you up is….paralyzing. I’m not going to think that way. With me,
babies. my Luci?” I pause and she slowly nods. “I’m going to give you my ring, my name and My life Luci….it’s yours and I f*****g pray you want that too. That’s just the start of the list.”
“Easton, are you sure? I mean I’m…my issues…to want all that….and for good…I could pass
along my issues.”
* Poin!
99: The Real Reason Part 3
“Luci, I sure as hell hope you pass along a lot of you to our kids. You are perfectly flawed and I love every item on the list. Too sweet, genuine, loving to a fault, with beautiful words that change people’s mindset and outlook. You panic like a frightened rabbit, blame yourself and
spiral, cower under the covers during a storm, love our son to no end and protect those you
love like a classy clawed mama bear. That last bit is Becker’s description and not mine. But
it’s you. I love it all and I want to be right next to you for the rest of our lives.”
“Easton…” She’s crying. “I would be broken beyond repair if I lost you and Cole. I’ll leave if I
have to, but I don’t want to.”
“You’re not leaving. Stay with us forever. And this is not a proposal. I’m not a romantic, but I
know this would be the lamest, shittiest way to do that for you. You deserve the movie kind of
stuff. This is me telling you, so you have no doubts. Preparing you for when I do ask.
“Easton, you need to realize your words are meaningful and important and when you say
things like you just did, that’s what makes it special. Not all the trimmings and trappings from
some romantic movie proposal. I don’t need all that.” She says imploringly.
“I want you to have all that. You might not need it, but I want to give it to you. I want….I want
you to have beautiful moments and memories to pull out when you think you aren’t real or feel
less than. I want you to have those trimmings and trappings to push out all those unhappy
memories. That’s the real reason for doing things like that. I love you too much not to.”
Ivory Row
Sorry guys. I had to stop halfway through last night because I was in migraine hell. Anyway, here you go. I’ve got to go fix what my aura did to my chapters for Sarah and Liam’s wedding. I will put a few pictures up for all of this later and show you what this looks like, including his tattoo though it’s not the best picture but was as close as I could create. I know a few of you wanted him to propose but he needs to ease Luci into that. She wouldn’t spiral but she needs a little extra time.