Tale The 96

Tale The 96

96: The Real Reason Part


My alarm goes off and I open my eyes surprised. I shut it off. 7:30 Christmas morning and 

Cole is still asleep? I turn my head and see why. He’s curled up against Luci. I wonder if he got in the bed quietly or if I slept through him waking up

Being careful not to disturb them, I unlock my phone. Luci always takes pictures of he and I.

need to start taking pictures of her with him. I snap a few before moving back in to her side

She stirs when I do. I press my lips to her ear. Shhh. You have a sleeping Coconut pressed 

against you.” 

Her eyes open slowly and she looks down at him smiling. She whispers He woke up super 

early and I got him to come crawl in bed here instead of waking the whole house.” 

Did I sleep through it?” 

I moved the monitor to my side so you could sleep.” 

I say nothing and wrap my arms around them both. Shoving aside all the absolute hell that 

we’ll deal with soon enough, I blank my mind and enjoy just this. Ten minutes later, Cole 

begins to stir. He rubs his eyes before turning to us, that little voice thick with sleep. Morning 


Merry Christmas Cole.” 

He grins happily. Merry Christmas. Mommy said I woke up too early so I came to sleep here.” 

Three A.M. is way too early for everyone, Coco.Luci answers my unspoken question. Go get 

your socks and let’s brush your teeth. Then I think we can go see about your presents.” 

He almost leaps out of the bed as I laugh. Much more motivated today. I’ll get ready and then 

watch him while you do the same.” 

She nods and follows him. She comes back while I’m brushing my teeth. Bluey has him 

momentarily contained.She explains and I point to her toothbrush. Did you move my 

bathroom stuff in here?” 

I eye her silently and finish before waiting for her. Once she’s done, I lift her up and she 

automatically wraps her legs around my waist. I pin her between me and the door. I did move 

your stuff since you sleep here. I seem to have missed my good morning kiss and also my Christmas morning kiss too. When you sit on my lap you’re going to have to confess that you 


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96: The Real Reason Part

were naughty instead of nice, I think.” 

I’m not sure my answer would matter to you. You’ll punish me either way.She mumbles before pulling my lips to hers and kissing me. I refuse to let her go after one though. Smart girl. You owe me at least two more.I mutter before kissing her again

Eastonnn.She whispers slowly as I kiss her neck. I think Cole wants his Christmas 


I know. Just wanted a taste of my gift I’m going to unwrap later.” I tell her with a grin. I set her 

on her feet and open the door. Cole bounces on the bed our way and he takes our hands to 

walk between us. I want to see what’s in my stocking. And if the cookies are gone.He’s still 

listing off things when we head down the hall, where we find Becker barely ahead of us

Merry Christmas Uncle Becker!He takes off running for him and he lifts him up high

You should be more excited, Cole. I mean it’s Christmas morning. This is like level 6. We need 

level 9 excitement.” He teases him

I tried to get up at 3, but Mommy said no, I had to go back to sleep.” 

Again, best mommy ever. I think I owe her for that one.He tells Cole as we walk into the 

living room

Kingston’s waiting there drinking his coffee. Coconut, you let us sleep in.” 

Luci made him sleep late.Becker answers, setting Cole down. He races over toward his 

presents. Luci follows him to take his picture

All hail Luci. I was shocked to see what time I woke up.” 

Baker, Dad and Jackson bring in trays with plates, coffee and juice. Cole is already asking for 

someone to open SpiderMan and checking out his bike

Grandpappy, Baker look! I got a new bike.” 

Good thing, since your legs outgrew the other one.Baker tells him very seriously before he gets comfortable on the couch

He races over to the pile I left for him. I snap his picture as he slips the helmet on his head 

sideways. It’s Dark Vader Daddy! Thank you!” 

Thought you might like that. It’s for practice only though. Not games.I warn him

He hops to the plate and glass next. The cookies are gone. And the milk. The carrots too. Look.He points with wide eyes before spinning and jumping as he looks up at the stockings


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96: The Real Reason Part

It’s full!” 

