94: Holly Jolly
“Are you really sure Isabelle doesn’t care we are all coming, Luci?” Mr. Jason asks me for
about the fourth time.
I laugh from my seat next to Cole. “I was expressly told to bring the entire Reed clan. And you don’t tell Mrs. Isabelle no. Or at least I don’t.” I fix Cole’s shoe before adding. “Baker was invited too but he is spending the day with Kylie shopping. She was also invited but apparently she already told her other dad they would be with him.” I add softly. We are heading to the Olmos house for the traditional Christmas Eve brunch and cookie making. I left out we play games like Pictionary and charades. I haven’t told them there will be hats and shirts ready for them. I had to send all their sizes. I also got Mr. Jason an apron that reads “Darthpappy” since
I brought all their aprons too.
“Barrett and I are going to exchange our presents too. I have Sydney’s and Mr. Banning’s
right?” He turns to me.
“I packed them.”
“You’re the best Mommy.” I squeeze his hand. I’m still getting used to that. The most interesting thing is that none of the Reed men batted an eyelash when he did it yesterday. Sydney had grinned widely along with Stormi. Banning had nodded approvingly.
“Does cookie making get…..messy at their house?” Becker asks mischievously.
“It does. Last year, Banning, Sydney and I might have had icing in our hair by the end. Barrett was surprisingly clean.”
“Hopefully Mrs. Isabelle has extra aprons then.” Jackson muses. “Cause we left ours.”
“You didn’t. I have them along with extra shirts for you.” I say with a grin. I don’t add that they are already wearing the extra shirts.
“You are the best mommy.” Becker says with a chuckle.
At the house, I usher Cole through the snow as I open the back door. “We don’t knock?”
Kingston laughs.
“Nope. This was my second home for a long time.”
“Luci Louuuuu.” I hear Banning singing my name. “Come help me beat Barrett at karaoke. He’s kicking my tail.”
94: Holly Jolly
“He kicks my tail. I can’t sing and you know that. Neither can Syd.” I see her stepping into the
kitchen and she playfully glares at me.
“I have many other talents Luci Lou. Like my killer ice skating skills that landed me this bruise when I took Barrett early this morning.” She lifts her arm and shows me the big purple mark.
“You did go early. Someone needs to teach you to skate.” I say lightly.
Her eyes dart to Jackson briefly. “I was on distraction duty for gifts. Mom’s on her way down
with your
shirts.” She points to hers and I cackle. She turns around as her mother calls for her
to hide hers.
“Sorry all. Welcome to our holly, jolly holiday shenanigan party. Here I am. I had to finish Luci Lou’s after her fun yesterday. Janet and Joel are coming too. Here you go. Let me see.” She starts handing out the black shirts. They have lines with heights on the sides with the grinch’s head peeking over a square sign. He wears the Santa hat and his eyes are staring out with
mischief. “This is Cole’s. He and Barrett match.”
They all read at the top North Pole Correctional Confectionary.
Cole’s lists his crime under the Grinch as
Conspiring To Commit Cuteness
Banning’s says Arson: Caught Lighting up the Christmas Tree
Sydney’s reads Vandalism: Broke a Tooth uh Ornament
Mine reads Arson: Lit into Intruders.
“Mrs. Isabelle…”
She shrugs. “It’s fitting and true.”
The Reed brothers’s shirts say North Pole Penalty Box at the top instead.
Easton gets Threats: Puck Around the Presents and Find Out
Jackson gets Trespassing: Pucking Around the Tree
Mr. Jason Disturbing the Peace: let his Puckers Out of the Penalty Box
Becker Failure to Comply: Zero Pucks Given for Wrapping
Kingston Theft: Caught Pucking Red Handed with Cookies
Mr. Logan Disorderly Conduct: Caught Picking on the Elves
Mrs. Isabelle Disturbing the Peace: Made Family Wear Matching Christmas Outfits
+ Paint
94: Holly Jolly
We all crack up. Kington laughs. “You failed to tell us we already had on our extra shirts Luci.”
“Oops.” I tease. “Wait until you see your hat.”
I watch Easton’s eyes widen. Mr. Logan walks in and shakes all their hands before wrapping me up in a hug. “How’s your tongue, Luci Lou?”
“It’s ok.” I answer hesitantly.
“I heard you gave someone a lashing with it. Probably a good one.” He kisses the top of my head. “Proud of you Luci Lou. And Sydney Tyson over there. My girls know how to handle
“I’ll hand out hats at the table. Logan, get the drinks out. I bet they are starving.”