I laugh at his exuberance. Christmas morning through the eyes of a kid. Last year he was excited, but not like this. Luci is laughing at him

Can you grab Cole’s stocking?I watch her as she goes to lift it from the hook. Her hand freezes as she spots the one next to it. I snuck out last night and hung it up for her

She turns to stare at me. This wasn’t here last night.” 

Maybe you missed it. Take it down.” 

She lifts Cole’s before taking the white one down that has her name on it. Cole takes his from 

her and begins digging immediately

He exclaims over his superhero skate laces. I think I want some of those. I’ll take the Hulk for 

hockey games.Kingston says glancing at me

Maybe you should check your stocking.” I joke and Dad nods laughing. The three of them 

move to grab theirs and start looking. I shoved a pair of the laces in theirs last night too 

finding them full. Dad must have enjoyed playing Santa this year

Luci comes to sit beside me as we watch Cole pull out a pack of Go Fish cards, a wooden ball 

in cup toy, chopsticks attached by a shark head, light cubes for the bathtub, and some special 

snowman thinking putty she added to it. He immediately starts trying to eat his eggs with the 


You going to see what’s in that fancy sock?I eye her

She reaches in and removes a pair of sparkly purple skate laces. Shaking her head, she 

removes a thin white wrapped box, a keychain that has a hockey stick on it with an engraved 

plate reading I belong to the guy who drives the puck. She laughs at that. A magnetic pen she 

can change into shapes if she’s bored, a portable hand warmer, and two pairs of thick super 

soft socks in her favorite purple colors round out the stocking stuffers. Thank you.She 

whispers and I tap the one thing she hasn’t opened

When she opens the simple white box, I focus on her face. She lifts out the delicate silver 

chain and stares at the two hanging heart pendants there. One is a deep pink spinel and the 

other is a purplish tanzanite. It’s beautiful.” She fingers the two stones. They were’t overly 

large because I figured she would want something more subtle. Cole comes running over after 

I call his name

Mommy opened her necklace. That pink one is my heart.He touches it. For when I was born. And that’s daddy’s.He tells her proudly


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96: The Real Reason Part 1 

She lifts her head to look up at me. I love it.” 

Follow me to that big mirror out there and I’ll put it on you.She does and I take it from her

As she holds her hair up, I fasten it for her. Cole said we had to give you our hearts so you’d 

know yours would be safe with us. I thought he was right and this was one way to give you 

that. And these are different stones, but I wanted you to have something unique. That’s

spinel and this is a tanzanite.” 

She covers them with her fingers. You talked to Syd. She loves rare and usually expensive gemstones. I think that’s the sweetest reason behind this gift. I love this idea, Easton. I’ll take good care of them.She wraps her arms around my waist. I run my fingers through her hair and she stretches up to kiss me softly. I love you. You are always so thoughtful even if you 

act like you aren’t.” 

We’ll do the same with yours, Luci. I want you to move in with us. When you’re ready. I want you to be with us all the time. We’re going to have a long talk about this later. Right now, Coconut is probably about to burst to open the rest of his gifts.” 

She nods and I let it go. It’s going to be an emotional morning

They’ve piled all of Cole’s presents in a circle around him. He begins opening them to find the other superhero figures. Dad got him the Bluey trash truck he asked for along with a real working wooden crane and excavator. Luci got him some special sensory dream sand, a magnetic block set that can make a plane, robot and a bunch of other stuff and a set of Star Wars action figures along with a red light saber. He rushes to hug her tight along with 

everyone else

Kingston starts working on helping Dad and I open Cole’s toys. He was already planning to dig 

his excavator into the sand she got him

Who’s next?Jackson says. Cole races to the tree and grabs the large bag making us all 

tense up as he drags it along. Becker mutters where are the tissues?” 

Jackson pulls a box out to set in the middle of the coffee table. Lotion infused.He says 


Open mine Mommy.Cole drags the giant bag in front of her. I mentally brace myself for this. Dad doesn’t have any idea. Probably should have warned him if I hadn’t been dreading this so 

much myself. I went back and forth between telling her early and not. Jackson offered for 

them to leave and we be alone, but I might need help with Cole, plus they are as angry as I am 

over what these people said to her


Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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