Joel and Janet arrive and Cole goes running to hug her. She lifts him up admiring his shirt.
Joel’s shirt is funny. Fleeing the Scene: Can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man.
Janet’s crime is Too Many to List: Head Misfit.
“Truth, right Luci?” Joel grins at me.
“Alright, we’ve got cinnamon french toast and chocolate chip waffles. Sausage, bacon, eggs,
fruit. Make your plates and find a chair.” Mr. Logan calls out.
We’re eating when Mrs. Isabelle starts handing out hats. I have to hide behind my hand as I
see them. Syd and I got headbands with Cindy Lou Who hair and braids along with the teacup.
Cole and Barrett got green beanies with reindeer antlers. For all the men she holds up red felt
cowboy hats with the Santa belt buckle around it and white fur trim all around the brim. “I am
one short of this handsome hat. So one of you lucky gentlemen get this.” She holds up a hat
looking like a Christmas light bulb in bright orange.
“I want the light bulb.” Joel offers fast. I snap his picture and switch to video for the guys to
put their hats on. Banning flashes me a movie worthy scowl with his before he laughs. He’s a
good sport and more than used to his mom’s holiday fun.
I laugh as Becker snags his and purses his lips together bobbing his head slowly. “I’m Santa
cowboy. In a red sleigh, I ride. And I’m wanted….for toys and bikes. Wanted…toys, yes and
“Bon Jovi just rolled over with nightmares hearing that.” Banning manages to say between laughs.
94: Holly Jolly
I almost expect Easton to leave his on the table but he slips it on his head. I smile at him
happier than I can remember being. He leans over to whisper. “I hope you got him on video
singing. What do you think? Would you let me come down your chimney?” I swear that damn
voice can make the most innocent question sound dirty.
I can’t hold back the laugh. He leans away frowning playfully before his eyes light up. His lips
brush against my ear again. “You’ll sit on my lap and tell me if you’ve been a good girl or a naughty girl won’t you?” I push him away before he can come up with anything else to turn
into an innuendo. He grins mischievously.
“You’re very happy Luci.” He tweaks my headband.
“I am. Hopefully we have a drama free day.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Sydney asks across from me. “Besides we’re about to have a cookie
battle complete with icing war. And I think we have armies this year.” She grins looking over
our extra guests.
Mrs. Isabelle has us lined up to take pictures right after. “Before anyone spills any icing on
themselves.” She grins facetiously and I exchange knowing glances with Syd and Barrett.
She’s a huge icing fight instigator.
After we eat, I help Barrett and Cole start their cookies before working on mine. Everything is
going fine until Sydney starts laughing. I look over to find Banning covered in red icing. Syd’s
hand too. “The bag popped.” She can’t stop laughing at Banning’s expression. He squeezes a huge dollop of white onto his fingers and smears it down her nose and cheeks. “Now, all
Mr. Logan comes and steals all of our finished cookies. He whispers to Joel and the boys. There’s snowman decorating stuff for the backyard on the porch. Might be a good day for it.”
They grin and immediately ask me. “Please Mommy can we go?” Janet’s head whips my
direction at that. Probably should have forewarned her.
“I’ll take them Luci.” Joel offers.
“I’ll go too. It’s devolving into sugar war in here.” Janet agrees.
They leave and I see the guys are figuring out unique ways to aim icing at each other using the bags solo or with the different gun attachments. Becker is propping his bag up on a huge
bottle of sprinkles like a cannon. He smacks his hand on it and it fires right at Jackson. Kingston aims and manages to shoot icing into Becker’s mouth.
Mr. Logan comes by and slips something under the tablecloth into my hands before going
+8 Point:
94: Holly Jolly
around to Sydney’s side. I feel the cold metal and suppress my grin. He steps back and sips
his coffee nonchalantly. Mrs. Isabelle is right in the middle of the icing fight like normal.
“You’re going to be covered in green with sprinkles.” Jackson threatens Becker. And it isn’t
long before he is. Jackson hits him square in the nose with his icing gun.
Syd and I are minding our own business when Easton says “these two ladies are entirely too
clean, Jackson.” He turns quickly to smear icing on my face, but I’m ready. I aim the whipped cream can and get him right in the face. He’s stunned and I take off running, snatching up my coat to follow the little boys outside. I’ll have a blonde giant on my tail soon as he calls out to
- me.
Ivory Row
Nothing but fun
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